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Date this chart was completed: October 27th, 2011

Character's Full Name: Apollo Suzuki
Reason or meaning of name: "Strength" or "To Destroy"
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname: << None.

Birthday: Sometime in Fall
Astrological Sign: Don't know >>


Age: 19
How old does s/he appear? 19 >>
Eye Color: Blue
Glasses or contacts? Nope
Hair color: White
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): -facepalm- He's got freaking white hair, man.
Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?): Thick.
Typical hairstyle: Not too short, but never past his shoulders.

Height: 5'7"-ish
Weight: 150-something
Type of body/build: Lanky

Nationality: American/Japanese (I think..?)

Skin tone: Pale
Skin type: ...I don't know what that means! xD

Shape of face: .......oval?

Distinguishing Marks? Not really.
Scars? Yeah, on his head, from getting hit by a car.
Most predominant feature: Eyes
Resembles (famous or not): His mother, more-so than his father.

Accent? German, occasionally, on account of taking it for years.

Is s/he healthy? Relatively.
If not, why not: He got hit by a car, trying to be a hero. It didn't do any serious damage.

Physical disabilities: None?
Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): He's not very good at sports xD He could probably play, like.. Soccer or something, if he put his mind to it, because he's good at running.

Color: Red
Music: Country
Food: Italian
Literature: Poetry
Expressions: Love
Book: Interview with the Vampire
Quote: "O captain! My captain!"
Expletive(s) (swears): "Scheisse"
Mode of transportation: Trysten's bike

Smokes: He will eventually.
What? Cigarettes
How often? Occasionally

Drinks: Yep.
What? Coffee.
How often? Every morning.

Worst bad habit? Jumping to conclusions.

Quirks: He shifts his eyes a bit when he lies, I guess xD

Hometown: Don't know the name of it <<
Type of childhood: His childhood was good until he was ten. His parents got in a car accident and died, leaving him in the care of his then seventeen year old brother, Natomi, who later raped and sent him away.
First memory: Riding in a stroller, down the dips in the sidewalks, and through puddles.
Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: When he was raped by his brother.
Why? because that brother is now his lover.

Lower education: ...Don't get it.

Higher education: Still don't get it.

Booksmart or streetsmart? Definitely booksmart. He relies on Natomi when it comes to the real world.

Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? Nope.

Job? Bakery.

Kiss? Er.. I think.. uh.. that one's hard. If we're talking real kiss, and not just a peck, Natomi. If a peck, it was either someone random, or it was Ashton. If we're just going with what lips touched his beyond family love, Natomi. If we're not excluding family-love, then his mother. > __> Yeah, I dunno here.

Sexual experience? Natomi, his brother.

Mother (name): Don't know.
Relationship with her: He was a momma's boy until she died.
Father (name): Dunno = __=
Relationship with him: Eh.. his dad adored him, but he liked his mom better.
Siblings: His brother, Natomi.
Birth order: Natomi came first.
Relationship with each: He's only got Natomi, and Natomi's his lover.
Children of Siblings: ....there better be none, or Apollo will be seriously jealous.
Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): ..don't know about this one. Probably not.
Close to family? ...how many times do I have to say he's ******** his brother? xD

Does character have child(ren)? Nope.
How many? NONE.
Are all children with the same partner? If he could have Natomi's babies, he would. But he can't. <__ <
If no, why not? If no, what is the custody arrangement? ... -facepalm-
How does character relate to his/her child(ren)? .......
Which child is character's favorite? -ignores this and all the rest of the kid questions-
Character's most favorite memory of his/her child(ren)?
Character's least favorite memory of his/her child(ren)?
Is relationship with children good?
Is relationship with children important to character?


Where does character work? In some building with his lover and best friend.
How many years? -shrugs-
Relationship with co-workers? He's like his brother, only less flirty. He gets along with everyone, especially when he knows he has to.
Like his/her job? Yep.
Why or why not? Because, not only does he work with teo of the three most important people in his life, but he's also doing what he loves.

Dream job: Translator. The job he's got.

Greatest fear: Death.
Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing Natomi.
What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil? Losing someone close to him, like Trysten, Ashton, or, lord forbid, Natomi.

Character is most at ease when: He's curled up in Natomi's arms.
Most ill at ease when: He sees someone looking his boyfriend over.

Priorities: ..I dunno.
Philosophy: Dunno this one either.

How s/he feels about self: He's comfortable in his skin.
Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: He's an open book. Failures are a part of life, in his eyes.
If granted one wish, what would it be? ..He'd wish for the ability to marry Natomi.
Why? Because he loves him. Because it's illegal to marry someone you're related to. And.. Because wishing for his parents to be alive again, or to never have died, could really ******** things up, and he doesn't want to risk what he has with Natomi.

Daredevil or cautious? Cautious.
Same when alone? Depends on his mood.

Biggest regret? Well, later he's going to regret going out and almost sleeping with someone else.

Biggest accomplishment: Graduating? xD
Minor accomplishments: -shrugs- Getting over being raped?

Character's darkest secret: It used to be what happened between he and his brother. Don't know what it is now. Closest thing is that he doesn't exactly gab about Natomi being his lover and brother. -shrugs- But he'd tell if asked, so it;s not really a secret.
Does anyone else know? Yep.
If yes, did character tell them? Yep.
If no, how did they find out? <<


Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): He's loyal, honest, and trustworthy.
Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): he's too trusting, too easily.

