Song thing
 dont you know how silly you really are?   -Mask up bitches.-Ciao~
original question list stolen from: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/chatterbox/ipod-on-shuffle/t.30793399/?_gaia_t_=3934
1. I sing this song while in the shower: Six Feet Under the Stars - All Time Low 2. This song describes my feelings towards my significant other: Without You - Three Days Grace ( love you <3 ) 3. I was caught singing this song in the middle of class: Nothing I Wont Give: Vic ( i actually did get caught singing this in guitar class o.o ) 4. When I was sent to the principal's office, I sang him this song: Its not Me its You - Skillet ( its all your fault im here principal!) 5. This song describes me perfectly: Scared - Three Days Grace 6. This song is the reason I can't sleep at night: Running Out of Time - Simple Plan 7. This is my happy song: Namimori Anthem (...is hibari influencing this? >.> ) 8. This is my sad song: Love is a Lie - Simple Plan 9. This song was playing when I was born: Blood of the Cuchulain (EFF YEA!!) 10. I want this song played at my funeral: Gatch Gatch Cute - Gakupo and Kaito (vocaloid? XD ) 11. I want this song played at my wedding: Whats This - Fall Out Boy Cover 12. This song describes my friends: Always Running Out of Time - Motion City Sountrack 13. This song describes my parents: 3 - Britney Spears ( -chokes and dies- MAMA WHHHHY!? D8> ) 14. This song makes me smile: Byakuya[True Light] - Vic Engish cover (it does actually 8DD ) 15. This song makes me cry: Message of Regret - Rin ( it IS a sad story ) 16. This song describes my school: Waiting - BoA (lol) 17. This song describes my social life: Red Swamp Bottom - Miku ( o.o ) 18. This song describes how I'm feeling today: Ghost of You - Good Charlotte 19. This song describes my grandparents: Sometimes - Skillet 20. I take advice from this song: Weightless - All Time Low 21. This song is always stuck in my head: Hey You - Jonas Brothers (haha my profile speaks for this i believe >w> ) 22. I know all the words to this song: Hug - DBSK (hahahahano) 23. I absolutely love this song: Different Side of Me - Allstar Weekend 24. I hate this song...: Every time we Touch Slow Remix - Cascada (i THINK its Cascada anyways >.> ) 25. This is the first song I put on my iPod/MP3: 88 - LM.C (nope, wasnt even the first song i put on Lokki >.> ) 26. I don't know why this song is on my iPod/MP3: Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna (true enough, i think its cause i got it from bob) 27. This is my friend's theme song: Love Shine - DDR (LOL!!) 28. I love dancing to this song: Damned if I Do Ya[Damned if I Dont] - All Time Low 29. I answered my math homework with quotes from this song: Therapy - All Time Low 30. This song describes how I feel about french toast: Whisper - Evanescence 31. This song describes my future: Metro - [idk artist name, sorry] (DARN! im gonna go MORE crazy and they are gonna have to put me on pills :C ) 32. This song describes my taste in guys/girls: Asterisk - Orange Range (i have no clue what this song is about its in japanese >.> ) 33. This is my graduation song: Double Trouble - Team Rocket (PFFFT! i wish, but sadly it didnt happen XD ) 34. This is my love song: Bring me to Life - Evanescence 35. This song describes how I feel about MySpace: Party in Your Bedroom - Cash Cash (well then.) 36. This song describes my last birthday: Equivalent Exchange - FMA soundtrack 37. This is my first thought when I wake up in the morning: A World for Us All - DS4 (DIGIMON!) 38. This song describes my feelings towards food: Ievas Polka[basshunter remix] - Loituma 39. I listen to this song while I sleep:Secrets - One Republic (i do actually) 40. This song describes my feelings toward this survey: Addicted - Simple Plan (XD) 41. I sang this when I was drunk: My Immortal - Evanescence 42. This song got me arrested: Push Push - Kat DeLuna 43. My teacher sang this to me: Hold On - Good Charlotte ( i dont even know what to say to this...) 44. This is your karaoke song: Tsubasa Wa Pleasure Line - Minami Kuribayashi 45. This song is the reason that you are the way you are: Lets Beyblade - Lukas Rossi (im oddly okay with this XD ) 46. This song is the reason why people hate you: I Will - Sowelu 47. This song will haunt you for the rest of your life: Cantrella - Kaito (rape time?) 48. This song I want to kick in the nuts: Last To Know - Three Days Grace (aww i love this song though ;o; ) 49. This song I get into fights with: Lullaby - Hypnogaja ( 8DDD ) 50. I would describe this song as a pirate: Chu Bura - Kelun (japanese pirate?) 