Delira Stormgale
Night Elf
Feral Druid
Night Elf
Feral Druid

About Delira
¤ Specialization: Feral Shape Shifting
¤ Although she formerly mastered the art of feral shape shifting and combat, a maiming wound on her back prevents her from shifting into her beloved feline form.
¤ Young adult by Night Elf standards.
¤ She is very wild, fierce, stubborn, quick to anger, but good hearted.
Physical Attributes
¤ Eyes: Glowing Silver
¤ Height: Petite for her race, 6'1
¤ Body type: Very slender, average curves.

¤ Hair: Never any longer than her shoulders. Sometimes held back in a short, low ponytail or allowed to hang free in wild, choppy layers.

¤ Hair color: Bright blue
¤ Skin color: very pale often shimmering lightly pink under sunlight or a pale blue under moonlight.
¤ Face: Fair features, full, deep purple lips. Two small pointed canine fangs when revealed.
¤ Light grey blue tufts of fur on tip of ears very similar to a lynx's ear.

¤ Small silver ring in nose, two small crescent, shaped earnings dangle from her earlobes as well as the tips of her ears are lined with silver rings.

¤ Severe burn wounds across her back, often hidden beneath bandages.
¤ You are more than welcome to get creative with her clothing if you draw her. Infact I would really appreciate it. Here are some optional ideas. Just remember she is a druid so leather and feathers are always good.

In game pictures:

Best References:

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Received Artwork : (Click for full picture)
Received Group Art: (Click for full picture)
ιf your stupidity gets us killed?