Ok back then we would hang out in the exchange and not have to worry about this inflation or new age crap ... but damm times have change and i dont like were they are going i mean look all my friend icant find them anymore ... why because thewy ******** left for the vend .. welll vend my a** because i dont care anymore i should just stop posting too it is point less because i ahve not friends left to talk to i know that this is a run on sentence .. but i dont care it could run on all day and i wouls still have more to say ..damm i all i know is that if the old days ever came back it would be a golden time and good stuff ... but they way things are looking that is not going to happen unless we work as a team and make it happen
I f i hade one wish on gaia it would be to fix the exchange so everyone would come back ...
hear me out this is a s.o.s going out across gaia if anymore people ant to see the old time .. we can do it .. banned together and stop the monster know as infaltion and stuff
that is all for now .. till we meet agian .. Chris
Ps. idk how much longer i can hold on pretty soon i might leave nopt just the exchange but gaia for good ... i have lost most of my friends and the damm exchange/marcket place is the be held responsiable ... V_V
pss. i dont care about my grammer errors any more .... you can all bite my sinny metal a** if you want to b***h about it
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