Mai Lane:
Born and Raised- September 1, 100BC
Age- Unknown
Personality- See for your self
Bio.- Prepare to be amazed.
Mai was born into a family that lives to protect those who hire them they are known as Guardian's. Mai was the best of the she beat the top guardians in the world and was only getting better. By the age of 5 she was the strongest of the entire Guardian world. Mai was growing up and fast but what was ahead was a big life change. When Mai was nine her family was told to protect the boy with the Sages eyes. Mai was a little ticked off she had to protect a boy who knew nothing but she soon warmed up to him and they became best friends. Growing up Mai was destined to become the Oracle Goddess of Yin Yang. She has visions of the future both good and bad. But soon her and Zero parted ways and she was left alone soon her brother Rei and her Twins brothers Rin and Jin and Sai Mai's twin sister moved to a city that was in war. There was one side that peaked Rei's interest and it was the Reapers court. But soon they left the city not wanting any trouble. Mai was soon kidnapped while she was having a vision and was taken to the Shadow Relm better known as the Demon Spirit World. Mai was forced to marry and bare the demon Kings child but she was soon let free once her true power from the angels merged with her. The Gods and Goddess above the world had decided to send the son of Nyx to Mai's Family. Ethan Mai's father ended up Merging the demon into Mai. Now Mai has found herself growing up in a chruch with a priest they automatically loved her and loved that she loved to make people happy with music she grew up there but was soon caught up in the war and was found by the Demon Prince Lerrx. Lerrx fell in love with him but she didn't feel the same way for a long time until they traveled around a bit then she started to warm up to him. Her big brothers didn't like that at all.....