Well I planted more Marigolds, and most of the garden is coming along nicely...

Here you can see the Green Beans in the upper left, a row of Onions in the middle and a row of Garlic in the foreground.
Here is a better shot of the Green Beans:

There doing much better than I though they would, considering all the sun they get. The one in the upper right for instance was badly burned, and the one in the lower left is actually two growing too closely together. We'll see how this works out.
Here's one of the Green Peppers. It's kinda fuzzy, but it's doing really well. So far it's the best of the four that I re-planted.

The Garlic in the pot is doing fantastic! It's a tough son of a b***h! So far it's survived attack from cats, harsh heat, flooding, transplanting, and even the neighbors kids!

The Lillies are finally making an appearance. I planted them on Easter and so far three have emerged. I'm not sure how well you can see the one in the middle, it's a little red thing, the shadow from the Lillie on the lower left is pointing at it.

Oh, by the way, here is one of the Marigolds:

On a slightly sadder note:
I'm not sure how much longer I going to keep up the Garden, or this... blog? for that matter. You see I'll be moving sometime later this month. At least I hope to moving later this month. Sooner if at all possible. Now all my sister has to do is water the Garden every day... That might be a bit too much to ask... sad
Maybe I can get my nephew interested... It'd be good for him to have something to do routinely.
Anyway, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.