I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Sorry for bein late.
My dad got a flat.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I was wondering about that, I was worried.
I sent your presents today.
I say:
You're too nice to me.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
It cost a little bit extra, but it'll get there.
I say:
You're very nice to me, Rei.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
You're welcome.
Sabel's gonna send me an ankh and some money, she's too nice. xD
I say:
She is.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
It was more expensive this time, but I got paid today so I really didn't lose any money.
I say:
You're very nice.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Eh, it was only 15.36.
I say:
...That’s a lot.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
^^; it's okay.
I say:
*listening to S. J. Tucker*
Remember the album with the Kashkash song?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I mean, I got the books for a huge discount, I would have spent that much on them alone, so...
I say:
Did you listen to the speaking parts?
The part called Mice is kinda cool.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
In the beginning, there was dust!
I say:
It's been on my mind all day.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
It's so cool.
The church mice.
I say:
I know...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Kashkash has been on my mind all day, I've been singing it. xD
I had an experiment.
I say:
I like the phrase "I swear by the dust."
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Where I was gonna let set control my behavior to an extent for the whole school day.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
We had to stop early.
I say:
Why? Too obvious?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
In English, we were writing an essay (obviously I did the thinky writy parts, he was everything else, and he had most speech.)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
And, as result, we weren't talking at all.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher called me out.
And she asked me if I was getting enough sleep.
I wasn't acting like myself at all.
It left me confused, since we did NO TALKING for the entire lesson.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
It was enough for her to get worried about me.
Maybe it was body language or something.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
But I let him stick around for a bit of art.
He HATED the cold, I think it sent him into a dormantish state.
since we/he/I was/were kinda in a daze for a while before we decided to stop.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
We/I/he couldn't think clearly, and he kinda paced around a lot, looking very very lost.
So that was weird.
I say:
Sounds like it.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Couldn't think clearly at all. I think I fell asleep before we cut it out.
I say:
Try again in the summer. Or with Anubis or Coyote.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I sent your package by plane!
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
That would be nice, but Set seems to be the closest one to me.
Set: And I don't think Anubis would take to crowds well.
Set: At all.
I say:
True enough.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Set was extra whiny in the cold.
Vlad twisted my neck a bit to scare me, and I swear, we/I/he kinda just sat there, still in a daze.
Evidently, it should take less than a week for your present to get to you.
In the best case.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
You're lucky I love you. xD
I say:
I am.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(For the record, it was only like a two dollar difference between ground delivery and air, so..)
And the King Banana made my day.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
You'll get it when you get the present.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
It's decorated like crazy, and there's a king banana on it.
See, I drew a banana.
And then Tan wrote MY BANANA IS KING beside it.
And then Hes drew an AWESOME face on it.
And I gave it a crown.
King Banana.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Want to continue with KashKash?
Granas will probably take Melfice away from Ryudo for like a week for a life-changing and forgiving thingie.
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Which will leave Ryudo and Elena alone to... yyyyeah.
I say:
Do stuff.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
...Would Thor's kids want to go to the festival?
I say:
Them and their hive mind.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
If you want them there, go ahead.
I say:
When they don't agree, they fight, so it's good they stay on the same wavelength so much.
Thor's kids: *all enjoying the boat-they're little sailors*
((Some people think Sif was an ocean goddess, but there's little known about her.))
Leliel: I dun' like boats...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: I haven't seen Melfice, where is he?
Ryudo: ...He's with Granas. He wanted to talk to him, so I'm alone at the moment for about a week.
Elena: *sticking close to Ryudo*
Aku: Aw, Uncle Melfice is gone?
(I forgot they were going too. xD
Reki: Really, now?
Ryudo: Just for a week.
I say:
Fenrir: Well, whatever keeps you from being emo.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Luke: Where's Cen-Ten?
Reki: Centenniel had a headache, he felt sick so he stayed home with Yume.
I say:
Jormungand; *kinda scared of Cen, so he's cool with this*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: She didn't wanna come because she didn't want to go on the boat. xP
I say:
Leliel; I shuda stayed too...=_=
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *looking out the window*
Azazel: But we'll have fun at the festival, right, Lil?
