All my characters for Tales of Zerestia
 They call me! Maiara Gilrain I have been around for... 24 years I am a.... Elf I treat people this way.... Maiara has become somewhat of a bitter person in the past five years. Whereas she grew up as a quiet but amiable enough child she is now cold and somewhat reclusive. She is blunt and direct and can be counted on to stand her ground when any sort of discord arises. She is intelligent and surprisingly well educated for a former slave, though she doesn’t always let people on about that. She doesn’t trust easily, nor is she very open. She refuses to let her emotions sway her, save for the occasional burst of anger due to pent up frustration, and she will never let anyone see her cry.
Interestingly enough, even though she is a former slave, she holds no grudge against humans as a whole, because her best childhood friend was a human. She is however extremely angry with the system that saw her and her family enslaved, she will do whatever it takes to see it fall. I use this to defend and attack Oaken Quarterstaff or twin daggers for melee combat, Maiara is capable of reading the stars, creating realistic illusions, and casting modest enchantments on people and objects. My occupation Rebel This person seems to have captured my heart Who has time for romance when there is so much at stake? Once upon a time... Maiara is an escaped slave. She was actually born into slavery after her parents were captured some six months or so before her birth. According to her parents, Maiara has an older brother, Savio, who escaped being captured by the slavers and would be 27 now. For the most part, Maiara and her family served as field laborers for a wealthy landowner, though when she was only 8 Maiara was brought into the house to act as personal servant to the lord’s eldest son, Caleb. In spite of all that could have gone otherwise, Caleb was kind to Maiara and even saw to it that she was present at his lessons and allowing her access to the library so she could get an education. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and that end came to Maiara’s simi-comfortable life when she was 18. Rebel forces attacked the Lord’s manor and attempted to burn it down. In the chaos, Caleb helped Maiara escape her captivity, making her promise to stay free. That was nearly six years ago and she has since heard of Caleb’s death, execution for helping non-human slaves escape. Maiara has vowed to see the forces which would kill such a man crumble. In order to do so she joined Aten’s forces. On the side she also follows leads as to her brother’s possible whereabouts but she hasn’t made much progress. The music of my soul.... My Immortal by Evanescence What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis Maiara at age 33 Maiara and Badhron Sexy Maiara and Fatcat
 They call me! Eline Lively I have been around for... 41 years I am a.... Human I treat people this way.... Eline is a voice of reason, logical and careful in her decisions. Even so, she has her prejudices; like her husband, she truly believes non-humans to be inferior and believes that allowing them to live as slaves is somewhat of a mercy if anything. She is a loving and dutiful wife and caring mother. Above all else she wants the prosperity of her family and her kingdom and if that comes at the price of slavery for the fairies and elves then so be it. I use this to defend and attack A silver bodice dagger for emergencies or her basic earth magic My occupation Queen of Zerestia This person seems to have captured my heart Her husband, the King Once upon a time... Eline was the second daughter of the king of Saivane, a neighboring kingdom. As such she grew up being taught the proper ways of royalty and, of course, of human supremacy. For some years she didn’t buy into the ideas that other races were lesser but her mind changed when she witnessed a number of elf children stealing from a human’s shop, other similar incidents reinforced her changing opinions, causing her to view the other races as criminals and vagabonds.
When she came of age her marriage to Tristan was arranged and she went through with it, ever the dutiful princess. Now as Queen of Zerestia, Eline stands at her husband’s side and supports him in his rule, giving her advice and opinions quietly when she sees fit. The music of my soul.... Fields of Gold by Celtic Woman What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis
They call me! Savio Gilrain I have been around for... 27 years I am a.... Elf, though no one of my acquaintance knows that. I treat people this way.... Savio is by all means charming and comes across as most respectable and honest, little does anyone know it is all a lie. While most people who know him believe that Savio is a human apprentice to a merchant he is in fact a wily con artist elf. He is almost always surrounded by people but is perpetually isolated because his charade is in always in place, even in his sleep.
