So tomorrow's homework day. My mother and I worked out a schedule-- Today was Goof Off day, tomorrow is Homework day, and Saturday/Sunday is Clean My Room day. I don't plan on doing the overdue essay she wants me to do, I plan on doing the homework that's due the moment I walk into class on Monday. D: I hope she'll understand.
My dad is trying desperately to get me to do something this week, he wants me to go hang out with a friend or have a friend hang out over here. He always does this. D: While I appreciate that he wants me to have a social life, I don't like the whole 'Go to a friend's house or your grounded' thing. 'Sides, I busy myself with things online, I don't have time to go to the mall. Nonetheless, I agreed to go to Seattle with him Thursday. I want to go to Uwajimaya, the Japanese super-store, to pick up a new sketchbook and some pencils. Maybe I'll even get some candy~ What does 'Uwajima' mean, anyways? The 'ya' at the end makes it a store...
I've forgotten how to draw faces D: ^
Leamony · Wed Apr 05, 2006 @ 06:20am · 0 Comments |