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a.k.a ӺЄȽɨȼῗӓҋᾰ

Following Monaco to the cafeteria while saying Veh on the way, Feliciana's mind only contained she being with her sorella Monaco. Being an Italian girl she is, her mind was pretty shallow. At times she thunk about why her Italian siblings didn't join them. Probably they were busy with something. She wouldn't worry about loosing time with her siblings. She'll have plenty of time with her siblings later, especially with Lovina. But most of the time that they were walking in the hallways to the cafeteria, she was only thinking of her and Monaco, period.
And then they reached their destination. Monaco said that the people she was expecting wasn't there. "Veh?", she said automatically as her reaction to that. And then Monaco asked her what she wanted to do. Feliciana didn't have anything particular in her mind. She just wanted to follow Monaco and nothing more. " Veh~ I don't know sorella. I'm just following you", she replied. Sure her reply was a little annoying for Monaco must have expected a meaningful answer. But, she's Italian after all. The Italian girl panned her head around, looking at what she can see. There were a lot of countries there, most of them are very familiar to her. However, her eyes was caught by a person. Modern Germany, the female counterpart. Alice felt happiness upon seeing her. She had been close to the female Germany like she was close to the male Germany. Italians, after all, considered their selves as close to Germans, and they are highly dependent on them. "Veh! Veh! Germany!!!!!!", she said eagerly as she waved at the German girl.

❥Location: Cafeteria
❥With: A lot
❥Thoughts: Germany!
❥ʘʘѼ: Sorry for the late post
❥With: A lot
❥Thoughts: Germany!
❥ʘʘѼ: Sorry for the late post