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the diary of houa vue
my journal of things.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
I Love You!
smile  hi hunny

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
hey baby. smile
love you too!

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
how are you today?

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
i just woke up. but i had an awesome day away from home. it was great.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
how was the library?

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
I met albert,erin,carl,kevin there. lol. and we went walking outside. want me to tell you how it went?

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  of course

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
well. its going to be a long one. i woke up today. and wasnt there in the head.
then went to the rr, eat spegetti, was not awake. idk. i wasnt there.
i texted you to get it over with.
it was a lovely talk with your momma.
i forgot to tell you to hug her afterwards.
but i was quite nervous talking to her...
and i didnt sleep well because i keep waking up not wanting to oversleep and have my mom take the cell phone to work. i told her around 6am that i needed it.lol
then i called. talked to you. i was happy. i was relieved so it didnt seem like i was happy.
but i am.
then i took the bike, refill my bottle and went to the library to return my dvds.
and saw albert there. lol. looking at the games magazine near the counter.
i asked him where ppl are and we just walked to kevins place.
he talked about bike locks and stuff so i told him about chai's first ucd bike, lol
and on the way to the house...we see kevin, carl and erin. carl and erin were wearing black cowboyish hats.
then we all walked to manchester mall.
and on the way i saw bruno. my friend who tattooed me.
just a small chatter then he said something about facebook and everyone was like..darn everybody has a fb and carl was the last one to have it. lol
then we went in to manchester mall and saw heather outside.
she wore a butt-short green dress and followed us. but she was fun ^^ i didnt feel alone i guess.
we went to the food court...
and decided to get pizza down below at the arcade station.
(i didnt pay because yeah. they treat)
but b4 this happened erin bought some cologne in teh stands.
and we walked to a window and looked at stuff.

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
and then a black security guard was like "keep moving and buy things"
and erin was like "i did" showed him his cologne and the security guard was being really rude.
and he asked for us to just keep walking...
when we did nothing wrong...
and more of ein talking back to him. and guess what?
out of no where the security guard was like...
i'll kick u guys out...
and changed his mind and said "you know what. all you guys get out of here" and we have to leave the mall.
so we got kicked out for just being a mass.
it was unfair and the security guard was a p***y for not wanting us to see his boss.
saying he was in a meeting.
then we went ot the dollar tree and to mcdonalds.
i got 2 mcdoubles and all 6 of us sat in a booth.
ate, drew pictures, and drink our large drinks.
and albert took a bite of my 2nd sandwich and wrapped it up again. =_=
so i ripped that part out and give it to him.
lol. nasty.
biting my burger
then we left ...and went back to mclane.
heather parted ways.
and then it was a nice walk...
i was walking with erin and carl and they started talking about their intercourse life.
how erin did erica lynn and how it was unpleasant and he was talking about just jacking off after making her youknowwhat. he didnt enjoy it and ..yeah. and carl did have coitus with his ex. (the latest one) and did not enjoy it either. i was so bless. ahaha. i kept it inside. but wow. we are so perfect. hehe. especially in this topic. lol

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
they talked more in dept with it but
the thing is... they didnt enjoy it and erin was like "what do i do when she cums and i havent. sad  " lol
i just didnt want to talk about it.
we were near the mclane area when erin started talking about his life, gloria, in house, and then you.
and how weird you were, i guess. something about sam cheating on carl and how u knew. i denied in my head about the details about this because it involved ... and we reached the library and drew some pictures. i checked out some dvds.
and left them.
and came home.
and just slept.
til now.
it was better than home
so yeah.
oh i almost forgot
i got pushed in a shopping cart.
on the way to the mall
so it was fresno fun.
thats it.
i miss you.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
sounds like a REALLY fun day biggrin
im happy for you dear.
lol they are weird liketh at.
nd carl and erin are selfish lovers. lol theyre perfect is a lazy lover XD

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
lmao. they are best friends now.
everything went right.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
loli knew sam was cheating on carl. ... it was pretty obvious. you couldnt tell?

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
well..the bad thing was that they included you in the situation... and i disbelievd it. because i hate that b***h and carl is carl. so yeah. i just brushed it off.
and yeah. dont like her.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
its fine.
doid you eat when you got back?

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
nope. i got a vitamin water siting on my desk by my mom. but i got full eating spagetti and 2 mcdoubles.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
erin told me that you told him that he was cute when he feel asleep napping while you guys were ditching in h.s. I lol'ed so hard.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
that was FOREVER ago. i cant belive her still remembers that

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
yeah.... those were your bi years. lol!

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
oga boga.

