*New RP Profiles for Silent Wind Guild*
Always Curious
Username: Gatz TdaMax
Name: Mao
Age: 18
Race: 'Mao'
Place: Pet
Element: Air
Weapons: bo staff, metal nunchucku, weighted chain, hand-to-hand, and weapons created from his element
Bio: Thriteen years ago he washed up on the island of Air, right after a big storm. Nobody knew who he was and where he was from, and he was too young to describe it accurately. He definately wasn't human, but didn't seem to be much of a threat either, so eventually he was adopted as the palace 'pet'. Over the years he's grown to be extremely talented in the martial arts, which he tends to combine with his elemental control for a devastating effect. He enjoys a good fight, but usually never gives his oppenents any serious injuries, prefering to instead "play again later" with the people trying to harm him. He's morbidly curious, and can be found frenquently sneaking over to the other islands when no one is watching him. This can get him into trouble, though he never seems to understand why...
--'Mao' is word that means 'cat' in Chinese.--
Appearence: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v679/GatzTda/11375395586592ejpg.jpg
Asura ((A samurai rp!))
Name: Rai Kaze
Age: 21
Title: Bounty Hunter
Location: Clatana
Weapon: Cloudbreak; a katana of normal length with a metal sheathe. It was named Cloudbreak for it's ability to control the elements of water, wind, lightning, and to an extent the weather itself.
Appearance: Wears fairly plain clothing (normal yukata, straw sandals, straw hat, cloak) meant for travelling in; all the clothing has a "well used" look to it. Probably the only exception to this is the red silk scarf he wears around his neck and face, which tries to keep in good condition.
Bio: Rai was from a prestigous smaurai family, and has trained in the art of the sword since birth. His combat skills were thought to be highly exceptional by many since a young age. He rose through the ranks quickly, and at the unprecedented age of 15 was about to be appointed a Samurai Sage, with a promising chance at reaching Bigot status after a few years. Then suddenly, without any apparent reason, he packed up and left it all behind him.
Since then he's wandered the land, working as a Bounty Hunter and doing odd jobs to keep himself fed, all the while honing his techniques. Being a"free spirit" (drifter) makes some look down upon him, though a few admire his simplistic way of life. Somewhere along the way he picked up the powerful katana Cloudbreak, which has actually been stolen from him on several occasions. Yet somehow, it keeps coming back to him, like a wandering cloud returing home...
After six years, Rai's wanderings have brought him back to Clatana. It should be interesting homecoming for him.
Island of the Undesirables
Name: Kazz
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ability: "Half-Beast", Cat-like agility, reflexes, and senses; he's a bit stronger than a normal person
Bio: He doesn't know anything about his family. He was orphaned at a young age and grew up on the streets. A short while ago he was caught, and because no one knew what to do with him, he was shipped to the island. He actually enjoys being there in the wild--as opposed to the city streets--but he's a bit little lonely at times...
Other: Dislikes dogs, large bodies of water, and loud noises. Doesn't talk much.
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Gatz's Crazy Crazy World
Various stuff by Gatz for your amuzement.
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*My Luck*
WT-13 GT-12 PL-9 BroG-4 BluG-10 PG-7 AC-3