Character Name: Master Eros Cekc
Race: Demi-God/Mage
Age: Appears to be in late twenties, but has been roaming the earth for centuries.
Bio: Zues found him sharing a chamber with Hera. Knowing he could not stop Eros with power alone he waited till he was asleep in his own chambers and sealed his the majority of his powers away in an Diamond urn. After sealing away his powers Zues cast him to earth, in hopes that he would oose touch with his godly aura by falling in love and growinf old. Forunately for Eros he is hundreds of years older that Zues and he has known of this effect far longer than he. With that knowladge Eros has kept from loving anyone he encounters. Training in the art of maginc to get his powers from the Dimond Urn and take his place back on Moung Olympus.
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Interest in: Literature, Fasinating People, Gold Jewlery, The art of magic and sourcery.
Dislikes: Loud envurioments, People who speak before thinking about what they say, The sound of children crying, Zues.
Godly Powers and Mystic Items: Transformation, enhanced speed, enhanced strength, battle tactics. Carries a staff that amplifies his godly powers and channels his magic.