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
yeah. but u completely changed i guess. i mean were part of the group but we've been outside fresno and all that. we learned things ppl who stay in fresno dont know. we matured and yeah. still noticing that everyone in the group is growing up,..but in a slower rate.
all hail college...awayfrom home.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
its cause were aweseom. and we have each other. wink

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
and being on our own.
yeah. smile  so awesome.
how was ur day??? biggrin

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
my day well...
i woke up frm an amazing dream
i had to change my boxers.
it was a REALLY good ream... o///o
me and you wer back in fresno in that little house by tatsus and i was going down on you again in the closet. biggrin '''' it tastes so real n my dream.
then i took a shower. and had me some ceral.
i jumped on the comp and did my usuals for a few hours then went out and made me some frinch fries. yummy.
then had to watch the dogs so i iwent out back and they stayed with me most of the time.
then i helped bring in the grousheries.
and did my stuff again.
i came out to the smell of cooked hotdogs. and had me two of them with chips.
its was yummy too.
then made some Kool-Aid and put ice cubes in it so i coulld have it then.
i dl some videos from youtube and put the ones that worked on my psp.
and then played minecraft for a little bit.
i went out to get me some more kool-aid and hit my shoulder on the door and my mom made a remark back to when she ussed to think i smoked drugs.
i brushed it off. then got ma kool-aid.
i spent about 20 min snifing the armpit deoderint.
idk hy it smelled good.
i didnt stink so i didnt put it on.
so then i got on the comp again and saw you on and now im talking to my sweet princess.
smile  i had a very nice day.
thats it )

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
aww that seems like a good day also!!!
(brb... 2 ppl just started talking to me on IM. out of nowhere and i gotta do her a favor.)

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol oky doky

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
im back. sylvia IMED me because of sis is going to the Davis orientation i went ot last year. i still remember it. it was heaven. i wish i can get that feeling back. and jon message me saying he misses me.

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
So i give her a hotel thing

about an hour agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
i wonder if you can sneak in? lol

about an hour agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
cus she asked me if i remembered the hotel she went to.
not went to... " walked near to" my badd
when she was here.

59 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
what are your plans for tommarow? the same?

59 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
i'll stay home.

58 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
o.O o rly?

58 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
cant be awesome for 2 days straight. doesnt work that way. lol

58 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
OMG a new emopticon!

58 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
keep discovering them. lol

58 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

58 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
(omg! i miss going to davis orientation! it was like being in harry potter and being sorted and all that junk!!!!!)

58 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
well i wish you the best of luck to find stuff to do ^.^;

58 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
oh i will. i rented 4 dvds

57 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
oh cool, what are they?

56 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
you offline?

56 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
its the joyluck club..
about asian and white ppl.
and uh. lemme see..

55 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
oh yea i remember reading that in highschool.

54 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
omg. there was this part in the movie with the white guy dating an asian girl and she had him over at her place...
are you offline
da,n fb!!!!!!!!!!

54 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
im bak
lol ill tell you when im off XD
lol i mean i never left XD

53 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
lol. ok. well as i was saying...
there was this part in the movie with the white guy dating an asian girl and she had him over at her place...and the asian mom was like "my food is too salty"
"my food is not good."
and the white guy was like "no. it just needs alittle bit more salt" and she got offended.
what other movies do i also have..let me see.

51 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
ll leared that from staying over at other peples houses. every thing is good over there.

50 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
well i have...
the good earth
albert picked that one for me.
looks boring
because the book was awesome he says
but it looks boring
And Phatom of the opera.

47 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
oh nice. i like the last one ... wait what version? newor old?

46 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
i dont know. it looks newish.
uh. damn fb.
i dont know. it looks newish. yeah
from yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

44 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol i like the older one better.

44 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
Oh. b and w?

44 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

44 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
I love that song to death. You dont even know!
black and white?

43 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
,,, lol i thought you were talking about the car.

43 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue

43 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
wink  what cha whearing?

42 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
so was it????
black and white?
the movie.
because it was old

42 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
no i belive it had colour.
but i dont remember.

41 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
oh okay. well i never seen it.
i know its a classic
well pink bra..ah too tight tho sad  it leaves marks. undies, shorts, and my MARS GT shirt. the one and only golden ticket. woot
(btw, i found another girl who went ot the concert with me on tumblr!)
thats 5? wow!

40 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
wink  sexy. lol the rumored non-gold golden ticket. XD
lol cool hunny

39 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
yeah. i keep learning that the echelon are pretty close nit. Really close together. I mean, some ppl get into the e-newsletter and iw as like "omg! that girl! i have her as my tumblr friend!!!) lol

38 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
e-newletter from 30s2mars.
what r u wearign?

38 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
wink  thats it.
smile  im whearing a pair of torn black pants.

38 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
no boxers?

37 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
wink  nope.

37 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
wouldnt that cause friction?

36 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
not as much as youd think. i've dont it plenty of time i just had to get used to the cold ziper XD

35 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
lmao. on manswers they tell you how to get unstuck if it happens to a man. you need like a screwdriver or something. yikes.

33 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol i know. im not that dumb though. i slide my waist back when i zip up.
what about you dear, have you ever gone with out panties?

32 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
yeah..there was this one time. and jon, that b*****d can tell you all aboutit
it was in senior year
and i ran out of good laundry
so i just wore my jeans
and jon was the only person that day wearing shorts
cus he always does
and he had 2!~
so i was like ... please jon. lemme wear ur clean short
and he was like "no"
the end. (dat b*****d)

31 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
have you ever thought about not givin a dam and saving a clean pair?
u there?

