My dad is Dark Link, my younger brother is Dark..he's a junior, and my sister is Dusk. Dad left today and told me to watch my siblings and protect them since I'm the oldest. Oh yeah, I'm 4..Dark is a year younger and Dusk is three months younger than Dark. I felt Dark tug on my shirt,"Onii-sama, can you get food?"
"Okay, what do you want Dark?"
"We want something, anything please I'm hungry!"
"Okay," I grabbed both Dark and Dusk's hands and brought them to the lake with me,"Dusk can you give me a fishing pole?"
"sure," Dusk clomps her hands together and uses magic to form a fishing pole.
"Thanks," I grab the pole and put bait on it, I used worms or small fish
"Get a big one Shadow!" Dark screams
"Alright, just let me concentrate," I held on the pole, waiting for a fish to yank...after a few minutes I casted out my pole I felt a slight yank..It wasn't strong enough to be a fish. Then the second yank was like 10 times stronger
"What the heck is on here?!" I screamed as I reeled in
"I don't know but I hope it's a big one!" Dark said excitedly
I reeled in the fish all the way. We got two big ones, the fish was bigger than Dusk's head. When Dark realized that he started to jump.
"Yay! We have a big one!"
"Don't forget I live in this family too Dark!"
We got back and went to that house Dark found a while back. That was our special house and no one has found us when we were there. I walked up to the porch on the front and found a note,
"Shadow, please be safe and take care off your siblings, I'm going to be gone a long while," it was signed by my dad. Mom went missing a month after Dusk was born. She was a princess and no one know what happened. Our Dad still works for Ganondarf but honestly we all despise that man. After that day is when we all hated on Ganon.
"Dusk, go get Dark I finished cooking the fish,"
"Okay," she walked into the forest where Dark always hides but then I heard her scream. I instantly stood up and ran over knocking into Dark, who was screaming his head off,"Shadow! I saw a monster and told Dusk to not go but she did and now they have her!!!!"
"What did the monster look like?"
"A shadow, like the ones we see at Ganon's Tower!"
"oh no," I grabbed my wooden sword and Dark's hand,"Come on! We have to go there right away,"
Dark quickly grabbed a fish and shoved it into his mouth,"Yummy! Okay let's go,"
We ran across the village and got to the tower. Dark clouds were around the top of it. Everything about this tower was evil. I just knew it. Dark kicked the door open and ran in,"WAIT!" I ran after him up the stairs and we got to the top, where a door was. I put my hand on the doorknob and told Dark to stay close behind me. I slowly turned the knob and heard a laugh. It was Ganon's laugh,
"Dark, you've served me for quite a long time yet you never succeed, maybe I should kill your magical daughter,"
"No, Lord Ganon please leave my kids...anything just take me not them!" Our dad pleaded
I couldn't help but to run in,"Stop! Ganon don't kill anyone,"
"Well, it's your two sons," he looked at Dark who was frightened,"Do you want to become strong Dark?" he asked,
Dark nodded and he clenched my shirt. I felt it, the feeling something bad was going to happen. Dusk was on the ground knocked out. Then Ganon pulled out a sword and went to my father ready to kill him. I dashed over and used my sword to hold it back but it was pointless. I wasn't strong enough to go against Ganon. He laughed and jabbed the sword into my dad in front of us. I covered Dark's eyes, this was something he couldn't see, but I felt his sadness. Dark was crying, and so was Dusk. There layed my father...dead.
"What did you do, you b*****d!" Dark screamed
"Why I killed your father, isn't it obvious,"
"No, that's horrible!"Dusk shouted
"I can't agree anymore with these two!" I screamed
"Well the Shundaki kids sure have spirits of courage, like that idiot who got me trapped here," he dragged our dad to us,"Here, you want your dad..go ahead have him now, he's no use to me anymore,"
Dusk ran over looking in her spell book to revive our dad but Ganon smacked the book right out of her hand intothe fire. She stared at him,"I hate you!" she threw a fire ball at him. Ganon grabbed Dusk. I couldn't watch anymore and attacked Ganon from the back and Dark wrapped around his legs,
"What are you three doing?!" he got us all loose and we flew around the room.
"This is for our dad," I jumped attacked Ganon and smacked him right on the head, then Dusk and Dark hit the exact same spot. Ganon got real mad and I grabbed the twos' hands. Ganon made a portal," Say good-bye,"
He used dark magic and shocked me causing me to fall in with Dusk..leaving Dark.
"Onii-kun!" dark cried
I couldn't say anything, I was too weak and let go of Dusk's hand, "No," I said silently and knocked out. I though I was never going to see them again...
"Hey! What are you doing sleeping on the ground?!" A sweet voice said.
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my life is totally wack
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Shadow Link XD

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