I say:
Leliel; Dun like boat.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: But parties are fun?
I say:
((Leliel would get along with Aku, I think.))
Leliel: >_>
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(I thought so too.)
I say:
Loki; Leave her be, Aku. Some people feel sick on boats.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: *like two/three years older than her, goes and pats her on the head*
I say:
Leliel: =n=
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: At least she came, so she's brave.
Aku: Yume's a wimp.
Nemu: Where's Twi and Don?
Elena: We couldn't get a hold of them. The circus was busy.
Nemu: Ah...
I say:
Fenrir: How much longer?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Manami: *clinging to Loki for dear life, as if the boat was sinking*
Ryudo: Maybe an hour.
Kiseki: *whiiiiine*
I say:
Leliel: *whine*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: ....
Elena: Come on, let's play a game.
Elena: To make the time go faster.
I say:
Leliel: ...?
Fenrir: Sure.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: *tries to get all the kids to sit down, and she teaches them a song*
(Y'know Taglio by S.J. tucker? That one.)
I say:
((I like that one!))
Leliel: ...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(She gave them instruments and stuff, and told them when to shake them or clap their hands.)
(I love that song~)
(This wasn't the 'game' she was talking about, there was a different clapping song that I wanted to find, but I can't find it,... <<;;
I say:
Leliel; *doesn't sing*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: *has her in his lap*
Azazel: Lil?
I say:
Leliel; I no sing good.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: *hand her a tambourine*
Azazel: Of course you sing well, Lil.
I say:
Leliel; *shakes the tambourine*
Leliel; I'm flat.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: Hey, Zazzle, could you play guitar?
Azazel: Hm?
Azazel: *looks at Lil*
Azazel: That's okay.
I say:
Leliel: I sing flat.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: *ruffles her hair*
I say:
Leliel; I dun like flat.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: It's okay.
Azazel: Then try harder.
Azazel: But I think you sing divinely.
(You know the Wendy Trilogy?)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: Okay, we'll need a wendy, a Captain hook, a pirate crew, one all boys and one all girls, a tinkerbell, a smee...
(They're gonna act out and sing the songs, they have a lot of time to burn.)
I say:
Leliel; I'll be a pirate.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Can I be Wendy?
Elena: We need a Green-Eyed Sue...
Manami: Yar-Har, Fiddle-dee-dee...~
I say:
Leliel; Green eye Sue?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Dekka's Wendy. We need a cap'n hook, Smee, Pan and Green eyed sue.)
Elena: Want to hear the song first?
Manami: Kay!
Luke: I'd like to hear the parts first...
(Is Thor there?)
I say:
Leliel; I'm a pirate.
Thor's kids; *listening...games are fun!*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *thinks this is adorable.*
I say:
Thor: *staying out of it...he's too big to play*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena+Azazsel: *sing the songs, Azazel speaking/singing for the male parts (changing his voice for Hook and pan) and Elena taking the Narrative and Females*
(Want to just skip their game?)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Who would Fen want to be?
(I had to replace my lightbulb, is why I poofed.)
I say:
((Hook. Until he dies. Then he'd be someone else,.))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Manami: LAND HO! *looked out the window*
Manami: *points*
Kids: *flock over to see*
I say:
Leliel: GOOD! *looks a little bit sick*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(You'll have to make up the KashKash festival, if that's okay with you..)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(...don't want to?)
(I guess I could...)
I say:
(No, I can.)
(I'm just not sure it'll be that good.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(I'm sure it'll be great.)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Festival: *SO MUCH RED!*
*Everything is decorated with the colors of fire and lightning*
*there's also music everywhere, and lots and lots of dancers*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *looks at Loki and Thor*
I say:
*there’s a few places selling foods and trinkets too*
Thor and his children; OwO
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Manami: Ooh...
I say:
Fenrir: Ooo...
Leliel: ...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Manami: Daddy, can I get a bracelet? OwO
I say:
Loki: Of course, sweetie.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Reki: Reminds me of the bell festival at home...
Manami: YAY!
