Character Name: Rossieu
Full Name: Rossieu Solomon
Nick Names: Ross
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Birthday/year: May 17th, 1911
Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None.
Hair: Extremely long,dirty blonde brown hair that hasn’t been cut since birth. Length falls to about the butt. Hair of this color and texture. As to why he hasn't cut it - that's a secret. However, he was always bullied throughout his youth because of his long hair.
Eyes: Cold chocolate brown and large.
Clothing: Green suit with a small zoot suit styled gangster hat. If present day attire is desired, you can draw him with a green jacket, blue jeans, and a hat of your choosing.
Weapon: Baseball bat.
Origin: Chicago, IL
Language: American English.
Blood Type: A
Height: Short – about 5’ 6”.
Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 138lbs – average weight for his height. Rossieu is slim but has strong shoulders.
Race/Species: Human of French decent.
Parents/Elders/Guardians: He left his parents as soon as he became legal in order to pursue a career in writing. While he does love them, he does not keep in contact with them - partly because does not know how to express that love. They do not necessarily like the fact that he has chosen to become a writer.
Siblings: Younger sister of about thirteen years.
Friends/Allies: Rossieu unwillingly becomes the lapdog of an Italian mob boss by the name of Lorenzetti during the great depression. He has a partner named Alexander who is a Russian sniper who has worked under Lorenzetti for an undefined period of time. He hardly ever speaks, but seems to have a soft spot for Rossieu.
Enemies: Anyone the Lorenzettis target.
Hobbies: Loves to write and always carries a pen and something to write on.
Likes: Being alone, control.
Dislikes: People mistaking him for a girl, authority (oddly enough)
Fears: Dying before he feels content with life.
Strengths: Writing – putting words to use. He is very convincing and a good speaker. He knows how to work his characters and applies his knowledge to real life – making him a wonderful actor as well.
Weakness: Does not know how to be himself – is constantly acting in order to find approval from others. He is hot headed and stubborn.
Good Qualities: Sympathetic and helpful.
Bad Habits: Bites his bottom lip when he is unsure of himself.
Turn Ons: Rossieu is not exactly interested in people at this stage in his life. Looks are of no importance to him, but someone who is highly determined to do something is a trait he admires.
Turn Offs: People who do not know what they want in life – people who mumble.
Normal Talents: Is able to play off both genders with ease – surprisingly to himself. He is easily believable and can easily make people do what he wants. He becomes the Lorenzetti’s lapdog at first by simply collecting money from those who owe – then by leading people to their deaths by seducing them.
Supernatural Powers & Abilities: No super natural abilities – unless being able to understand Alexander without him having to speak counts.
Temperament: Rossieu can be a bit two-faced in the sense that he will unwillingly yield to authoritative figures but then speak poorly of them behind their backs. When he is surrounded by people of his status or lower – he loses his quiet nature and becomes much more stubborn/hotheaded. Rossieu is driven by his desire to continue to write and will not let anything get in his way. He understands that in order for him to continue doing what he loves, he must yield to the mafia and assist in the murdering of other gang leaders.
Sad Reference Image by Me:

Ross with a Pony Tail by Sitting On It.