
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Talent: Songstress
Crush: Leon (Just KH version, not FF Squall)
Andrea hails from an aquatic world, Not Atlantica, that was destroyed many years by the Heartless, and is long since gone. She grew up in Radiant Garden, spending her time with Leon and the others. Her best friend is Aerith, which they played in the garden alot. Her and Leon always picked and played with eachother, and it eventually led the two to date before the events of KH1. Knowing he had a duty to attend, he told Andy he wasn't ready for a relationship, and she understood. Taking that knowledge, she went off to discover new worlds, spending alot of her time in Beast's Castle (After Sora found it in KH2), researching in his large library. After the events in KH2, she returned back to the Radiant Garden, and she helps Yuffie and the gang with things needed for the town, and wards off any enemies that may come across. She uses her microphone and her voice as a weapon, as she is searching for a keyblade all her own. She is a smart and studious girl, loving to read, paint and sing. She is calm, refined, and she knows her place.
Glaceyon · Thu Dec 29, 2011 @ 06:16pm · 0 Comments