Aku: *tries to run off*
Reki: *grabs him before he can*
Cody: so loud...
I say:
*a lot of people are selling little lamps...like the ones genies are in*
Fenrir: I like it!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *goes up to a lamp person*
I say:
*some people are selling red ribbons and dresses and shoes too*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: What's this?
I say:
Sales person: It's a special lamp. When it's lit, the god Kashkash can protect you. He sees what you do.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: ?
I say:
SP: Kashkash is one of the first creatures. He was born of fire, and he granted wishes.
SP: He loves children and protects them...but only good children.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: I'm good!
I say:
SP: Then the Kashkash will protect you if you need it!
Fenrir: >_>
Jormungand: Fenrir's not a good child.
SP: Be careful...Kashkash swallows bad children up!
Fenrir: I'm not scared.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: *rolls eyes*
Ryudo: It's probably a bunch of garbage.
Elena: Ryudo!
I say:
SP; *glare*
Thrud: *trying to dance like the dancers*
Magni and Modi: *laughing at her*
Thor: Leave her be...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: I mean, really.
Ryudo: It's probably just a ploy to get people to buy this stuff and get children to behave.
Manami: *off with her daddy, looking at stuff to buy*
I say:
SP; Perhaps you should leave our celebration then!
Fenrir: Don't be an a**, Ryudo.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: *Grabs his arm*
Elena: Don't mind him, I'm sorry...
I say:
Passers by; *glaring*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: He's just a tad stupid sometimes.
Ryudo: Hey-
Elena: *glares at him, but then smiles at the sales person*
Elena: I'll take one.
I say:
Jormungand: Don't be mean to Kaskash, Ryudo.
SP: thank you. *still sounds a little cool*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: It's not like any children have actually DIED.
Elena: *lays the gold on the table*
Elena: ....Keep the change. ^^;
I say:
SP: Thank you. Please, celebrate.
SP: Yes, some have.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: ...
I say:
SP: When bad things occur, the children who die are always the one who are known to be mischief makers.
SP: Kashkash protects only the good.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: *rolls eyes* And the friend of the cousin of a friend of a second cousin?
Ryudo: The friend of the cousin of the friend of your neighbor or some guy you know.
I say:
SP: My own neighbor's spoiled daughter, once.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: *tugs at Ryudo's arm*
Elena: Stop it.
Ryudo: ...
I say:
SP: Now be on your way! Do not insult us!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Ryudo: Stupid-
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Elena: *puts more gold on the table and pulls him away*
(He's cranky without Melfice.)
I say:
Leliel: ...Daddy, can I have the red shoes?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: Which ones?
I say:
Leliel: *points to a pair obviously too big for her*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: They won't fit you...
I say:
Leliel: But I want them! Pleeeeeze?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: How about we find them in your size?
I say:
Leliel: OnO
Leliel: They're such a nice color...
Fenrir: Let's explore.
Thor's kids: OwO *exploring is fun*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: We'll find the same kind in your size, promise.
Aku: Can I come?
Dekka: Exploring?
Cody: ....
I say:
Fenrir: Yeah.
Fenrir: This place is fun!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: We have to find a place at an inn, first!
I say:
Fenrir: Kay...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*It's evening already..*
Nemu: you can explore tomorrow.
Dekka: Where am I sleeping?
I say:
Fenrir: With us!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: She's staying with Reki.
Nemu: There aren't enough beds in a room.
I say:
Fenrir: Phooey.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *settles down in their room*
Nemu: *looks at Loki*
I say:
Loki: *with Manami*
Loki: It looks like fun.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Manami: *jumping on the bed*
Kiseki: *napping- he and his twin have to sleep in Mommy and daddy's bed*
I say:
Dagny: *sleeping too*
Loki: This'll be good.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *smiles*
Luke: *with Jormungand*
I say:
Jormungand: *looking out the window*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *hugs the both of them*
Luke: Hi, mom!
I say:
Jormungand: ^w^
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: After we get settled, we'll eat dinner, and go see Elena's song.
Nemu: Where's your brother?
