and tired of drama. I'm sick of being held responsible for everyone's actions but my own. When I clean up after myself, do the best I can, work as hard as I can to find a job, and do everything that's asked of me, what is there left to do? I'm my Master's slave, not my mother's. I'm sick of her being pissed off for every little thing. She's bipolar and has hypothyroidism. b***h needs to be put on ******** medication, and she needs to stay on that goddamned medication.
She's pissed off because her baby is sick. What, do you think the baby got sick on purpose? Do you think we got the baby sick on purpose? Then shut the ******** up about it. Take care of her, and stop worrying about the housework. I promise it's not going anywhere.
I'll probably clean up the house later once I start getting tired. And then maybe, just maybe, I'll sleep. I told her she could have the ******** couch and I would take the chair cushion into the playroom, but apparently that wasn't ******** good enough. So fine, I'll be your little Cinderella. I'll clean your house from top to bottom and make it spotless, even though I didn't dirty a damned thing in the entire house. And maybe then you'll be in a halfway decent mood when you wake up -- until you get tired of taking care of your daughter again and decide you hate the world.
Being a stay-at-home mom is ******** great, isn't it?
I bet you miss your sucky-a** job now.
Rathlarias Moondown Community Member |