Like the title suggests I am at a complete loss when it comes to women. Now, take into consideration that I am a 16 year old young woman, and I get dumbstruck whenever a woman opens her mouth and words slither out that are so childish, immature, and completely senseless, that it makes it clear to me and anybody within earshot why there are so many men out there that treat women like a lesser species. It's because they are acting like one. Now, for any feminists that may read this: get your panties out of a bunch. I am not by any means suggesting that all women are stupid, I am simply pointing out that I do know that- more times then I would be comfortable admitting- women make fools of themselves.
I'm sure guys feel totally confused when they try to do something nice for their girlfriend/wife (i.e. buy her some roses just because), and then she gets pissed for a reason unknown to the male species, and turns into Mega b***h. Well, this happened to me, well not really to me. I didn't turn into a MB, but my mom surely did.
My mother has liked this man who used to be our family doctor for a while now. Lets call him Dr. K. He has reciprocated her feelings, but he has never outright said to her, "Be my girlfriend."
All of us (My brothers and I) have been friendly with him, and my mother and him would text/call/email each other. He knows that I am a avid smart-a** and I also love to tell dirty jokes. He knows this, and he's okay with it.
So one day when I had accompanied my mother to Wegman's, he had sent her a text, and we were joking around. So I said to my mother, "I am going to text Dr. K a joke I had heard about a bird who used to live in a brothel. (the punchline was when a woman took it home and it recognized her husband by name.)" She knew the joke and said okay. I told her that since I was sending it through a text, if it became longer than 3 pages I would not send it, and instead send him a shorter one.
It hit 3 pages before I even got halfway through, so I told her I would instead send him one about 4 nuns, which really wasn't all that dirty. So, I sent it but he never responded back. (He does that a lot, not respond to texts.)
Later when we got home and I was sitting at the dining room table, my mom bursts out of her room holding her cellphone, and looking at me with a horrified expression. She said that Dr. K had sent her a text saying how funny the joke was, and she had asked him if it was the bird one I sent and he said yes. When we were still at the store, I quadruple checked that message before I sent it, more trying to hunt out spelling/grammar errors than to make sure it wasn't the bird one, but I read that text probably 10 times before sending it.
Now this a** face went and said it was a bird joke! I kept swearing to my mother that I canceled the bird one because it was too long, and instead sent the one about the nuns. She would hear none of it. Because the object of her ******** obsession said that it was the bird one, then I had to be wrong. She accused me of going behind her back and sending the text despite her. She then stormed into her room like a spoiled child and slammed the door.
So I spent the rest of the night in my room, reading. Later in the day she came in, and was being all friendly. When I showed absolutely no interest in anything she had to say, she started giggling, and asked me if I was still angry with her. I said yes, and she continued to giggle. Then she shut the door and walked away.
The next day when I was doing the dishes she was again acting all friendly, while I was acting uninterested and annoyed. She again asked me if I was still angry and I said yes. I also said that I wanted her to apologize. She blew up at me saying I had no right to ask for an apology, when it was she who was wrong. She told me to go to my room.
I honestly wish I had handled it better by standing my ground. You see, I was nearly on the verge of tears because I was incredibly hurt and I felt betrayed, so I fled. My own mother, who had known me for 16 years, trusted a man who she had only become friendly with a couple months prior, more. Of course now, since it was never resolved, when I think back to this, I feel a rage bubble inside me. I always think that if I had another chance to relive that fight, and retain my memories of the first, I probably would not cry. I would channel my anger.
Now whenever she mentions Dr. K, I get pissed off and annoyed. She has no idea why. If she ever asks, I'll tell.
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