51. I would describe this song as a ninja: Poker Face[Space Cowboy Remix] - Lady Gaga ( XD ) 52. I listen to this song while on the toilet: Cradle - Yuuka Nanri ( weird question, weird answer) 53. This would be my superhero theme song: This is Halloween (FEAR MEEEH! ) 54. This is my Roadtrip song: Mad Rad Hair - Blood on the dance floor (lol XD ) 55. This song is at the top of my most played list: Take My Hand - Simple Plan (pfft it wishes XD ) 56. I got my butt kicked to this song: Byakuya true light piano cover - Miyamoto Shunichi 57. I got my first kiss to this song: Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls 58. I wish I made this song: Burn - Three Days Grace 59. I play this song in my car: Moonlight Sanada - Beethoven (to quiet :C ) 60. This song is the worst song in the world: Stupify - Disterbed (suuckish XD) 61. I listen to this song ALL the time: Just a Surviver - Tatsuhisa Suzuki (i used to but its been replaced) 62. This song was for my parents marriage: Stalker - Goldfinger (XDD) 63. This song is a piece of art: Hello - Evanescence 64. This was my first song: Sallys Song - Amy Lee (lololololno) 65. When I go to Japan I wanna listen to this song: Keep the Change you Filthy Animal - All Time Low 66. My parents always listen to this song: Mai - Yuki Kajiru (hahano) 67. This song reminds me of my teacher: Gemini - Rin and Len 68. They will be playing this song when Godzilla attacks: No More - Three Days Grace 69. I fantasize about this song: Paint It Black - [fem version though, idk artist name] 70. I lost my virginity to this song: Always - Saliva ( O.O dirty yet fitting ) 71. This song brings back memories: Kiseki - BoA 72. This song was played at Obama's inauguration: Mist Mobile - Kick-a** Movie Clip ( 8DDD ) 73. This song was made to celebrate Bush's end: Breath - Breaking Benjamin 74. You play this song when you aren't feeling well: Not my Time - 3 Doors Down 75. You wish this song could give you super powers: Dirty Harry - Gorillaz 76. This is your spy song: Hello Brooklyn - All Time Low (imma go EVERYWHERE and you wont know im there cause youll be distracted by the party going on -w- ) 77. This song plays at work all the time: Secrets - Good Charlotte 78. All your friends know this song: Untouched - The Veronicas (i doubt it XD ) 79. You can't get this song out of your head: The Rocky Road to Dublin - The Dubliners ( i CANT! its to freakin addicting) 80. I watch Spongebob while listening to: Everytime we Touch - Cascada (awkward >.> wink 81. I dream that I was reborn when listening to: Digimon Theme (EFF YEAH!) 82. I kiss my boyfriend/girlfriend and dream of the song: Lord of Darkness - Kaito (well Kaito is a sexy pixel man indeed.) 83. I made love while listening to: Gekka no Himeuta - Len ( o.o ) 84. I dance randomly when hearing: O2 - Orange Range 85. I drool while listening to: Cold - Crossfade (man does have a sexy voice, i will give him that) 86. What did you do last night: Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake (....) 87. While I'm being a lab experiment, they play me this song: Good Girls go Bad - Cobera Starship (does that mean i can blow some s**t up?) 88. This song was first played on the moon: Simple and Clean[japanese] - Utada 89. Your cat mauled you when you played this song: 24 - Jem 90. You tend to drive like Grand Theft Auto when you listen to this song: World of the Voice - Flow 91. You sung this song to a mermaid: After Dark - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (...why does that sound dirty?) 92. You illegally downloaded this song: Aerial - Kinya (did not!) 93. You got this song on iTunes: Wizard of Oz - [idk Toy-Box maybe] (i got it from bob but he might have) 94. Your parents don't want you listening to this song: Snow Kiss - Nirgilis 95. This is your cat's theme song: Tetris - Citizen Red (imma pretend that says dog not cat) 96. You don't understand this song:Hello - Hyde (well it is in japanese after all) 97. This song turns you on: Ready Steady Go - Larc En Ceil (no though Hyde{lead singer} IS sexy) 98. You did a strip-tease to this song during spring break: Cant Stop the Rain - Cascada 99. This is the 99th song you've answered with: Futatsu no Negai - Sara Nakayama 100. This song killed the hundreth question: Fire!!![piano cover] - Digimon Frontier 101. If this song was a person, you would do it: Cherish - Ai Otsuka 102. Listening to this song makes you feel stupid: The Young and Hopeless - Good Charlotte 103. This your rebelious song: Bruises and Bitmarks - Good With Grenades ( im okay with this 8DDD) 104. This song makes you think