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The Armies.
Reworking of my original list. RPCs not commonly used were removed, and new ones have been added in! <Any and all pictures found are taken from a variety of DeviantArtists>
Salenen "Kraken", the Legacy of the Sair.
For the sake of ease for everyone, though there is a form for each "gender" of Sairin and Salenen, I will refer to them as She and He, respectively. This is because although there is the chance that I may have Salenen be a female which would make Sairin a Male, I've decided that it will be more "Natural" or something of the sort for one to be defined as one gender and the other by the opposite.

Male edition
Salenen, Legacy of the Sair. (ss-AIr)
Council Member of the Sair.
General-Judge of the Sair people.

"All is one."
There is no such thing as a Sair who doesn't assist his kin. No matter your profession, you took up a second job. One that benefited the people. One that helped the masses. It was common for soldiers to be tailors, bakers... Whatever was of use to the many.

Salenen was a General in the Sair army. He held an impressive record, being a figure in many key battles across the Sair-dominated world, just a few being the Asan Rebellion, which marked the rise of the Weak King Ransis, the Zuesir skirmishes that introduced them to the Orcs, and the Nezzase Wars that brought the Humans and Elves to light. As a general, he held an important duty. Not just to protect the people after the world was the Sairs, but to discipline the many. All of the generals formed a higher council that served a double purpose. The council served as assistants and advisors to the king and noble houses when requested, and as judge and executioner for the people. Salenen had an ideal that he tried to bring to the courts, one that made any case of his interesting. He had seen nobles hung just as he had seen the common thief. No one was safe, because of his thoughts. Salenen held the thought that none are above the law, and it costed him everything.

Over the course of several months, over fifty high ranking members of noble houses were found murdered, all in a different way. Salenen was asked to help find who it was doing the crimes. It was eventually discovered that the criminal was the Prince, who killed them in preparation for when he would rule, and he was busy removing people he didn't trust. The evidence was found, and everything pointed that he was to die. Had any other judge been the one to decide, he would've gone free because of his blood. However, Salenen was given control of the decision, and spoke.

"None are above the law. The higher in rank, the more steadfast one should be in following the rules of the law. You, Prince, are to hang for your murders." His voice rang out through the empty room, and by the power that the law gave him, the prince was executed. The King didn't want to see the judge die. That wasn't good for him. However, he wanted the judge to pay for the killing, and ordered him to be banished from the land. And just as quickly as the men killed the prince, so they chased down Salenen.

Salenen was forced to retreat to the ocean and reside there until his eventual death, or so was hoped. Salenen thrived in the new environment, and survived. When the lesser races rebelled against their masters, Salenen was exempt from their hunt because of the risk needed to hunt down a single lizard out at sea. Since his retreat to the sea, he has sunk thousands of ships. The survivors of his attacks would tell the tales of a creature that destroyed their ships, and over time would be exaggerated into the infamous Kraken, a name he has taken on as a bit of a monicker or nickname.

Salenen uses a shapeshifting sword in combat, and when on land practices his aim with a bow. Salenen is known to be able to change shape between his natural form and the form of a human male.

Salenen is more a strategist then a fighter, and uses his tactics and ideas, or even noticing of weaknesses, to allow him to bring down even the strongest of foes. He may not be the strongest person on the field, but he can still create a stir. Salenen also has a short temper, and a very destructive rage. Whether he is a barbarian or a knight is up to the person’s choosing, as he seems to carry the persona of a knight with the devastation of the barbarian. There is always caution to be had around him.

Male Human Form appearance
User Image
I go by Lionel in this form.

Human Male Bio -

The Pirate Attack -
Salenen hummed a tune as he did a practice feel for the staff in his hands. He wouldn't use his real weapon, too heavy to carry around constantly, though the infamous bardiche was resting in his sleeping quarters on the boat, who's rock was softly felt on the calm seas.

He was found unconcious at sea and was swept up by a pirate crew who figured that a man dressed as he was would be useful as muscle. The deal was made that he would help them with a few raids and play guard while they escorted the loot to their hide-away, then they would drop him off at the next port they visit. However, the crew bit more then they could chew, and were destroyed when they ended up raiding another pirate ship that was in disguise as a merchant vessel.

The large paladin-dressed man was knocked out by the ship's captain and tossed out to sea again. When he next awoke, he was wrapped over some driftwood and on the shores of a beach. He shook his head, and could only remember his name, what he was, and the face of the man who bested him and the weapon, which he'll have to search for at the bottom of the ocean sometime later, probably during the night after he found some kind of 'base' to operate from that belonged to the humans.

Female edition
Salenen, Legacy of the Sair. (ss-AIr)
Council Member of the Sair.
General-Judge of the Sair people.

"All is one."
There is no such thing as a Sair who doesn't assist her kin. No matter your profession, you took up a second job. One that benefited the people. One that helped the masses. It was common for soldiers to be tailors, bakers... Whatever was of use to the many.

