Many legends of half human and half fish. People that lived in the water. The upper part of the body was human and the lower part was fins.
Many sailors say they saw these fined creature. Some proclaim that they capture one. But most people look at the sailor and laugh saying that they have been at see for to long. Some of the sailors believe that they were going crazy. But really lye's in the deepest park of the oceans. Was a cities of Mermaids and Mermans. Not what you see on movies, like from the disney show little mermaid. These creatures are like elves but more in touch with the whole Oceans. The fish, The waves. The planets. All of it.
One day as the city of the Mer people. There was a huge storm that came from the deepest part of the ocean, and took everything that lyed at the bottom of it and scatter everything around. All of the Mer people were lost and broken up.
Areana a Mermaid that was always was kind and loving for all her people. She got swept away from her family and onto a beach. Before she could wake up and go back into the Ocean Humans took her and put her in aqurium to show off that mermaids were real. When she woke up she was so confused on where she was. she Jumped into the water and swam them knocked into the glass showing how she would swim The tank she was in was mostly water a little spot for her to lay on when she sleeps. Or wants to watch people look at him.
Before she arrived the aquarium was not getting any business. After she arrived the place was packed. There was no reports of any other findings on any other beach of mermaid sweep ups.
((pm me if you like to rp with this... both female and male can rp with me. you can be whatever you like.))

Lioho was a not just a man... Man was in his kind name... He was a merman. The world of mer people was more like the human world but more of a none toxic world. Lioho had lived in a what seemed to be a japanese tranditional house. His house had several kinds of fish around. More of snake like fish. Els and other kind of fishes. He wore a long kuto which hide most of his tail. Loving the water he would come up onto he serface and look amoung the humans... They were like beings that seem so fermiliar to his kind. He wished to have one as a pet.