I say:
Fenrir: *hanging with Dekka*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *with Reki and people*
Aku: *jumping on the bed*
Reki: Aku, get down!
Aku: But moooom!
I say:
Fenrir: So what should we do tomorrow?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Reki: Or Kashkash will eat you or something. *grabs him and gives him a noogie*
Dekka: Explore?
Cody: ...*nodnod*
I say:
Fenrir: Good answer!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: Not get eaten by a monster...
I say:
Fenrir: Yeah, that's always good.
((Aku and Fenrir are in trouble.))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
*next day-even more dancing and music! More shops, some selling flutes and such. There's more orange today than the day before*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Last night, Elena and Ryudo kinda...)
(Something he said to Loki: "If anyone needs me, they don't." And then he kinda took off his headband, tied it around the doorknob, and went into his room and locked the door.)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Nemu: ...Well.)
I say:
((Loki had an idea, but didn't say anything))
Fenrir: Let's go!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Yay!
Cody: Elena's singing is pretty.
Dekka: I know, right?
Dekka: And those two island girls who sang with her?
I say:
Fenrir: I like this party!
Leliel: *aw, the shoes she wanted are gone...*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: ....
I say:
Leliel: ...*sigh*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: ... *goes up to the cobbler*
Azazel: ...excuse me?
I say:
Cobbler: Hm?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: You know the shoes that were here yesterday?
Azazel: *whispering*
Azazel: ...could you make a pair for my daughter, just like them?
I say:
Cobbler: ...I'll do what I can. I get lots of requests.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: I'll pay you triple, if you want.
I say:
Cobbler: ...I'll get right to work.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: *lays down the gold*
Azazel: You get the rest when it's finished.
Azazel: Thanks.
I say:
Cobbler: *starts working*
Leliel: *has been looking at flutes, heard none of this*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: Want one, sweetie?
I say:
Leliel: I dunno.
Leliel: I think you'd like them better.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Azazel: True…
Nemu: *kinda lost Fen, Dekka and Cody*
I say:
Fenrir: *happy*
Fenrir: *bought Dekka some candy*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: ...shouldn't we go back to your mom?
Dekka: What's that?
I say:
Dancers: *dancing to the Kashkash song*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*made the text huge and pulled the keyboard over to my bed*
Dekka: *points at the candy he bought*
I say:
Fenrir: Candy! Here.
Fenrir: I'd give you some, Cody, but...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Ooh...
Cody: *looking around*
Cody: I don't like it...
Dekka: *eats some*
I say:
Fenrir: Sorry.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Thanks, Fen! *hugs him*
I say:
Fenrir: *looks at a mountain nearby*
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: ^w^
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Look at that…
Nemu: *looking for Fenrir*
Nemu: Where has he gone..?!
Nemu: *carrying the babies in one of those sling things that go on your back*
I say:
Loki: He wandered off with Cody and Dekka. Again.
Dagny; *being fidgety*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: He's driving me up the wall…
Kiseki: *nice and comfy in his snuggle whatever, snuggie*
I say:
Loki: *shrug* I've given up.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: Rrgh..
Cody: ...Maybe it's not a good idea.
Cody: What is the monster goes and gets you?
I say:
Fenrir: Kashkash. Why?
((Could you take Kashkash?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(If you want me to.)
I say:
Fenrir: Ryudo was mean to say so, but he’s probably right.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: But the salesperson said-
I say:
Fenrir: Pfft. If it's so strong, why does it need lamps to see you?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody... Maybe it's like Agni.
(Fire god from India.)
Cody: I read about him once, he could see wherever fire was.
I say:
Fenrir: Hm...
Fenrir: Dad can't do that.
Fenrir But I'm curious about the mountain.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Me too.
I say:
Fenrir: We'll come back right after. It's close.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: But...
I say:
Fenrir: What, you chicken?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: N...N...No...
I say:
Fenrir: Then let's go. If it looks dangerous, we'll stop.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: ....
Dekka: Come on, Codykins!
Dekka: *pretty much drags him*
I say:
Fenrir: *leads the way*
*they get there soon*
Fenrir: ...It looks like a volcano!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(You wanna describe the volcano?
