Okay, so today, a guy in my class, specifically number nine if you've read any of my previous entries, wore a blue dress shirt.
Personally, I like his style. It's.. different. Semi-formal, or whatever. He usually wears a dress shirt and jeans. He wears it well. 3nodding
My favourite shirt that he has is his yellow dress shirt. I mean, yellow such a beautiful colour, and him wearing it is just.. pleasing to the senses. LOL.
And sorry if this entry is a bit immature. My brain is feeling really giggly right now. I may or may not be drunk on life.
So today, the boy, who I will further refer to as number nine, wore a blue dress shirt.
This is my second favourite shirt that he has.
Anyways, it had a few buttons starting from the neck line and going a few inches lower.
This morning, in homeroom, my friend pointed out the his first button was undone.
I laughed.
Like, really hard. I was bursting with laughter.
On the inside at least.
In reality, I put my head down, because I feel mean when I laugh so openly about someone. sweatdrop
So anyways, my friends and I are joking about it. I mean, you can see his skin. Like, you could always see his skin, but now... you see more of it?
So the day played out normally until lunchtime. I had band practice at lunch. Oh, by the way, I'm going to St. Cecilia's Festival tomorrow. It's an annual concert held at my sister school.
Ha, that's punny. My school has a sister school, and my sister is at my sister school.
Anyways, that's that.
So band practice ended, and I went to my locker. I fortuitously see number nine. Guess what? Two of his buttons are undone.
I don't know why, but this just struck me as hilarious. I mean, sure, he looks good in a dress shirt, but when he does THAT, it just makes him look silly.
I don't know if he did it on purpose either. Regardless, I notice. A few others noticed too. If it was for attention? Well done! But he's not that type of person... as far as I know.
Throughout the whole school day, when I'd pass him by lockers or in homeroom or in the hallways while switching classes, his shirt got unbuttoned more and more.
Like, it's not hot.
Temperature wise. wink No seriously, our school is in Canada. It should be cold, and I think sometimes, it is cold.
Appearance wise, it didn't look attractive, I'd say. In my honest opinion, I think unbuttoning your shirt to that extent is, well, pointless. For some reason, I really like it today.
It seems lately, I've been abnormally happy. I've been laughing waaay too much. So much that I'd have to put my head down to calm myself. I feel like the very air is intoxicating.
Whenever I saw the buttons undone, my insides would start laughing, and I'd have to do something about it to make me seems not weird.
Ah, today in health, I was about to start laughing, and I put my head down. I bet everyone noticed.
I'm going to get a reputation of putting my head down. I'm not putting it down for any reason other than to hold in my laughter and to calm myself. I don't have, like, some disorder that makes me periodically rest my head. Though, I'm not against anyone who would have that, I'm just saying.. yeah.
Thanks, number nine, for bringing me the unexpected joy of seeing you. Normally, your sight is normal. Just another boy, dresses well, mumbles often, and holy crap. I almost deleted my journal entry.
Note to self: Happiness may cause stupidity.
So yeah. Oh, and some of you may know I joined wrestling. Today was the meet, and I did.. horribly.
Ah, who knew girls could be so strong? I love it! Being strong, and meeting someone stronger makes me.. proud.
I'm not jealous, heaven's no. I'm proud that I'm not the only girl who isn't weak.
I hate how, in general, men are seen stronger than women. Yeah, I have to admit, women are pretty weak sometimes, no offence to my female readers. I'm just saying it bothers me when you automatically think a man is stronger than a woman.
But I don't mind in the real world. I just tuck these pet-peeves somewhere behind my brain so I don't appear as a person full of complaints.
The journal me is, by the way, completely different from the real me. I don't normally talk to freely. I'm working on it though. I'm breaking down the walls that I built myself.
So wrestling. I lost all my games, but dude, they were so fun! If I could join again next year, I would. Thing is, I'm not going to be at my school next year as I will be graduating and entering highschool.
I don't know how it is in other places, but here in Canada, elementary is from K-6, junior high is 7-9, and highschool is 10-12. Post-secondary is counted in years not grades, so it would be like "First-years" or "Second-years" or, I don't know, "Seventh-years."
I won't join highschool wrestling. I totally would if I was guaranteed the time, but wrestling has been a real hassle for me. I'd have to wake up super early, and sacrifice my lunch breaks. It's good training, but it's just too inconvenient.
Plus, next year, I'm planning to take as many things as I can. You know, be a model student of highschool.
I love being a model student. To those out there who don't excel at school, I just want to say, try it.
School isn't hard, if you think about it. Given enough time, anyone can do well. Tests are easy if you understand the concepts. Homework is.. meh. Honestly, homework is the hardest part in school. All teachers have different types of homework, and different ways of marking them.
I think, for homework, get to know the teacher and the subject. For me, in L.A, I get the concepts and everything. It's just that when it comes to creative writing, I have my own way to write. The way the teachers wants us to write it is, to be honest, boring.
I can't bring myself to hand in an assignment that goes like this:
Lucia suffers from insomnia, excels in math, and likes the colour yellow. Lucia has insomnia because she can't sleep at night. Lucia excels in math because she grasps the math ideas quickly. Lucia likes the colour yellow because she finds it attractive in many ways. Lucia suffers from insomnia, excels in math, and like the colour yellow.
First off, that sounds disgusting. It sounds unappealing, redundant, and plain stupid. That's what I had to do for one of my L.A. projects, and I chose to write a real paragraph. I wrote a normal paragraph, using grade 9+ vocabulary and sentence structure. Truth is, before this year, teachers always commented on me being good at L.A. Not this year.
You know when you know you're right, and that someone else is wrong, but that someone else has more power over you that you can't do anything about it? Yeah, that's how I felt doing that assignment. I GOT A FREAKING 76%. >< I never got that low since, well, this year.
Ms. Ziadeh, if you're reading this, I'm so very sorry. It's just that I am honestly against that style of paragraph writing. I've been though it every year, and I did it the way I normally would, and my previous teachers accepted my work. You're just.. different, and I'm sorry I can't accept how you can't accept me.
The teachers at my school are hard to work with. Sometimes, I feel as though all of them hate me. It's a horrible feeling. My future depends on these teachers, and if they don't like me? Well, I'm screwed.
I have to take a shower now. This was a rather interesting entry... sweatdrop Well, goodnights!
And thanks for reading. 4laugh
Also, I made a new word. "Photoshoopy." It basically means someone is beautiful enough to be in a photoshoot, and that their beauty looks photoshopped.
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