Salenen was a General in the Sair army. She held an impressive record, being a figure in many key battles across the Sair-dominated world, just a few being the Asan Rebellion, the Zuesir skirmishes that introduced them to the Orcs, and the Nezzase Wars that brought the Humans and Elves to light. As a general, she held an important duty. Not just to protect the people after the world was the Sairs, but to discipline the many.

All of the generals formed a higher council that served a double purpose. The council served as assistants and advisors to the king and noble houses when requested, and as judge and executioner for the people. Salenen had an ideal that she tried to bring to the courts, one that made any case of hers interesting. She had seen nobles hung just as she had seen the common thief. No one was safe, because of her thoughts. Salenen held the idea that none are above the law, and it costed her everything.

There was a string of dead people, all of the dead being a noble. It was discovered that the criminal was the Prince, who killed the nobles he didn't trust. The evidence was found, and everything pointed that he was to die. Salenen was given control of the decision, and spoke. "None are above the law. You are to hang." Her voice rang out through the empty room, and by the power that the law gave her, the prince was executed. The King didn't want to see the judge die. That wasn't good for him. However, he wanted the judge to pay for the killing, and ordered her to be banished from the land. And just as quickly as the men killed the prince, so they chased down Salenen.

Salenen was forced to retreat to the ocean and reside there until her eventual death, or so was hoped. Salenen thrived in the new environment, and survived. When the lesser races rebelled against their masters, Salenen was exempt from their hunt because of the risk needed to hunt down a single lizard out at sea. The survivors of her attacks would tell the tales of a creature that destroyed their ships, and over time would be exaggerated into the infamous Kraken, a name she has taken on as a monicker or nickname of sorts.

Salenen uses a bardiche in combat, and when on land practices her aim with a crossbow. When she travels, she rarely carries her heavy weapon and instead uses a simple battle staff. Salenen is known to be able to change shape between her natural form and the form of a human female.

Salenen uses a shapeshifting sword in combat, and when on land practices her aim with a crossbow. Salenen is known to be able to change shape between her natural form and the form of a human female

Salenen is more a strategist then a fighter, and uses her tactics and ideas, or even noticing of weaknesses, to allow her to bring down even the strongest of foes. She may not be the strongest person on the field, but she can still create a stir. Salenen also has a short temper, and a very destructive rage. Whether she is a barbarian or a knight is up to the person’s choosing, as she seems to carry the persona of a knight with the devastation of the barbarian. There is always caution to be had around her.

Female Human Form appearance
User Image
I go by Karma in this form.

Human Female Bio

The Pirate Attack -
Salenen hummed a tune as she did a practice feel for the staff in her hands. She wouldn't use her real weapon, too heavy to carry around constantly, though the infamous bardiche was resting in her sleeping quarters on the boat, who's rock was softly felt on the calm seas. She was found unconcious at sea and was swept up by a pirate crew who figured that a woman dressed as she was would be useful as muscle.

The deal was made that she would help them with a few raids and play guard while they escorted the loot to their hide-away, then they would drop her off at the next port they visit. However, the crew bit more then they could chew, and were destroyed when they ended up raiding another pirate ship that was in disguise as a merchant vessel.

During this raid, the paladin-dressed woman was knocked out by the ship's captain and tossed out to sea again. When she next awoke, she was wrapped over some driftwood and on the shores of a beach. She shook her head, and could only remember her name, what she was, and the face of the man who bested her and the weapon, which she'll have to search for at the bottom of the ocean sometime later, probably during the night after she found some kind of 'base' to operate from that belonged to the humans.

Male&Female Similarities
Appearance of Salenen now.
User Image

What Salenen looked like eons ago.
User Image

Salenen's rage is destructive, with a short temper. Salenen rarely speaks outside of one liners or phrases that sound like they came from a wise old man, seeing talk as cheap and useless in the scheme of that which beats eternally, the ever persisten tug of Fate and Time. Salenen hides natural self when entering civilization so as not to risk death. Extremely stubborn and set in ways, often wishing for the day to come when Salenen can wipe out the lesser races.

As confusing and hypocritical as this may be though, Salenen has a strong sense of what he thinks is wrong or right, and will not pass that line. He will not reason with any who are "evil" or "wrong" and all who fail to pass his test of whether they are a good person is at risk of retribution. This even includes protecting the lesser races, even with his wishes to destroy them. One of his biggest weaknesses is that he is loyal almost to a fault.

Salenen is unique in his magic, in that he doesn't use Magic as we know of it. Instead, he uses the base primal powers of the concious that either exist in the law or the evils, and familiarities with the world of a Judge or any lawman. In easier terms, he can solidify the essences of ideas into a powerful magic-type attack, such as converting the idea of Innocence, Guilt, Wrath, Hatred, etc. into a solid thing we can see that attacks us.

A non-magical fact that is interesting about him is that in his natural form of the Sair, he can easily break through wood and stone, or cracking steel. This helped him in his raids on ships and when he is in his true form in times of war or battle. Another interesting fact is that he exudes this 'aura' of sorts, filling those nearby with courage and a strong will.

