Edit: Wow, I think this my longest journal entry yet!
I've actually been thinking. I hadn't seen personality quizzes related to the animated in zOMG! itself... and I thought, "why not?" Besides, I at least would think it a fun idea to get a better idea on what sort of animated I'd be. More specifically, I'd be using the fluffs for this because I was thinking of it as something for the World of Fluffs guild I'm in, which I think needs more action...
These results down here are not final until someone in the guild can actually make the quiz
Personality types: (possible results from the quiz)
Not a fluff, attacker: If you are not a fluff and an attacker you are one more likely to slay fluffs, as well as all other animated, for fun as well as duty, do not appreciate any cute things in life that are tied to the animated, tries if not succeeding in acting more "masculine" on the outside, and in the worst cases(meaning NOT everyone who gets this) might tease or even attack those who ARE a fluff personality. This is the worst result in my opinion, especially if you are a full-blooded attacker, which is everything I had said, except you don't appreciate ANY animated personality, which I would think, would make one ignorant, no offense. Now you could just have a thing against one paticular animated and thus would be a(n) (insert animated you have a thing against here) attacker. Of course, not all hope is lost for you, if you choose to convert to a guardian or recruit, but don't be surprised if for the first few days even the existing guardians are either uneasy(or in some cases, suspicious) becuase of the chance you might revert back. I consider humans(or whatever kind of being you are) as either fickle or stubborn in their beliefs, depending on what it is that is being referred to here.
Not a fluff, other animated: If you get this result, you probably appreciate another kind of animated, and thus reflect some traits of some other animated, just not a fluff. I need to remember to think up of some other quiz results for a quiz chain of "What animated in zOMG! would you be?" or something like that. You probably prefer other things over fluffs, but instead of being an attacker or a fluff convertee, you converted to another type of animated for whatever reason, or you were just always another animated, who knows? Not me for this quiz.
GoofGreens/Sandtrap fluff: The two aren't the same, but they go together in the result: Both found in Village greens. You probably do not know as much about the fluffs as the other fluff types, because you're new. You might try to ask others for help, but you could be afraid of being called a noob. Don't worry, if I'm able to and you ask, I can help you out, plus, you can ask around. There are nice people as well as nasty. Try not to follow every word of the nasty-types as true unless they prove to be knowledgeable about the topic they are talking about. You don't want to be tricked and called a fool for it.
Air fluff: Possibly one of the first ones that come to mind when you think "zOMG fluff". I would suspect that you are popular(in a good way, if you are in a bad way, I would think you would get Not a fluff unless your other traits outweigh those) and you would rather not face the torture of a long battle. Found in Bill's Ranch. By the way, if you are popular in a bad way and still get this result, DON'T try to act like you are the most knowledgeable around the Village Greens fluffs. Edit: of course, considering that Bill's ranch is a farm area, if your personality traits seem to lead you to this result but you don't consider yourself popular, maybe you're more willing to get your hands dirty but like the air fluffs, still not as experienced as the others, but you have potential.
Pumpkin fluff: Supposedly just as weak or even weaker than the Village greens fluffs, as these are found in Barton Town, you probably were an air fluff type that got affected by something(probably a trick of sorts, those Sand fluffs can sting after all and they are NOT isolated unlike the coral fluffs). You can't let go of whatever got to you and thus, you appear to shut yourself off from the world, coming out only on certain times. If you are not an air fluff type and get this result, you could very well like dressing up and being something else, but are frustrated and potentially embarrassed, but I don't know quite yet.
Cherry fluff/Sakura fluff: Name's interchangeable, meaning you can claim to be a sakura fluff or a cherry fluff if you get this result, but to avoid confusion, I shall call them cherry fluff in the result. You are very much an honorable person, and, even if you are on the weaker end of the spectrum of power, you'd rather die fighting to the end than giving up and running away in shame. This is reflected by the fact that the cherry fluffs of Zen gardens, their home, explode attacking others. You might need to control your strength as you don't want to be knocked out after the first attack. The cherry fluffs are considered the kamikazes of the fluff world; maybe you feel like you need to sacrifice for the sake of what you're fighting for? Bonus: you actually can speak in the boss area, but the only line I've seen there is "I will avenge you!" Perhaps you have friends who are less of a fluff-personality and more of a kokeshi personality that you are so loyal to that you will even die for them if it comes to that. Due to recent observations, at night cherry fluffs in some areas turn into ghost lanterns. Maybe you don't want to become that animated? With the cherry fluff summon gems, perhaps you seek to accompany the ones you are loyal to to the bitter end, but sadly, like all the summon gems, you can't prove your strength by fighting, just serving as a companion, but maybe for you it's a good thing because you won't explode.