I say:
Fenrir; It has those shiny lava rocks all over it!
((It's completely covered in igneous rocks! It's very pretty. But it looks kinda menacing*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: The flowers are pretty...
Cody: …I don't like this...
I say:
Fenrir; *looks at the rocks*
Fenrir: Why not?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: It's creepy!
I say:
Fenrir: How so?
Fenrir: Don't wuss out now.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: I'm not a wuss...
I say:
Fenrir: I know. So don’t act like one.
Fenrir: I got Tom to let you out for a day! Enjoy it!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: Okay...
Dekka: Let's climb it!
I say:
Fenrir: Yeah! I mean, not too far, but let's go!
Fenrir: These rocks are so smooth, they've been here for a long time. The volcano won't go off.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: *nods*
Cody: Isn't that because Kashkash-
I say:
Fenrir; There is no Kashkash, moron.
Fenrir: *said moron jokingly, but...*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: ....
Cody: ...stop making fun of me....
Cody: *pout*
Dekka: ...
Dekka: Oh, it's okay, Cody...
I say:
Fenrir; I'm kidding, ya sensitive little beast.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *hugs him*
I say:
Fenrir: You're my friend.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Cody: ....
Cody: …Kay....
Cody: We can go up a little.
I say:
Fenrir; Okay, let's go!
Fenrir: *starts climbing*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*The higher they go, the darker it gets...*
I say:
Fenrir: *clearly wants to go higher, but they're pretty high already...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir; !!!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Fen? Fen, where are you?
I say:
Fenrir: I'm right here!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *sounds futher awway*
Dekka: Fen?
Cody: *far away, too*
Cody: I knew this was a bad idea!
I say:
Fenrir: *tries heading to the voices*
Fenrir: I'm here! Just yell, I'll find you!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Feeeen, where are you?!
Dekka: In... another direction?
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: But we are!
I say:
Fenrir: *heading closer to the voices, or trying to*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *her voice seems further away and in a different direction every time....*
I say:
Fenrir: I'm moving TOWARD YOU!
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir; *confused*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*Eventually, you can't hear her at all... Fen is alone*
I say:
Fenrir: ...Hmph.
Fenrir; *just heads down*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(There's only few landmarks, it's so foggy. But it seems that no matter where he turns, he keeps passing the same things*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: WHAT THE ****!?
Fenrir: *scowl*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(It's cold, and the air is wet.... he's alone...*
I say:
Fenrir: ...URG!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: ...*finds a place to sit and does*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*Hours pass, until it's getting dark...*
I say:
Fenrir: *getting worried*
Fenrir: *eats some candy he has*
Fenrir: Dammit, this sucks.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*there's no stars in the sky, it's almost night time... There haven’t been any sounds, wind or anything. No animals, either.*
I say:
Fenrir: ...This is freaking creepy.
Fenrir: *yells* I don't suppose I get an explanation about what the hel is going on!?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *crying, back at the inn- Fen's lost, and she couldn’t' find him!
Nemu: *worried*
I say:
Fenrir: UGH.
Loki; *concerned*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Reki: ...Where'd he go?
I say:
Fenrir: ...*has some matches, lights one just to have something in his hand*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: the monster got him! We should go and save him!
Reki: No, Aku, stay here.
I say:
Leliel: I bet he got gobbled up already.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Reki: The adults will go search.
I say:
Leliel: Fenrir's bad.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Luke: Lil!
I say:
Leliel: Fun though!
Thor's three: LET US COME TOO!
Thor: No.
Thor's kids: AWWWW!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: Jormungand, Luke, watch the lil'uns.
I say:
Jormugnand: Kay.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Luke: *salute*
Ryudo: We'll stay here, in case he comes back.
Elena: *stands- she and Ryudo have been sticking close to each other*
I say:
Loki: Good. Let's go.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*Silence and loneliness where Fenrir is, it's nighttime now, a night without stars.*
I say:
Fenrir: *keeps lighting matches*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Well, Child.=
I say:
Fenrir: O_O
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: Feeeen?! *coming closer*
=It seems you now have company=
I say:
Fenrir; !!!
