Sometimes i break apart when ur not there. I've never cried so much at night. I can't get u out of my head. Today was the "Help support Japan" dance and before u told me u were gonna go, i already knew. I know i shouldn't overreact but i miss u, thats all im trying to say and i wanna say i fell in love with u. You liked me a long time ago, i think and after a while it turned to love. I sort of crushed it by saying i had a crush on that boy. I never knew. You could've told me and i would've understand tht u did. However bak then i wasn't bi and i would've rejected u like Marisia but with her, i only love her as my best friend. You understand me more and now all my feelings come out. I want you to be just mines and no one else, i can't compare with anyone else. When i tried looking for a boy in rl that knew vocaloid, i knew none. Then I reliezed that i fell in love with you during Valentines Day. I wondered if i love anyone...i sat on the couch staring out the window in the afternoon. All i could think of was the days u left me alone. Also a little of Marisia going crazy over the drawing i made for her XD I kept thinking and thinking and thought about "Why did i always think about u when i get home?" well when i said that to myself i never knew i was saying tht out of my love struct heart. My love kept growing and growing each and everyday since February 14. Amazing right?! Love first starts of as like and then it can turn into love IF u actually really care about this person.
I worry about her, since her life was bad. I mean "Why do they pick on her?" what did she ever do? except yell at them back. She had to, she was going under pressure and the she cracked. I hate having to see her go through this. I think i really do have a pure heart of gold or silver (since my sailor senshi's name is Silver). I'm Viccy's best friend and she has like alot more best friends. Not saying im jealous but since she's bi you should expect her to atleast have a crush on some of them. Since she did, Viccy told Marisia and Marisia told me like a week later after she was told. I could've died in period 3 blushing like crazy. Marisia doesnt know Im in love with Viccy. I dont wanna keep it that way but i have to tell her eventually, and my parents. Please make that years from now.
Okay wat i baisiclly said in these two long paragraphs is I love Victoria, and now i will knock out since im so tired! I just woke up at 2 to write this cuz i remembered this and i couldnt get viccy out of my head XD
(Viccy drew this one)

(I drew this one)