Three objects, none of large hindrance save for his 'weapon' if you could call it that. One, a large tome bound in thick leather, embellished with gold and jewels, and enchanted by magics to be invulnerable to almost any form of damage. Scrawled on the pages, in small yet legible text, is the name of every soldier, every man or woman, that Salenen fought against or alongside, that have died. He claims that he keeps it so that "When the dust is settled, and the war is won, there must be a song for the heroes that were once unsung." Another item is a strange piece of metal about the size of a human head, and in the shape of a skull. Salenen claims that it speaks to him, giving advice or counsel. A bizarre shield rests in his hands, with no sword or weapon to go along side it, and the shield's metals are heavily infused with magic. Though this is it's shape, there are tales of it taking form of axe or lance, or any other form of weapon. He is a defender first and foremost, and holds the ground with every ounce of blood he and his men have. It is this defensive fighting style that have won him countless battles across wars all over the world.

Salenen is often seen praying or meditating, muttering the name "Fazel" during these trances. A determined look seems glued to his face, his eyes always staring ahead. It has been noted that nothing seems to stop his gaze, regardless of what's around or what is done. Often sees himself as breaking the chains of Time, and seeks a way to remove himself from the chain of Fate.

What is a Sair?

There is a difference between a Lizardman and a Sair, though many lump these two species together. The Sair were more of a generic Reptilian based species instead of any specific branch of lizard. An average Sair male stands anywhere from 6'4 to 6'6 weighing 190 pounds. An average Sair female stands 6'3 to 6'4 and weighs roughly 170 pounds. Sair Soldiers are usually a good fifty pounds heavier, mostly in muscle mass. The average Sair people have more inherent muscle then the average human or elf, though not as much as the orc and a lot less then the dwarves. Orc soldiers and Dwarves still outmuscle a Sair warrior though. Scale color is almost anything imaginable, save for some of the lighter reds. Some variants of the Sair have spikes across the head, back, tail or a mixture, while other variant's don't. Spikes range in size, weight, and distribution based on the particular Sair that they grow on. Claws and talons come staple on all breeds.

A Sair has about the same fighting endurance of an orc or dwarf, though they can outrun any bi-pedal creatures, and can outrun horses when they run on all fours. Sairs generally favor polearm weapons such as the pike, spear, halberd, and bardiche, for ease of running on all fours without much fuss. A Sair is generally stubborn and protective of it's possessions and turf. While Sair are fierce soldiermen and powerful warriors, they seem to be less in tune with the Arcane and Magic, giving them a lesser strength with this art.

History of the Sair

The Sair were a society of reptilian humanoids that did not suffer from the effects of Age. Age did nothing to them, and thus they lived eternally. Diseases, poisons, murder... It was possible for them to die, but not because of age. Health problems were the most common form, though most had cures. There were never any wars, as four great Kings ruled the world. Naress ruled in the mountainous West, Eznim ruled in the desert filled East. Esehl ruled in the fertile plains of the North, and Vilmorez ruled in the swamlands of the South. However, eventually they passed on, leaving the world in turmoil. This spurned the start of civilizations, the birth of man and beast..

Hundreds of thouasnds had died, too much blood was shed. Finally, the entire world listened to only one man then, a king who would be known not as one of the Great Kings, but by several names... The Weak King and Doomdrawer were the most known ones. He abused his power and did little for his people. While the Great Kings of lore befriended the known lesser races as they started to appear in the world, The Weak King Ransis had them enslaved, especially the ones who tried to fight back. Though unhappy, the orcs, dwarves, and elves stomached their enslavement. They weren't overly abused and for the most part still held the rights they had in the time of the Great Kings.

However, the humans were not content. They were always a raging fire that wanted to be themselves, they didn't want to be known as "The worker for the Sair" or "The worker for the Orcs". No, they wanted to be "Human. Free man." and such. A human, Rand val'Jon, had stirred the slaved peoples of all the races into a blood hungering frenzy. After remaining idle for years as dwarven smiths hid away a fraction of the weapons they produced, Rand's horde was released upon the Sair.

The King had exiled his best generals though, who were the main tactician and strategist of the army. Without any true leader, the Sair forces were murdered by the tens of thousands. What started as a world-wide populace of over a million reptiles had dwindled down to only several hundred thousand over the course of a few , as the now freed races took out their vengeance and slaughtered all they came across. However, there was always one problem...

A single General-Judge was never found, and no one knew where it had vanished off to. The hunters eventually discovered their location - that it was out at sea. Dozens of fleets of ships were sent, but none ever returned. The bay that the ships sunk in to find the duo of Sair became known as "Phalar harl qu'madosfan" to the elves, or simply the 'Underwater Graveyard' to the rest of the races.

Of course... there might be more Sair survivors besides just the General-Judge. Slowly, the hunters for the races died out due to age, disease, famine, or any other reason. As the ages passed, the world forgot about the Sair. However, there are people who swear they saw a lizard-looking man just beyond their torches firelight, or a rather unusual creature darting in the sea, that looked more like a large reptile then a fish.

Sarue vas'tain, nes sarue vas'to!

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