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Maybe It Isn't the Truth
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Day 12 Contest
My Superhero!

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This is Steve, and yes, he is a super hero (even if he really doesn't look much like one). His awesome super power, natural repellent. Seriously, no one wants to be around this guy. (Just look at him!) He has an annoying, shrill voice and always wants to talk about comics, video games and his action figure collection with anyone who happens to be next to him at the time. He has this peculiar odor (something akin to old sweat socks washed in sour milk and pickle brine) that emanates from him wherever he goes. When he encounters a dangerous situation, he curls up on the floor in a ball and emits a high-pitched whine til someone in authority comes to take care of the disturbance. Evil-doers better watch out, because if Steve gets whiff of your evil plans, he'll be there to try and talk you into letting him "tag along". Steve's ultimate nemesis...the Evil Cheerleader Squad. He's been trying to get Head Cheerleader Misty's phone number for months now.

Y U Man! Here to....well yell at people and confuse the hell out of them...
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Here is Y U Man! He's not your everyday super hero who goes out and fight crime and all the other boring stuff to try to save the earth. No, Y U Man will just run into the room where the bad guys are and yell. "Y U DO THAT?!?!" Then run out before the bad guys have time to react. No he doesn't put the criminals or psychopaths behind bars. He lets the be handled by the other, more boring heroes like Superman or Batman. rolleyes Where did Y U man start you ask? It all started when his mother was cooking breakfast one morning the BAM! she made waffles instead of pancakes. gonk Out of no where he screamed "Y U MAKE WAFFLES?!?" And then ran out. He's been doing it ever since that fateful day. And waffles are the only thing that can defeat Y U Man. So spread the word. Let all of the evil scum know that there is a new hero in town and he wants to know..."Y U DO THAT?!?!"

Dysfunctional Superheros

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♣The Plant Whisper♣
The Comic!
Page1, Page 2, Page 3
The Story
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Long ago in a place, I have long since forgotten the name of, there lived a beautiful young woman who was with child. This woman wanted her child to grow up as healthy and as beautiful, so every day she would eat and abnormal amount of vegetables believing this was the way to secure her child's future.

She did this for nine month against the advise of doctors, loved ones, and complete strangers. And on that fate filled day that she went into labor, she gave birth to a baby girl. Unfortunately because of her usual diet the baby came out with green hair and strange yellow tipped stigma sprouting from her head. The woman took one look at her child and lost her sanity and was taken away by men in nice white coats.

The child grew up in an orphanage as none would claim the strange little girl. She grew up alone and with no friends...except for the plants. Another odd side effect that the girl had was being able to hear and understand the voices coming off all plants. She could hear their pain when stepped on or being eaten, and as they where the only ones to befriend her she vowed someday she would protect them all.

Unfortunately after she had attack a produce store, she was thrown into a psycho institute. It would take weeks before she would break out, having to stay under the radar the girl downed the secret identify "The Plant Whisper" Doing everything she can to save Plants....and money as she can't get a Job!

"The Plant Whisper to the rescue!"


The amazing dishwasher.

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Miria is the amazing dishwasher. Her powers of cleaning are a great boon to everyone. just 2 seconds, a few poofs, and all the dishes in the area are clean. The only problem is that the dishes become impractically large. Spoons 3 feet long, bowls that don't fit through doors, and plates the size of dining room tables. Miria gained her super power, if that's what you would like to call it, in an elaborate chemical dish washing accident.

~Lovers Lost~
My Lame Superhero - Maid Girl
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As a little girl she was told the story of Cinderella and wished she could be like that girl. To have a handsome prince sweep her off her feet and carry her away to happiness. However she did not have an evil step mother or step sisters. So once she was old enough she became a maid! Why is she a superhero? Because who else will answer the call of a mother with five children and a lazy husband who wont help with the household chores? Or a person with a house too big to clean in one day so they call upon Maid Girl to do so!

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watermelon girl.

her super power is being able to swallow watermelons whole. its really useless, unless you enter her in an eating conest. she really has no back story other then her parents were sod farmers up in canada, and her dream in life was to be a watermelon farmer, like her aunt Godie. they oneday at her aunt farm, she was eating watermelon and she didnt listen to her daddy and ate the seeds, the next morning, watermelon girl ws born.

Archaic Lullabies

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Many people have wanted the ability to change into a superhero. To have a secret identity, and to be a strong person, is what many people want, as well as this girl, Riku. She was a rather shy, clutzy person. Constantly in her high school would she embarrass herself. Kids would laugh at her, and sometimes all she wanted to do was disappear into the seat. She loved the show Sailor Moon, and always wished she could be like that. But one day, when she was lying in her bed at night crying, mercy was granted upon her and her wish was granted! Well...sort of...

As she was crying, a strange voice from no where told her that she has the ability to change, just like Sailor Moon. She sat up, very confused, and inquired what the strange voice meant. She then heard some words enter her brain, not as if she heard them, but rather felt the words tickle her mind. She stood up, wiped off her tears, felt a strong sense of courage, and spoke the words.

A bright flash whipped through her room, leaving it rather dull afterwards. She felt different....
But not inside, just outside. She looked in the mirror, and saw herself.

*GASP!* "Is...that me?" Riku asked herself.

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Wait...that looks awesome!