30 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
lmao. hehe. he was too creeped out
yeah im here

30 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol fb.

30 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue

30 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

30 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
what else has been happening?

30 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
would you, by choice, go out with out panties?
oh lol sorry was typing
no not really im packing
not sure what to brgin

29 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
nah. because i dont like the friction. on my youknowwhat.

29 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
im bringing closes and wondering if i sould give you back your sexy clothes.

29 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
didyou get that message on here that i sent to you?

29 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
which one?
so lol probly not XD

29 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
go check
but uh. just leave it to be.
with my clothes
and my things
how are they going to be in davis?
if you wont carry them down here?

28 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
no im saying is sould i bring them i can if you want me to. theres nothing stoping me but your desscision.

28 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
no. its okay.

27 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
i was going to bring thm in a plastic bad.

27 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
alrighy then ill leave them here.
i have some news.

27 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue

27 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
we can not have kevin's couch and love seat. but they want us to take the buck beads that are here (it turns into a couch. its REALLY cool.)
its a metal frame and pretty much light weight

26 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
sure. idk how they look like though.

26 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
want me to send a pic?

25 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue

25 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
oky doky. ill send it in 3 minutes.
hav you seen my others i sent today?

24 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
no. i havent. im going to now. lol
i wanna hotdog now also.

24 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol it was yummy. i want spageti

23 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
im not even hungry but i tell yah. i can eat right now.

23 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
giggidy, ill give you a hotdog.
i sent embtw.

22 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
well. u know how u send me the pixes. who else do you send it to?

21 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
i sent that one to my fauther as well because it was harmless. wink  only n***s to you. some times i send the ones i send to you to my self.

20 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
so u send pixes to me and ur father only? lawl. you have a big contact list, dont yah.

19 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol cause every one here already seen the pics i send out.
and every one else on ma phone is eather to dumb to get my sence of humor or changed their number..
(no ... just .)

19 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
i see ^^
me, you and your daddy only knows whats going on. lol
phone pics for the win

18 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

17 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
my sister has snoring problems
like shes struggling to breathe

17 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

17 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
and then she makes wierd starwars noises
darkvadar s**t

16 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
XD our familes are so weird.

16 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
uh. you tell me! OMG. it was so hard..to tell your mom about my family. so i was like
"uh. i dont know how to describe it in a few words"
and she was like "oh".

15 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

15 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
not going to tell her anything deeper. because yeah. well at least not yet. i dont want others to know.

14 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  i understand. i feel so spechal knowing your personal life.

14 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
aww. its nothing important.
i have it keep it a secret.
and yeah.

13 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol well hunny. its time for me to go to bed.

13 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
okie dokie then.

12 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  i Love You!

12 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
ur bedtime is so wierd?
I love you and goodnight

12 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
and sweet (and sexy) dreams hunny!

12 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
giggles*okay then. lol!

12 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  god night my sweet princess.

11 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
lol my last typo for the night XD

11 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
you too, my hubby. XOXO

11 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

11 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue

11 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
♥ ♥

10 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
go to bed!
♥ ♥ &#

10 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor

10 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
♥ ♥ ♥
you have too!

10 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
♥ lol alright sweet dreams my love. have fnu tomarrow.XD

10 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
you too! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

9 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  and to you as well.

9 minutes agoSent from ChatHoua Vue
Goodnight hunny. XOXO. ♥

9 minutes agoSent from ChatDennis Tudor
smile  good night to you too ♥
morni hunny.v-V i couldnt sleep.Report · 12:19am:"(why?.Report · 12:19amim just not tired..Report · 12:20amoh lol. hehe. lemme finished my gaia message first. then i'll get to mess with yah. wink .Report · 12:20amXD thats so mean. its hard enough as it is, with out you messnig with me ;D wink and by "its" i mean me wink .Report · 12:24amlmao. are you cereal?<3is that why u cant sleep?.Report · 12:24am:/ biggrin yeah, lol thats mostly why i cant sleep..Report · 12:24am(tell me when is ur bedtime..)lmao. no n***s though..Report · 12:24am( my bed time is 11 pm)lol i know..Report · 12:25ambad boy!.Report · 12:25amfine ill go back to bed.night dear..Report · 12:25ambutnoif yu cant go to sleep then you cant..Report · 12:26am;/ yeah your right, lol tell that to my mom XD.Report · 12:27amits up to you. i'll be up for awhile. i guess im noturnal.your mom called me lazy . lol it was funny..Report · 12:28amD yeah shes weird like that. i think i sould go to bed b4 i get yelled at and the decide to cancel my trip. ;/:/.Report · 12:29amoh alrightie then. good night hun. :3 i love you..Report · 12:29am<3 I Love You <3!sweet (naughty) dreams.post scropt. check gaia again ;Dnighty nightim off in 321bye.Report · 12:30ami love you. gn..

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