Yummy yummy yummy~ I got love in my tummy and it feels like...
Uh... D:
Chicken poo~
I get the wierdest songs stuck in my head. Is that even a song? Where did I hear it? O__o Guh.
Sakuracon is coming up. whee Like, tomorrow coming up. I'm so excited~ And my dad just gave me my allowance. He's been holding out on me--Why haven't I seen this money before? gonk It's like he's been holding my allowance for this certain occaision. I don't know if I'll be able to take any pictures of the Cosplayers, especially since I don't think I'll be bringing my camera. I hardly take pictures anyways.
My only real concern is that I've been sick all week, and I'm not showing any signs of getting better in time for the convention. I've gone to the doctor's, I've been taking my medicine, all that's left is to rest and wait. I've stayed home from school all week, but I went today. Oddly enough, over 20% of the school has been missing due to illnesses. They've been sending out announcements that if you're coughing or sneezing at all, you should stay home. No questions. The office is actually grabbing kids that are coughing as they walk by and forcing them to go home. So tomorrow, I think I will stay home. Besides, if 30% of the school is gone, they will be forced to close for a couple days to disinfect the school.
Which gives me more time to work on my big essay for Pre-AP, which should be due tomorrow, but I think I shall turn it in Monday.
Laa~~COUGH Hackhack SNEEZE wheeze. D8 Ughth. *sniffle*
Leamony · Fri Mar 24, 2006 @ 04:27am · 2 Comments |