((Did he sneak out?))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Yep. against his mother's orders.)
Aku: *find Fenrir*
I say:
Fenrir: What are you doing here!?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku:I ran out, looking for you!
(the = voice comes from nowhere.)
I say:
Fenrirl ...You weren't supposed to, were you?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: No....
I say:
Fenrir: ...We're in trouble.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: ...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: !!!
I say:
Fenrir: ...I think Kashkash might be real after all...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=A wise deduction.=
I say:
Fenrir: ...This won't end well, will it?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*two great eyes open up in the fog, barely seen, as if images of smoke. They’re large and red, and constantly moving*=
I say:
Fenrir: O_O
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: I'm not scared of you!
Aku: *shaking*
I say:
Fenrir: ...Yes you are.
Fenrir: Stay near me.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*a mouth splits open in the air, filled with gashing teeth... the teeth are made out of points of swords, spears, daggers and knives, in row upon row like a shark...*
Aku: *goes right beside Fenrir*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Naughty little children, are you?=
I say:
Fenrir: ...Define naughty.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Trouble-making little tykes...=
Aku: *shaking*
I say:
Fenrir: ...We don't make THAT much trouble...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: Yeah.
Fenrir: Do we, Aku?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: No, no, no, of course not!
=liars now, are you.=
I say:
Fenrir: No...
Fenrir: Our parents like us.
Fenrir: Therefore, we haven't made too much trouble.
Fenrir: If we did, they wouldn't want us.
Fenrir: I bet they're looking for us right now.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Of course they are, but you are two bad children=
=The one with the blonde hair is too, by nature, but she does not seem to have done any wrong... yet...=
I say:
((Blonde hair?))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Dekka's human form.)
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Although, her hair is truly red, is it not?=
I say:
((I thought you meant black, and he was talking about Leliel and her love of fighting and mild kleptomania.))
Fenrir: *growling*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=Really, I should eat her up, too...=
I say:
Fenrir: *fangs are growing*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: Fen?!
=And you seem to be quite beastly on your own.=
*the fog around him grows more dense...*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: Dekka is the best person I know, I won't let you hurt her!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: *shrieks, he's so scared!*
I say:
Fenrir: *bites*
Fenrir; *growing some fur*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*FOG AND SMOKE! ...ew.*
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=You may go.=
I say:
Fenrir: AKU TOO.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: =*is picked up instead*
I say:
Fenrir; *falling, he kinda can't help it*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: *is a really little kid! He starts struggling and trying to escape*=
I say:
Fenrir: *lands, and is still pretty close to them*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: LET ME GO! *crying*
I say:
Fenrir; LET HIM GO!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
=He has no excuse.=
=Demon or not, he is a child.=
=His cousin, the girl, should be taken as well.-
I say:
Fenrir: *goes up and essentially EATS AKU!*
((He closed his mouth around him. Aku’s in his mouth, no teeth got him*
Fenrir: *tears away*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Aku: *Doesn't know that, he's freaking out!*
Dekka: *from afar* Feeeen?!
I say:
Fenrir: *doesn't swallow, obviously*
Fenrir: O_O
Fenrir: *runs toward the voice, with Aku still in his mouth*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Deka: *closer*
Dekka: Fenrir, where are you?
Aku: *squirming and crying and making an awful racket*
I say:
Fenrir: *runs to the voice, but can't open his mouth or Aku will fall out*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenri8r: O_O
Fenrir: *ends up spitting him out*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *there to see her nephew be spit out by a GIANT FREAKING WOLF*
Dekka: ...!
I say:
Fenrir: AKU!
*a giant wolf with FENRIR'S VOICE*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *grabs Aku, and they both RUN LIKE HELL from him*
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *turns-is he being followed*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: *goes after them-he needs to make sure they don't get lost*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *didn't notice, just trying to get away from the thing that ATE aku*
I say:
Fenrir: Dekka wait! It's me!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *runs- there's no WAY that thing could be Fenrir!*
I say:
Fenrir: It's me! Fenrir! I was with you and Cody! I gave you candy earlier!