When he's just being himself, Savio is a bit on the quiet side, kind but not exactly warm. He lives saddened by the loss of his parents and he laments the fact that he never really got to know them or his currently unknown sister. He believes strongly in loyalty and family ties and while he is not above lying and making false bargains, he has never broken an oath taken in seriousness. I use this to defend and attack A fine silver rapier and his large cloak. He, like most of the Gilrain line, is capable of reading the stars and creating lifelike illusions. He has also taken a personal interest in wind magic. My occupation Thief / Con-Artist This person seems to have captured my heart no one Once upon a time... Savio was the firstborn to the heir of the respected Gilrain elven clan, a family of well-known and well respected mages and star gazers. When the boy was only three, both his parents were captured by slavers and sold to a nobleman in Zerestia, his mother was pregnant at the time. Savio was lucky and barely escaped capture himself. He was raised by his grandparents, the heads of the clan, and taught to be a talented illusionist, star-reader, and wind-user. As the new heir to the clan, Savio was supposed to stay at the clan’s ancestral home for most of his adult years, but instead he took to the idea of finding and freeing his parents. He received his grandfather’s blessing for this under the notion of restoring the clan’s honor that was lost with the heir. He set out to search for them two years ago, when he was twenty-five, and he managed to find his parents, but only after both of them had been killed by their human master. The only good that came from his search was news that his sister had managed to escape some years ago, though where she went or what became of her no one could say. Savio took up residence in Zerestia’s capitol city, hoping that the amount of information passing through will eventually lead him to his younger sister so he can bring her home to the clan. Denied honest work because of his race, Savio has turned to a life of crime in order to survive and avoid captivity himself. He has formed the illusion around himself of a young human man, a merchant’s assistant who has a number of side endeavors. Surprisingly enough, he has done well for himself and lives in modest comfort, secretly giving much of his excess “income” to the rebellion and to the church. After a year of living as a con artist, Savio has actually come to enjoy his illegal work. The music of my soul.... The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At the Disco What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis Human Illusion Natural Elf Appearence
They call me! Arabella Herba I have been around for... 35 years I am a.... Human I treat people this way.... Arabella is a sweet woman, but she is a busybody and a nag. She likes to know everything that is going on and likes to make sure that everything gets done and gets done right. She has come to realize that her husband is far too lazy so she has gotten used to pushing him to get everything done, that nagging then carries over to her children and servants. She enjoys a good book as much as her husband, but is somewhat more responsible than he is. She also has way more energy then she should. I use this to defend and attack Fight? I don’t fight. But I can run away very fast. My occupation Queen of Saivane This person seems to have captured my heart Saltatio Herba Once upon a time... Arabella was born the daughter of an earl of Saivane. When she entered her teen years she was taken to court where she happened to meet the fascinating Prince Saltatio over a history book. The two fell in love thanks to a shared love of reading and when they were both 18 they got married. Arabella now acts as Saltatio’s driving force or else NOTHING will EVER get done. The music of my soul.... Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement Presto Agitato What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis
 They call me! Anemone I have been around for... Unknown I am a.... Wind Elemental I treat people this way.... Anemone is a sympathetic soul, but has no tolerance for wanton destruction. She does what she can to aid the unfortunate but does not hesitate to punish perpetuators of injustice. She prefers to remain hopeful and optimistic about the future, but takes any threat to peace with grave seriousness. Like the wind she can be at turns both fair and foul and it is difficult to predict when she will be which. I use this to defend and attack The ability to manipulate the air is Anemone’s greatest weapon. From creating gale force winds, to calming the winds of storms, to stealing breath from the lungs of the wicked, the air is at her command, but she can control no other element except through affecting it with air. For physical combat she uses a pair of large sharpened fans. My occupation Guardian of Air This person seems to have captured my heart The wind is my only love Once upon a time... Long ago, the spirits of air had no form, but were as intangible as the winds they directed. From their invisible states they watched the mortals which inhabited the earth and helped them prosper by whatever means they could. Then the mortals began to quarrel with each other and the first war was fought, endangering the prosperity the air spirits worked so hard to preserve. Some of the air spirits sorrowed for the mortals and what they destroyed but without bodies they could do nothing to stop the destruction. So the air spirits set out to find a means of taking physical form. From the battlefields they collected the ashes of burned corpses and bound the ashes together with the first cries of newborn babies. With the blessing of the Celestials, the ashes became bodies which the air spirits could use in dire times. The air spirits which took on bodies became what the mortals call wind elementals.
Amongst the first air spirits who took bodies was a young spirit named Anemone. This spirit was curious and kindhearted, and more than anything she wanted to restore the prosperity that the mortals had destroyed. In the early days of the wind elementals, Anemone would often take on her body and go to the mortals to help them through difficult times. One day when she was out like this, the village Anemone was helping was raided by warriors. The elemental did all that she could to end the raid, but it was not enough. In the aftermath of the raid, Anemone wished that she could put an end to such acts of destruction. The Celestials decided to honor her wish and granted Anemone great power over the winds, more than the air spirits had ever known. In exchange, the Celestials bound Anemone to a duty; she would act as one of their guardians and only take physical form when times were most dire. The music of my soul.... Crystallize by Lindsey Stirling What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis
 They call me! Rennora Gilrain I have been around for... 11 Years I am a.... Elf I treat people this way.... Rennora is sweet, lively, and open, though a little bit impish at times. She likes to be friends with absolutely everyone but she also enjoys a good practical joke from time to time. She doesn’t really understand the war yet, but that will take time to understand. I use this to defend and attack I already know how to make a few illusions and Aunty Maiara is showing me how to use my little bow. I also have a special cloak which lets me look however I please. My occupation Child, but when I grow up I want to be just like my daddy This person seems to have captured my heart Boys have coodies Once upon a time... Rennora is Savio and Lorilli’s firstborn child, and their greatest joy. For a time the girl lived apart from her parents due to the fact that they live in the human city and so was often left at the rebel camp under the care of her Auntie Maiara. When she turned six she was given a special cloak which her aunt and father made which allows her to change her appearance at will without relying solely on her illusion magic. She now lives in Zerestia’s capitol with her parents and has managed to become quite popular with the other children in the neighborhood even though they have no clue that she isn’t human. The music of my soul.... Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Beningfield What do you mean just a puppet? parazesis
Lady Embers · Sun Dec 23, 2012 @ 03:52am · 0 Comments |