The Werewolf

This is my favorite were pic. Now for the story.
A group of teens were walking through the woods. They thought they heard a howl and assumed it was a every day wolf so they kept walking. They got to their house and heard something growling. /yet again they thought"Just some animal". After a while they relaxed when something clawed at the door of their cabin. They had been living together for a while and another person used to live with them till his disappearance. To them the sound was pounding so they opened the door and the werewolf jumped in. The werewolf destroyed their stuff and then turned to the group."How fitting."He says in a growl."You left me to die now I get my revenge." The werewolf starts to attack then laughs. Returning to human form. It was the one who disappeared."You guys actually fell for it. My costume was that good?"The entire group laughed over the trick. The end. Or is it? Its up to you. Does a real werewolf hide in the shadows waiting to strike?