Do you see beauty or darkness within me?
I have been tainted by those who live off of pain
Who's been hurt by others yet they say I'm to blame
Look into my eyes and you'll see mystery hidden within
For eyes are the windows to your soul, or so it seems
Love, hatred, desire, all that is hidden from view
Is guarded well and protected from people who struggles to stay true
Look into my eyes and tell me if you dare
If there can be peace behind the emptiness despair
I long to be sincere to offer my hand to thee
Yet they who have been hurt before have succeeded in tainting me
So look into my eyes and tell me if I am
A friend or a foe or someone you condemn
To hell or to heaven, I really do not care
For you cannot see anything behind that soul-less stare

I am no longer that person who have been good so far
They robbed me of my happiness like a night without stars
Is how I feel because of them I can't show love no more
But I can hurt those who have hurt me by corrupting me to the core
They shall feel pain again for they have stabbed my vulnerable heart
Now hurting them by targeting their weakness is my skill and newfound art
To those who loved me abandon hope for I am no longer the one you knew
I will hurt because I can and I might end up hurting you
To those who corrupted me beware
For you will see my fiery glare
And then will you feel again
And wish it will come to an end
And when I'm done I shall look and smile
And laugh as you feel pain for a while
So look at me and try to guess
The pain you'll feel is going to be an ugly mess