Name: Yuhee
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Eyes: bright blue
Hair: Straight grey hair with a curly cue
Likes: learning/school work, reading, sun, library, hot cocoa, simplicity, peace, cats
Dislikes: pushy/manipulative people, superficiality, laziness, cold weather, ignorance
Personality: Observant, genuine, diligent, strong sense of ambition and morals but timid, quiet, socially ostracized. She has very low self esteem so any compliments are taken to heart. She likes to feel included as part of a group. She is very well aware that she is not liked at school because of her reputation as the nerd/know-it-all and because her appearance fits rather too-perfectly into that stereotype. Even though she has had a tough life, she wants to trust people. It's as though all her hardship have made her more intent on being optimistic. But she cannot stand being manipulated in any way.
Yuhee's parents divorced when she was ten, and her father quickly remarried a young hostess, Mimi (not her given name), who worked at a bar he frequented. His rather reckless lifestyle soon ends up in piles of debt, and he spends most of his time on the run from angry debtors. Yuhee's stepmom, fed up with his antics, decides to leave him for good. But she is unable to abandon Yuhee, who begs not be left alone. Yuhee offers to work, cook, and clean, and Mimi knows that Yuhee is a diligent (and very useful) child. The two move to a small apartment in the shady part of town (where Mimi now works). Yuhee disapproves of Mimi's libertine tendencies (including her low-life boyfriends, alcoholism, etc.) but nevertheless treats her with respect and compassion.
Yuhee works diligently not to inconvenience her stepmom in any way (Yuhee is always grateful to Mimi for keeping her). Upon entering high school, Yuhee is able to get a part-time job at a kitty cafe near her school, where customers get to eat and play with cats. She works there every day after school and all-day on the weekends.
She also works hard in school to earn her scholarship, and she is a favorite among almost all her teachers. Her enthusiasm for school, however, does not extend to the social aspects. The girls find her an easy target for teasing and humiliating because she won't stand up for herself. They feel superior to her and always make it a point to embarrass her in front of the boys, who usually see Yuhee as completely unattractive. Because of this, Yuhee is painstakingly shy among guys and can barely carry a conversation because she's so self-conscious. She has a huge crush on Tae from the boy's school, but would never dream of ever approaching him let alone talking to him.
Yuhee's life is flipped upside down when she becomes desk-partners with the new "girl," Lan, who is everything Yuhee believes to be the perfect lady. Up until now, her one woman "role model" had been Mimi, who despite being incredibly attractive lacks sophistication and common sense. Lan's reserved, pensive, mature demeanor, beauty and intelligence instantly earns Yuhee's respect and admiration.
Lan feels most comfortable being with Yuhee, who is so sincere, and he can relate to her problems. And as the two soon become close friends, Lan shows more and more of his true nature - much more excited and talkative. Though Yuhee is even more disliked for being "Princess" Lan's only confidante, she is happy finally to have a true friend. She, in turn, comes out of her shell - at least when she's with Lan. Yuhee relies on Lan for emotional support because he restores some of the lost confidence in Yuhee.
When Lan learns of Yuhee's crush, he agrees to help her out and make her more "girly." But he quickly falls in love with Yuhee and engages in some petty acts to sabotage Yuhee's chance with Tae. Yuhee, at first, is only a little frustrated. But she is pushed to the edge of her limits when Lan finally "steals" Tae away from her. Hurt by Lan's betrayal, Yuhee completely shuns Lan, and he is heartbroken.
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