It's strange. I was looking at the stars and suddenly there it was, Hyrule. My Hyrule. The one that was destroyed by Ganondorfs darkness only three years ago. I took my armor and many weapons and teleported there instantly.
Everything is the way it was when it was consumed by darkness. The land is scarred and barren of all sentient life. In it's place are small arenas scattered about, each of which has an immovable prize. So far I've seen a dragon ball, chaos emerald, a blue suit case, a heavy tunic, and a silver platter. At these arenas are gathered powerful warriors from across time and space. Even ones that should be dead.
I was tempted to stay with one group of them-Epsio, Monkey D Luffy, and Valkyre-at an arena with the platter, but I wanted to keep exploring. It's very painful being here, but I want to see more.
I eventually came across two of Freezas Toku Sentai; Jeice and Burter. Last I heard they were dead and bad guys, but now they're clearly alive and they're pretty nice. I suggested we team up, with two of use exploring for other prizes while one of us watched the arena with the suitcase. They agreed and accepted me into their team. They even made me some armor! It feels good to be a part of a team.
When Burter and I went to the Death Mountain crater, there was a arena just like I thought. The prize is a tunic that looksl ike it weighs at least a ton. Seeming to feel sorry for the unwanted prize was an old man waiting there to claim it. He introduced himself as Gouken, the teacher of the street fighters Ryu and Ken. I reconized his fighting style from the sailor fukku I got at Capcom Land.
Not really wanting the tunic and with time to spare, Burter and I decided to find other arenas. Gouken suggested we have a practice match first. I accepted and felt pretty confident, being in a volcano and all, even if Gouken does have incredible amounts of order and chaos.
Gouken said I had to last three minutes. I was confused at first untill he proceeded to punch me with the force of 800,000 lbs. The fight was intense and I got excited from it and the heat. I went a bit overboard, fighting with blades and magma against one martial artist. Fortunately Gouken had no hard feelings and we both took whatever the other dished out.
It was obvious that Gouken had the advantage, but I'm glad he didn't hold back. Near the end, my body was broken and I had to use Chaos mode to last the final 30 seconds. I tried something new, using the magma to form three humanoid figures then cooling them to rock. I was able to manipulate them, but they could only mirror my actions. I didn't get a chance to use it, Gouken proclaming time was up right before I attacked.
Impressed by the battle, Gouken has decided to reward me by teaching me a technique. He offered to teach Burter and Jeice too, now we're just waiting for Jeice to get here. I'm really excited to find out what the technique is.
All this fighting and fun and singing the Burter Brigade theme has been really great. Even if I am enjoying myself on my dead world, I think it's ok. I still intend to find out whats going on, though.
Side note, apparently Deadpool learned to perform a shryuken from Gouken himself. Gouken says Deadpool was not a student for very long. All this time I thought Deadpool was just mimicing Street Fighter video games. I should give him more credit.
That reminds me, I called Deadpool while I was there, asking if he wanted to join. He said he was busy fighting these vampire things called Tartari. One of them calls itself White Wade and has Deadys suit, Gambits powers, and rocket boots. Deadpool says they're a pain to kill, which, coming from Deadpool, is somewhat worrisome. He didn't seem too concerned when I called, though. Still, I'll be sure to check on him when things calm down.
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