Not going to be on. Episode watching will have my attention so there's no way I can talk to anyone in any form of communications with my Firefox full of tab after tab of prepared already loaded episodes. I'll be sitting there watching episode after episode, so it's impossible for me to talk to anyone either online, via phone or in person.
I'm only including the last two to explain to you the extents of my inability if you were a real life friend and not just online. If I had to choose, very few people, to a good small number of people, would be allowed to actually use Skype or mobiles with me because it's risky to carelessly go "let's be very close friends", incorporating reality, to some new person you don't know sufficient details about. Adding reality into it means being friends with who the person really is and not just the image of how they sound like via the messages they send. And I only know a few I'd willing to do that with. True friends I'd keep. But for people whom I'd miss but wouldn't ask for an email because they're strangers, would be roleplayers unless i know certain roleplayers a little ;A;, And non-roleplayers, friends. I mean, who else could I talk to about some fandom I like? I can assure you I can find no one else, anywhere, except on here to talk about so and so series, and that's why I love that Gaia exists but I dislike Gaia when I hardly have any activity and have no use to be online and no reason to talk to anyone. Also, random inclusion, my Gaian life stays in Gaia. Of course. Everything on here has nothing to do with me, per se. I keep my online and real life lives separate because they're meant to be separate; they're not the same. Ignore the last four sentences if they made no sense. I'm usually not up for being friends with someone in a "real" way. I don't tell people information, first of all, which is a good indicator and can be sad news, I'm sorry. It's not like I may not want to know you or let you know me, but I've always never let anyone know about who I really am until, like, fairly deeply into the relationship. And then, talk some more, bond, eventually friend each other on another site, get to know the real person, and not just the image, and stay friends even off Gaia until time ends. That's what happens for a few people c: It'll especially happen to someone whom I'll feel will remain my friend forever, strong bond, because I'll be able to see that in the beginning of any friendship from, eg: first of all, compatibility. Anyhow, I won't get into this "friend" and "reality" talk anymore. Sorry if anyone's lost right now but I don't want to continue. If you don't mind ...
This account will become rarely used, like it was before its revival xD
I'm sorry = u e ... I'll always come back though.
I like my inventory and some people you just can't find anywhere else - so Gaia, keep living!! >D
-cough- FairyTailroleplayers -cough- Butyoudidn'thearanythingfromme///;; -coughcoughblushesglides out of the room- Sick. Gotta go. Bye!
Shonen Romance
After watching One Piece and Bleach, I was reminded of the single thing that I can't ever tolerate in shounen like those; I forgot it cause it's been a while since I watched an anime lol. It drives me up a wall and I can't take it - and this is from someone who doesn't often get mad and who tolerates everything as much as possible until she really can't! (Annoyed easily, many times, but controls emotions to not let it boil to a roar)
Of romance ..
It makes me cringe and frown. I'd rather numb my teeth from ice cream than go through the pain of shonen romance hinting, the bad way! The physical ache would be inferior to the mental migraine.
-facepalms, shaking her head-
There's shounens that actually have romance in them. Couples form. Happy Ending.
Then, there's shounens that hint but it's too faint and this makes it too confusing. I'm talking about the most confusing you have ever felt, and double that! See if you don't become bothered! ; A ;
Well, actually, maybe it's because of me. I hate uncertainty. Or, well, don't like-- don't prefer. With romance? If the interest is not clear, which it usually isn't unless two people outright embarrassingly confess to each other oh so bluntly and oh so boldly, then I double-check. And I keep analyzing - because it's my only option. Sadly.
Observing behaviour, words, and actions to see if the person likes me. All successfully done without blurting a single word to the other person, mind you.
AAAAnyhow. -rolls her eyes- Some times are impossible. Some shounens are even strongly more impossible that it's too irritating to handle.
There's a hint of a crush, but no real path to its existence (and the crush is never elaborated on) and the hint fades just as quickly as it appears.
Well, that was very fun, thank you! >'O ;;;; -sarcastic-
Sure. Boys don't want romance in their show-watching, I completely understand. But -raises her index finger- let me make you aware, it's also not realistic. Don't get me wrong, the action and adventure's all very cool, but if there's never any romance, isn't there something just a liiiiittle off about it? confused
Young boys watching it won't mind, because as a kid, they won't know of dating yet, er, but teens - it'll look weird in this "no romantic love" realm. Girlfriends and boyfriends don't exist, whee~~
All caring is friendship only! (Talk about "friends forever" wink Any thoughts/ideas any fans have is instantly brought back to Earth, smashed down to ground level and obliterated! Any passionate desire to protect the one you cherish and cannot imagine gone .... -doubtfully and expectedly stares- is friendship.
-pouts- Doesn't make sense. -waves hand- Ah, but I won't get into that.
-sighs, shaking her head, annoyed again- Fairy Tail's more aggravating than Bleach. Bleach is okaaay. I mean, you can pair people up anyway and it'll work; it doesn't matter if it's not actually in the series, because it's supposed to happen anyway; it's like a behind-the-scenes thing, so it works - except for the not explained IchigoxOrihime or IchigoxRukia thing, which confuses and confuses some people and provides no enjoyment whatsoever. Other than the not explained, if there's a hint, it's pretty quick to definitely pair them up because it's like as if they're in the series if there were romance.
But Fairy Tail ... while watching it, when I wanted to pair people up, I had to keep calming myself down. Bleach has hints, but Fairy Tail has none! NONE. N - o - n - e! It makes me want to cry, but no. > n> So, you see, Fairy Tail's more difficult!
One Piece is the same thing. Well, actually -- oh, yeah .. -- there's the same creator, so -frowns- it's exactly the same. o - e
Hm, but One Piece, I don't find such a strong desire to pair people. There's not many people either too! 8O -shrugs- It's not that bad. It's only not good when two people feel something for each other and it's never explained to the viewer. How else are you supposed to pair them up!? Correctly?! If you pair because they look cute or would "suit" each other, with no serious reason, if people paired YOU with someone in the very same way, would you like it?
A hint of feelings = pair, in hopes they get together and keep rooting while watching the show
Once they're together = pair them up as much as one wants c:
Not possible/break-up = forget it =) It was nothing, so why remember nothing?
No feelings = don't pair
A hint of feelings, but the relationship doesn't seem plausible (ie: Gray and Lucy) = don't pair. Don't say anything until you are sure I'm purely bashing, which I most certainly am not. I've seen Gray and Lucy AMVs in the past. I was wondering about its existence so I checked it. Fairy Tail pairings spawn like rabbits, so many of pairings, the majority minor, useless, and unreal because some people may pair people up just because they want to, who knows.
Evidence: Gray thinks she looks cute, and Lucy and Gray are good albeit somewhat distant friends
Conclusion: It's a shame there's no way anything could ever happen. =( I was a little disappointed cause they looked like a casual pairing.
-tilts her head- I don't understand why people still root and believe and support false and nonexistent couples. I've seen it a lot of times and it never made sense to me, nor did I like it. -eyebrows scrunch together- Still a puzzling thing. It's like moping on something that happened in the past, living in the past essentially. It might be a personality conflict. As much as I too look back on the past, cause it's what brings one to today, if it's to a certain degree that it's a problem if it's further
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When I look into your eyes, it's like watching the night
[img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295]
sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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[img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295] [img:2583186295][/img:2583186295]
sky, or a beautiful sunrise. There's so much they hold.
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