Name: Ardis Wolfshead
Class: Ranger
-Expert trackers and scouts, rangers are wilderness warriors who excel at hit-and-run fighting. Master of both bow and dual blade fighting. Vanish into the woods like a ghost, and bring down foes before they know what hit them.
Race: Human
Brave and ambitious, somewhat more numerous than other races, and their city-states are among the brightest spots in a dark world. However, there still exist vast portions of the world where no human has set foot.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft
Weight: 205 lb
Alignment: Good
reserved; skeptical/suspicious; adaptable; kind;
brave, but cautious; stoic; calm and patient; honest and pragmatic
Robin Hood and Aragorn (Strider)
Leather Armor on shoulders and bracers
Longbow Picture
Long Sword
Short Sword
Dagger/throwing knives
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Name: Lunatam Magus
Class: Wizard
Master of potent arcane powers, disdain physical conflict in favor of awesome magic. Hurl balls of fire that incinerate your enemies, cast spells that change the battlefield, or research arcane rituals that can alter time and space.
Race: Eladrin
Graceful, magical race born of the Feywild, the realm of Faerue. They love arcane magic, swordplay, and exquisite work in metal and stone. They live in shineing cities on the border of the Feywild, kin to elves.
Age: 103
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 156 lb
Alignment: Good
Showy/flashy, talkative, shameless, self-promoting
No one is as good as he is
likes to be the life of the party and have his name be known
believes that elves are hillbilly, cousin of eladrin
Jim Darkmagic (of the New Hampshire Darkmagics) and Aeofel
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Name: Asclepius "Ace" Corvus
Class: Cleric
Courageous and devout, clerics are holy warriors and healers. Blast foes with divine powers, bolstering companions with healing and magical power, leading them to victory with wisdom and determination.
Race: Half-Elf
Has many of the best features of both humans and elves, half-elves have capabilities distinct from both races. They are charismatic and versatile.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 164 lb
Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: The Raven Queen
Grim, fatalistic, steady, stoic, calm
Chain mail (Under the clothes)
Holy Symbol with Three Raven Feathers (Symbol)
Hand Crossbow
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