Character's soft spot: Kids.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Not really.
If not, how does character hide it? He doesn't try to.
Biggest vulnerability: His brother.

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Envy, mainly.
Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?
(chastity, abstinence, liberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) ...well, a couple of these went out the window once he ad Natomi got together xD But there's still.. Kindness, above all.

Optimist or pessimist? Depends on the situation. > __> Mainly a pessimist.
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.
Drives and motivations? Trysten is the strength behind anything he's accomplished, honestly.
Talents (hidden or not)? Learning languages is easy for him, I guess. He can cook, and he can easily defuse situations.

Extremely skilled at: Listening.
Extremely unskilled at: Most anything sexual. ..and dancing.

Good characteristics: Honesty.
Character flaws: He's easily made jealous when it comes to Natomi. He's quick to anger, and will often jump to conclusions, because he's too worried about the answer to his question to ask it, most times.
Mannerisms: He picks at his fingernails and purses his lips when nervous.
Peculiarities: -facepalm- It's too late to THINK.

One word character would use to describe self: Naive.
One paragraph description of how character would describe self: I like to think that I'm honest as I can be, and that I'm there for others when I have to be. Sometimes I get a little hot-headed, and jealous, but I don't mean to hurt anyone. Because of this, I'm not that great at defending myself unless someone's worked me up to the point of being red in the face. I don't mind leading, but I often find myself following instead. I may know a lot when it comes to history, and math, but.. being on the street, without Trysten, or Natomi, I'd die in less than an hour, and it's pathetic that even I know that to be true.

What does character consider best physical characteristic? Eyes.
What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Hands.
Are these realistic assessments? Nope.
If not, why not? Because he should know better D< He's HUMAN.
How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? Naive, with a heart of gold.
What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.)
1. Shyness
2. Height
3. Anger
4. Jealousy
If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks? No.
If not, why not? Because.. He'd be interested in talking to girls, who he'd always been afraid to talk to, and.. He'd want to push himself, to see what /would/ make him uncomfortable. He'd probably end up being a bit vain, and most likely cheat on Natomi, breaking his heart a dozen times before the man was forced to leave him, breaking both of their hearts. -headdesk-

Is character divorced? No. Why? Because he's never been married.
If yes, how many times? D<
Has character ever cheated on any significant other? ..he will come pretty damn close.
How does character relate to others? -shrugs-
How is s/he perceived by...
Strangers? Friendly.
Friends? Naive.
Wife/Husband/Lover? Pfft, Natomi worships Apollo.
Children? Nice.
Co-workers? Friendly.
Protagonist? There.. Well.. I guess that'd be Natomi, and.. As I said, Natomi is so in love with him, he doesn't care how naive he is.
Antagonist? ..most of them end up dead/beat up. Doesn't matter what they think (though most of them seem to think he'd make good assbait. -facepalm-)
First impression character makes is: Quiet, shy, but friendly.
What happens to change this perception? If he opens up/trusts you/gets to know you well, he'll open up about everything <<

What do family/friends like most about character? He's trustworthy/protective.
What do family/friends like least about character? That he can be really bitchy.


Immediate goal(s): To be a translator.
Long range goal(s): To grow old beside Natomi.
How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)? Graduate, and hold on to his lover tight.
How will other people around character be affected? ...Natomi's gonna be tied down, but I don't think he'll mind too much.


How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He's one to freeze, and scream, and panic, while trying to help.
How does character face problems? He doesn't like to face them. They usually corner him.
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Ones he makes up in his head, like Natomi cheating on him, which he never would dream of doing.
How does character react to NEW problems? He tries to ignore them, afraid of getting hurt, or hurting someone else.
How does character react to change? As long as it doesn't mean losing someone close, he doesn't care. He adapts fine.


Jewelry? Doesn't really wear jewelery.
Other accessories? Nope.
Drives a ... : Nothing xD
Where does character live? With his lover.
With anyone? OBVIOUSLY.
Where does character want to live? As long as he's with Natomi, and close to Trysten, it doesn't matter.
Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? He's the type to only spend what needs to be spent.
What does s/he do too much of? Nags Natomi to take his medication.
Too little of? Exercise? xD
Most prized possession: Picture of he, his mother, his father, and his brother. He keeps the photo taped inside a folder in his backpack. Why? Because his parents are dead, and it's a picture of Natomi he can get away with carrying around.
Play musical instrument? Nope.
Which one(s)? None.
How did s/he learn? Didn't.
Does character like animals? Kinda.
Any pets? nope.
Likes music? Yes.
What kind? Country.


Owns a computer? Kind of. Borrowing it from the college, to type up papers.
If not, why not? <___ <
Email address(es): Yep. Only for school.
If more than one, each used for...?
"Handle": ...what?
Meaning to character: ...?
Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? School.
Play computer games? No.
If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day? NEVER xD
If so, are they/it multiplayer game/s? No!
Name used on each game & meaning to character? -facepalm-
List 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?
1. Too
2. Damn
3. LAZY,
4. man.


Person character secretly admires: Ashton. He wishes he could be that open D;
Person character was most influenced by: Trysten.
Most important person in character's life: Natomi.
Why? Because he loves that man like crazy.

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