of Pokemon: Knife Called Lust - Hollywood Undead 105. This song smells like old cheese: Stella - All Time Low 106. You like listening to this song on the bus: Lucky Tune - To Love Ru ~Trouble~ 107. You like listening to this song on the lightrail: Harder Better Faster Stronger - Daft Punk 108. You bought a CD just to get this song: All The Things She Said - TaTu (lololol nope) 109. This song loves you: the Chronicles of Life and Death - Good Charlotte (and i love it too <3 ) 110. This song gives you nightmares: Brothers - Vic (it gives me good dreams actually XD ) 111. This song describes how you'd feel if your lover/spouse was cheating on you: Welcome Home[instrumental] - Coheed and Cambria 112. This song describes how you feel about Disney movies: Numb Encore - Linken Park feat Jay Z 113. This is the thirteenth song you put on your iPod/MP3 player: World So Cold - Three Days Grace 114. This song makes you want to cause trouble: Every Heart - BoA (its such a calm song too XD) 115. This song makes you think of zombies:The Ogre and the Woman - Kaito[and maybe some miku idk] 116. You listen to this song in art class: The Poison - All Time Low (i did all the time) 117. No one else you know likes this song: What If - Simple Plan 118. This song describes what you did last summer: Drown - Three Days Grace (must have been from tj princess lifting me/groping me in the pool ) 119. This song makes you feel dirty: Secret - The Pierces 120. This song reminds you of the sunset: Dakishinetai - Jungle Smile 121. You listen to this song while you do the dishes: Happy? - Mudvayne (sometimes >.> ) 122. You have no idea who sings this song: Jiggle Puff Song (so true! i dont know who sings it XD) 123. This song is super retro: Alice - Avril Lavigne 124. This song makes you feel vulnerable: Mannequine - Britney Spears 125. This is your break-up song: Thank You!! - Home Made Kazoku (but its so upbeat! ;o; ) 126. This song reminds you of a promise you once made: Strange - Tokio Hotel feat Kerli 127. This song describes one of your siblings: I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace (my blood related siblings can be dumb asses but i love them regardless) 128. This song is from a movie: Wake Me When September Ends - Green Day (wouldnt surprise me one bit XD) 129. You don't know the words to this song:I Need an Angel - DoD soundtrack (oh yes i do, theres like 10 words, thats all XD) 130. You think this song is kind of whinny: Malchik Gay -TaTu 131. This song is from a TV show you used to watch:Broken - KoRn feat Amy Lee 132. This song reminds you of your ex: Bitches get Stitches - Blood on the Dance Floor (never had an ex but if i ever do i will sing this at them XD ) 133. You daydream to this song: Hibaris Theme[piano] (mmm hibari -w- ) 134. This song sounds totally different than the title implies: Tears Dont Fall - Bullet for my Valentine 135. The artist of this song isn't from your home country: Down With the Sickness - Disturbed (i think they are american o.o;; ) 136. This is the song you play when you're having a special moment in the corner: Symmetry - Falling up (i have issues with certain things needing to be symmetrical, im working on it okay!?! ) 137. This song makes me happy in my pants: Blur - Britney Spears 138. This song should be played in an elevator: Out from Under - Britney Spears 139. This is the song I stalk people with: Monster - Skillet ( 8DDD ) 140. My grandma made me play this song for her: I Hate This Part - The Pussycat Dolls 141. I learned how to play this song on the accordion: Kaze no Machi he - FictionJunction KEIKO (that would be... interesting) 142. This is the song that will play in my head if an alien invasion occured: I Wont be There - Simple Plan (nor would i WANT to be there >.> ) 143. This is my new cellphone ringtone: Sanctuary[english] - Utada 144. What I thought of when I have/had my first kiss: A New Beginning - Good Charlotte 145. The lyrics to this song describe what I think of this quiz: Hit The Floor - Bullet for my Valentine (im going to go all creepy stalker/rapist on it) 146. Someone says 'are you okay' you say? Awake and Alive - Skillet 147. How would you describe yourself? Paparazzi - Making April (ill follow christopher mintz-plasse till he loves me ;D ) 148. What do you like in a guy/girl? Inner Universe - Origa 149. How do you feel today? Dont Forget - Demi Lovato 150. What is your life's purpose? Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying - Fall Out Boy 151. What's your motto? Violence Fetish - Disturbed 152. What do your friends think of you? The End - Simple Plan (i dont know if thats good thing or not o.o ) 153. What do your parents think of you? Welcome home[Sanitarium] - Bullet for my Valentine 154. What do you think about very often?One Day To Late - Skillet 155. What is 2+2? Dance with the Devil - Breaking Benjamin 156. What do you think of your best friends? Gay Barbie (OMG!!! this is so perfect for you bob!! XD ) 157. What is your life story? Walls - All Time Low 158. What do you want to be when you grow up?Halo 2 Theme(dont know what its actually called) - Breaking Benjamin 159. What do you think when you see the person you like? Break - Three Days Grace 160. What will you dance at your wedding? One Week - Barnaked Ladies (i want this to happen now, just sayin) 161. What song will play at your funeral? Sky 2 High - Skankfunk (the truth shall set you freeeeeeeeee) 162. What is your hobby/interest? Waste my Time - Sum 41 163. What is your biggest fear? Memories - Within Temptation (suckish cause i have memory loss issues) 164. What is your biggest secret?Mountain - Good Charlotte 165. What do you want right now? Predictable - Good Charlotte 166. What do you think of your friends? Shes a Rebal - Green Day 167. During awkward silences, I sing this song: Our lawers made us change the name of this song so we wouldnt get sued - Fall Out Boy 168. My boyfriend/girlfriend dedicated this song to me on the radio: El Manana - Gorillaz 169. My ex dedicated this song to me on the radio: Swallow[Remix] - Emilie Autumn (thats kinda creepy, may i never have an ex so this never happens o.o ) 170. This song describes your childhood: Giving In - Linkin Park 171. What's your problem?The World - Nightmare (wow i sound so emo XD) 172. This song describes my sex life: Bad Things - Jace Everett (i wanna do bad things with you~) 173. Sasuke The Kinky doesn't have a social life because of this song: Dearest - Inuyasha Soundtrack 174. You don't have a social life because of this song: Melody - Yuki kajiura 175. This song makes you wanna spit on a squirrel: Magnet - Vocaloid Chorus 176. You wrote a song because of this song: We Are! - Hiroshi Kitadani 177. You crashed your car because of this song: Go!!! - Flow 178. This song makes you angry: Libertine - Blood on the Dance Floor 179. You failed a class because of this song: Let Go - Red (ive never failed, i was an A-B student) 180. This song describes your English teacher: Superman - Lazlo Bane (seeing as i am currently out of school ill go with my last english teacher who was one of my favorite teachers ever) 181. This song describes your Gym teacher: I Dont Care - Apocalyptica feat Adam Gontier 182. This song wants to kill you: Tsuki no Curse - Okina Reika 183. You want to kill this song: Motteke! Sailor Fuku - Aya Hirano (it makes me giggle though XD ) 184. You want to play this song at a seance: Tsumi - FMA sounndtrack (very dramatic at beginning XD ) 185. If you play this song backwards it summons the devil: All I Ever Wanted - Basshunter 186. This song should be the new SpongeBob theme song: Girlfriend - Avril Lavign 187. This song causes the Force to manifest as a baby: Disgusting - Ke$ha 188. This song made Spock FEEL: Stamp on the Ground - Italo Brothers ( :O ) 189. It's time to: Still Alive - Portal 190. This song made you a nerd: I Kissed a Boy - Cobera Starship 191. This song loves you: Know how i Feel About You Now - Miranda Cosgrove 192. You want this song to have your kids: Give me Novacaine - Green Day 193. This song is why my questions make you feel awkward: White Rabbit - Grace Potter 194. This is the song you will take over the world to: Helena - My chemical Romance 195. This song beats Chuck Norris!: Black Dhalia - Hollywood Undead 196. Chuck Norris kicked your butt to this song: REwrite - Asian Kung-Fu Generation 197. This song is why you still sleep with a toy: Generation - Simple Plan 198. This is the song that will solve all of life's questions: In This Worls[Murder] - Good Charlotte 199. This is a song I sing on Christmas: A Beautiful Lie - 30 Seconds to Mars 200. This is a song I think of when I'm watching movies: We Are Young - Mika vs RedOne 201. This song makes me want to murder my best friend: The Only One - Evanescence (lol nothing would make me want to kill bob) 202. This song makes me think of my crush: Wondering - Good Charlotte 203. This song makes me want to kill my teachers: Forsaken - Disturbed Watching:nothingListening to:Before He Cheats - Carrie UnderwoodLife energy:running on paint fumes .__. Mood:good but my hand hurtsWants:Daniel X 3 right NOW!-Haymay      
Posted by: Humaninu Wed Dec 22, 2010 @ 09:15am