Whohooo, tomorrow's Halloween and I technically only have one class which will be spent not doing anything.Group work started last week in Graphic Reproduction.Everyone was separated into groups to be able to print in color.Last week, on Wednesday, it was my group up first and we had to print in yellow.All we had to do was centralize the image and print.Everyone had to centralize it(I was last and it took me three tries again.The professor even shook my hand when I finished.).We all did it in less than an hour and the professor looked satisfied.Said we did it in record time.Ah, I'm just glad it's over with.It felt weird being in a group where I was the only female.Tomorrow's magenta, then cyan on Wednesday and black next Monday.Professor told the magenta group "I don't care if it's Halloween and if you have to come dressed as witches, demons or whatever, you get your butts here early and do the printing or you're going to be left with a zero."Most of the people are responsible anyway.Then after that, it's party time!Music, chatter and last, but not least, the costume contest!I won't participate(I doubt many people know about Noodle from Gorillaz anyway...), but I'll try to get a good view and record it.Something hilarious is bound to happen, like it did last year.Well, sayonara for this entry!