Grass fluff/clover fluff: again, name interchangeable, but I shall call these grass fluffs in the result. Other fluffs might call you lucky to have those who care. In your home of Bass'ken Lake, there are three mother fluffs(Lucy, Goosey, and Mary Bussey) who will attack those that they catch attacking you. You're probably timid, but unlike the air fluffs, in fact, unlike ANY other fluff, you and the Carrion flower fluff actually has the ability to speak in the normal map. You probably fear something/someone (represented by the trash-cans) and you're very happy to see someone knocking them out. As long as no one attacks you, you probably won't attack others, which means that you're battle-style is more defensive. You could also be the fluffs that guard the mother fluffs if you feel like you have to repay the Mother Fluffs that protect you. Also, I noticed that whenever the trash cans are attacked, some of the grass fluffs blush upon showing up! Maybe(especially if you're a girl I would think) you feel that sort of innocent crush and blush around the one you like(or love)? With the grass fluff summon gems, perhaps this is the fluffs chance to follow the one whom helped them without fear of being attacked by them?
Mother fluffs(Lucy, Goosey, and Mary Bussey): You are like the fluffs that protect the grass fluffs of Bass'ken Lake. You probably are less of a fluff than you're smaller counterparts, but not to the extent of disqualifying you as a fluff(Fact: the mother fluffs of Bass'ken Lake are twice to three or four times as big as the average grass fluff). You're probably somewhat of a mother figure because of you're protective nature. You also have those that protect you to the best they can so you're probably also more of a leader than the other fluffs. You're likely to come to the aid of the weak who are attacked, but if one who's way beyond your level of power(like say, a 10.0 cl) attacks, you might not respond knowing that it'd be practically suicide doing so. Don't fret, that's the instinct of all fluffs on the lower end. You aren't a coral fluff nor the legendary null fluffs and crystal fluffs, but you could be one of the closest ones the fluffs that are around have to those legendary fluffs.
Carrion Flower fluff: Also found in Bass'ken Lake with the actual carrion flower fluffs considered the smelliest, you're more prone to attacking those of your level. Do you seek the power equal to that of the coral fluff? You're probably considered outcasted to some extent, but there are those that truly care about you. Open up to them and you'll see who your friends are. However, you also hide when there's a trashcan about. Are you intimidated? Trying to pull an ambush? Well, as much as you might want to attack the cl 10.0 that also attacks the can, you can't because you know what would happen and you can't become stronger if you don't live on, right? Also, considering the alternate Air fluff personality that I noticed because of the location theme, maybe you were one of those air fluffs that managed to get strong enough to handle those in the area, but something caused you to have to go to where you are now. Who knows? Sadly, I can't answer in this quiz.
Sand fluff, Gold Beach: Unlike the Sandtrap fluffs of Village Greens, you are the REAL sand fluff of Gold Beach. On the upper end of the spectrum, you are much trickier, especially since you can trap an attacker with the very sand of your home, leaving them unable to move for a bit(or at least slow them down). This could be reflected in your personality with being able to come up with verbal traps that could stump an opponent. You can even trap the 10.0 cl with it if they attack first and assuming you don't get knocked out in one hit. You probably share some common ground with the manly Sand Castles except while the castles use brute force, you are more likely to use some trickery, especially with your cuteness deceiving the unknowing attacker. There are those on Buccanear Boardwalk that, although you need the ticket to see them, that I think are either on the same level as the Coral fluffs or even more powerful.
Coral fluff/Barnacle fluff: the most powerful fluff found in zOMG! to date, well, until Buccanear Boardwalk expanded to the area where you need the ticket for, found in Shallow Seas, en route to the final boss, you are a coral fluff. You are loyal to those who you consider your superiors, in this case, the Sea Spouts, the queens of the sea. You could be fond of the water as well, but you are able to trap others just as well as the Sand fluffs found on the beaches near your home. You might be worse than the sand fluffs since not just your power level, but you are less likely to find in groups less than five for you and others of your kind understand teamwork very well, even without a Mother Fluff as a guardian. Carrion Flower fluffs probably admire you, even though you keep more to your homeland in the seas away from your fellow fluffs. There are a group of five fluffs I've seen who worship an eye as a god, maybe you feel the need to have someone as a superior to you and thus you might be more of a follower than a leader despite your power, which is sufficient to prevent people from going in there alone, especially when you are with others of your kind.
Null fluff: Initially found only as a plushie, some might call you an air fluff who has become obssessed with power. I do not know the null fluff this well, as I have no means to study them, but having the null energies could mean that you reflect the personality of a potentially more powerful fluff, subordinate only to the Crystal fluff. Some might argue that you're like the Crystal fluff only more devious in your rise to power, but the problem is, neither you nor the crystal fluff have shown themselves in zOMG except for a plushie, thus you and the crystal fluff probably are considered legends among the others. However, there are null fluff summon crystals allowing you to be seen, but you are bound to the one that summons you so you're following around the one that summoned you, whether guardian or attacker.