Fenrir; I'm a wolf, remember? I've told you I'm a wolf!
((Totally did...plus, Cody knows ALL the stories, Fenrir told him the whole deal.))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: Liar! Fen would never eat Aku!
I say:
Fenrir: I wasn't eating him, I was carrying him!
Fenrir; Look, I didn't even get him with my teeth!
((Aku doesn't have any injuries from the teeth.)
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(He's still pretty rattled, though.)
I say:
Fenrir: Something else was gonna eat him! I had to grab him!
Fenrir: And I don't have hands when I'm a wolf! >n<
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: You're lying or something!
I say:
Fenrir: No I'm NOT!
Fenrir: Don't be mean to me!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *getting further and further away*
I say:
Fenrir: That Kashkash thing was gonna get us!
Fenrir: You too!
Fenrir: He said you hadn't done anything bad but that he thought you would!
Fenrir: *starts running after them...he's fast. He’s a WOLF*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *running, carrying Aku*
I say:
Fenrir: Why won’t you believe me! I'd turn back but then you'd be far away!
Fenrir: Just stop for one minute! If I get to close, you can hit me with your cat's cradle!
Fenrir: I'll turn back to me other self!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: ...
Dekka: *stops running*
I say:
Fenrir: *stops too*
Fenrir: *AAAAAAND*
Fenrir: *lets out a breath*
Fenrir: Being a wolf is very hot. All that fur.
Fenrir: ...*waves*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *actually kinda terrified*
I say:
Fenrir: ...Did I scare you? I'm sorry!
Fenrir: OnO
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: ...
I say:
Fenrir: ...Let's...go home.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *holding Aku close- he kinda fainted*
I say:
Fernrir: Before that thing that made me go big finds us.
Fenrir: *looks around-are they still in the fog?*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *looks around she just ran passed this place...*
I say:
Fernrir: ...I think we're still lost.
Fenrir: DAMMIT!
Fenrir: Don't worry, Dekka, I won't let him hurt you two.
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *doesn't notice* ....
*a gaping mouth...*
I say:
Fenrir: O_O
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Dekka: *turns*
Dekka: *shrieks*
I say:
Fenrir: *runs over to her*
Fenrir: !!!!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(No, it won't hurt Fenrir.)
Dekka: *GONE.*
(Like poof.)
I say:
Fenrir: ...
Fenrir: ...DEKKA!? AKU!?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Kashkash hasn't eaten her, she's just poofed.)
I say:
Fenrir: *scared for them*
Fenrir: GUYS!?
((Where did she go?
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: *looks much more scared of Dekka's disappearance then he ever did of Kashkash*
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(The top of the volcano. On top of the dormant Lava plug. He plans to eat them there.)
=And you...=
=Are free to go=
I say:
Fenrir: HEY!
Fenrir: ...Oh god no...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
*Echo, wind, animal sounds...*
I say:
Fenrir: *runs right back to the mountain and starts a-climbing*
Fenrir: Don't run away from me! Fight me like a man, jerk!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: Fenrir!
I say:
Fenrir: *climb climb climb...he has had little to eat and he's a little lightheaded but…*
Fenrir: BUSY!
((I imagine they split up to look))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: They went looking for you!
I say:
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: *following- is Loki with her?
I say:
Loki: Hey!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: Then where are they?!
I say:
Fenrir: I dunno! Somewhere up there!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
(Buddy system, Nemu wouldn't be alone.)
I say:
Fenrir: That thing, that Kashkash whatever, it tried to eat me and Aku!
Fenrir: And then Dekka and Aku disappeared!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: What?!
I say:
Fenrir: I told him I wasn't really a child, he let me go!
Fenrir: But not them!
Loki: ...
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
Nemu: ...
(you tired?)
I say:
((A little. Are you*
Fenrir: *climbing still*
Loki: Fenrir, it's not safe for you!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
I say:
Fenrir: I DON'T CARE!
((Need sleep?))
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
)Sorry... I walked lots today.._
I say:
((Is cool. Night!
clockwork_battle_gal@hotmail.com says:
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