They call me... [ Isabelle Ryne ]
The number of candles on my cake... [ 17 ]
I am a(n)... [ Fallen Angel ]
My privates indicate that I am a... [ Female ]
Find me in... [ Dorm 1A ]
Get to know me... [ quiet, shy, smart, sweet, caring ]
So, this is how it happened... [ Izzy lives with the two people she knew as family, her older brother and grandmother. She was never lonely or anything. she just lived her life the way she wanted it. Though she doesn't have a lot of friends, she was happy. Izzy changes form whenever she needs to, like the time when her brother was in danger. She also changes form during emotional situations (e.g. when she gets really angry she can't control herself and such). ]
When it come's to romance, I'm... [ Straight ]
Hey look, it's me...

Fallen Angel Form