Crystal fluff: Potentially THE most powerful fluff kind of all, you most likely have the energy, devotion, charisma, knowledge, ability, and heart to become the most powerful, and perhaps the leader of the fluffs. Unlike the potentially corrupted null fluffs, you are more tenacious and honorable, choosing to help your fellow fluffs, Village green fluffs would swarm over to you and your kind if only you can show yourself, as I have never seen you nor the null fluff in zOMG except as a plushie, thus you have become a legend. As for the traits above, I'm sorry, but I got a little carried away, you are more likely just able to become the leader, but still have the heart to help the weaker ones.
Mint, Peach, and Baby Blue bunny fluffs: Seen in the easter event of zomg as plushies, you are most likely the most devoted to looking cute or cosplaying versus every other fluff ever. You actually try to put on accessories that look like you are a bit of someone else(bunny ears and tail) and even the attackers are willing to search all over, but the greediest ones are probably just looking to sell your recipe or plushie for gold and are more likely searching for the golden egg anyway...
Kitty fluff? I've only heard of this as a plushie, perhaps you are like the bunny fluffs, but more of an animal person? I don't know at all... I need some way to study these fluffs to determine a personality, I'm sorry.
Fluff recruit: You are most likely a former attacker, but like the Village greens fluffs, you've only recently learned about zOMG and when you encountered your first fluffs, you found them too cute to attack, but others forced you to attack them, so early on you converted and now try your best to protect the fluffs as well, if only there was a way to attack players who are attacking the fluffs, that ideal can become reality. You, unlike the Fluff Guardian, are much more positive about the concept and you are an optimistic person overall, and are not afraid to show your liking of cute things. You know, whether you knew before or are learning now, that in order to be promoted to Fluff Guardian, you need to complete the story and upgrade to the highest level you can, and you know that you'll have to attack them, but how you feel and what you decide are up to you. I'm sure the others will understand if you choose to. Just be careful.
Upbeat/calm Fluff Guardian: This is more of a sub-set to Fluff Guardian. See that result to compare. Unlike the typical fluff guardian, the upbeat fluff guardian is a recruit who promotes but doesn't want their regret to grip them so they can make the best of the situation. They can help encourage others to do their best, so keep positive, but don't be naive! Not everything is all happy in the world. there is a subset known as the calm fluff guardian, which is not hyper, unlike the stereotypical upbeat fluff guardian, which is hyper to some extent, but the calm fluff guardian still has the positive view on the world that the upbeat has.
Fluff Guardian: This term is more to reflect those who are attackers, but have developed enough compassion for the fluffs that they converted. In zOMG, they are experienced in combat, knowledgeable of what it's like to attack others even if they didn't want to, and tries their best to keep up with the zOMG! story. Fluff recruits can upgrade to this if they finished the final boss and get to cl 10.0(minimun can be lowered if the ones in charge of deciding the limit call for it.) They are either a) fluff recruits who promoted but regretted having to attack the fluffs or b) attackers who converted after they had gotten far enough to become a fluff guardian immediately upon conversion. Unlike the sub-category known as the Upbeat fluff guardian, these fluff guardians either can not or need help in letting go of their past as an attacker. In order to maintain a guardian status, they sometimes attack fluffs, but only if it's part of a quest that they have to do. Of course, personality wise, you could just have something in your head most likely tied to the past(heck, even history can do this) and it haunts you, bringing a more negative view of the world to you. If you get this result and do not have all the negative views on the world, you are more likely a sub-set of the upbeat fluff guardian, known as the calm fluff guardian, but not enough of the positive views to get this result. It's okay, I consider myself a fluff guardian too, but if you feel the need to let your emotions out, try doing something creative, like drawing, writing, music, sculpting, whatever floats your boat that can be done in a positive aspect. Hey, if you have a vivid enough imagination that allows history especially to haunt you, if you've done way too hard in studying for that exam or whatever big thing is up, maybe you need to relax. I know, I know, you might argue that you can't. I know because I said that line too. Maybe you need some time outdoors with friends socialising? Find out what you feel is empty from your life and, with some help from those who care about you, manage your time so you can get the free time and ability to do what you feel is missing if it's time doing something... Erm.... if the problem is that you feel like you need to love someone or do something that you don't want to do to fit in, I'd rather you dare to be yourself instead of forcing yourself to fall in love or whatever it is that you don't want to do. What I try to do on zOMG is observing the fluffs and writing down my observations on the topic I made in the World of Fluffs guild, "About the fluffs". You can find something too, I'm sure. P.S.: if part of the problem is that you feel like you can't protect the fluffs, hope that someday we'll have a player versus player server on zOMG!
If more results are needed, I shall add them, and edit the ones that are existing if needed, but this is what I have so far. If you want to comment on this idea, please leave a comment in the journal, and thank you.
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