She was so excited about her new ability, that she thought she HAD to try out her identity the next day. Tomorrow was Saturday, so school was not in session, but she knew what she wanted to do. Every Saturday, the kids that usually bully her hang out at the nearest skate park to tease kids and just hang out in general. She was finally going to get revenge...

The next day came a lot slower than she had expected. Riku barely slept the night before. She yawned, and lazily got up. She went about her daily morning tasks, half-minded. Then she snaps awake, and smacks her forehead with the palm of her hand - "Oh yah! I was going to show those kids a lesson!" A new wave of enthusiasm and energy flooded her system. She finished her tasks with a great speed, and ran to the front door. She reached for the handle, and paused. She backed up a few paces and said her words, changing into her new self. She charged out the door and ran as fast as she could to the skate park.

When she arrived, she spotted the kids sitting around each other, some sitting on a bench next to them. She would normally be afraid to do something like this, but she knew this was different. She would be able to fight back, with her new found power. She strutted right out in front of them, and shouted at them: "You guys are extremely mean, and need to be taught a lesson!!!" They looked at her with looks that said "Dafuq?" Riku started panicking a bit, since they didn't seem daunted in the least...so she tried to make her voice strong again - "Your days of bullying ar-" She was cut off by one of the kids: "Riku, what the hell are you doing? You are so weird, why don't you go cosplay by yourself, and save yourself the shame."
"Ehhhh?", she thought. "They know it's me?" But she couldn't do anything at the moment, so she stood there, frightened, sad, and embarrassed once again.
"Come on guys, let's go...Riku the Freaku is frozen again." And they scattered away from her.
Riku wasn't sure what to do, so out of impulse, she simply ran back home.

Many months passed and she never changed back into that form. She was ridiculed for it for a while, but it soon died down, and people got sick of it. But she would never forget. She thought about it constantly, but it was always in a negative connotation. One day at home, while surfing the web, (which she found herself doing constantly, since she could always be happy on the internet), she found an advertisement for an anime con that was near where she lived. She had always wanted to go to an anime convention, but could never afford an outfit. It should be quite obvious what first popped into her head, and she rejected the thought. She did not want to live that once again. But after some thinking, especially back to her initial feeling after seeing herself in that identity. She just had to do it, so she bought tickets, and planned a day trip.

The anime con was the best day of her life. She was nervous going there at first, but once she was there for a while in her outfit, she soon gathered much attention. Many people complimented her on her clothing, even asking for pictures. That day, she entered a costume contest, and won 3rd place! It was an amazing experience, and it made her think...This new identity might not make her a superhero, but she still loved the outfit. So maybe it wasn't exactly her wish, but the generality of the clothing made it able for her to use it at many different places. It came in handy at occasions, and she ended up cherishing it.


Dysfunctional Superheros

Le Bacon Girl! heart

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It all started long ago when Susie, (aka Le Bacon Girl) was working in a bacon factory in Massachusetts...she had no family or friends.. AWW.

She would sneak in bacon snacks all the time, just stuff herself with all the bacon she ever wanted, ...and stay late to steal more bacon!

One night a bunch of bacon inspectors came to the factory and happened to notice the stolen bacon falling out of her pockets and fired lil Susie! They said, "YOUR FIRED!"

She didn't know what to do, so later that night she snuck into the factory and went really close to the rapid moving production line...and reached out for one last bit of bacon...

BAM! Somehow she fell into the production line and was carried to the main bacon machine, she tried to get up and run away but it was too hard. She fell into the bacon machine..OH NO!!

BAM! SLAM, BEEP, BONK! Something is happening! She came out of the bacon machine, she had survived! But something changed, and now is known as LE BACON GIRL! Fighting evil inspectors and stealing your bacon. So watch out because she won't save you, she is just after your bacon.




My Dysfunctional Superhero


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It's Hindsight!

Looking to ace that math test? Looking to find out what the next best stock options are? Hey or even looking to find the love of your life? Well run for the hills because here comes Hindsight! Hindsight's superpower is the ability to analyze everything wrong you have ever done, after you have already done it. No, she can't predict the future, but you can't hide any of your past from this girl. By just looking into your eyes, she knows everything you should have done in those regrettable moments of life! Not only that, Hindsight is obligated to then broadcast it to the world as loud as she can. I know what all of you are thinking! How in the heck is this chick a superhero? Well, she means well and has a smile doing it.


Hindsight was born in 1987 when voodoo witch doctors tried to reincarnate the tenth doctor. She came out looking just as you see her now, and she cannot age. The witch doctors, after realizing that they could not play god and create something as great as a Time Lord, could never have imagined what they created. They kicked her out of their village within two days of being born because she would not shut up about how they failed to make a Time Lord. Alone, she traveled the world trying to find someone she could be useful to..... And she is still searching today--almost twenty years later.

Mighty chocolatelover

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Name: unknown
age: 20-30
height: unknown


He would go to work at the same time, have lunch at the same time and take a certain path back home at the same time all to see the loves of his life: Gino, Ruby, Sasha and Moria. Well, he was a very logical person knowing that it would never work out with one of them. He also knew that there were tons of guys just wanting to be their man but also knowing the sad truth of it never happening. So one dark cloudy night he did the next best thing for himselves and his fellow men....pantie raid. He would sneak into their place at night and grab a small handful of their delicate and exit the room without so much as a smell left behind. He then would drop off 1 pantie of the girl they were after on the other men's windowsill. To women he may had been a thief, but to the lovestruck men he will always be their hero.

Ok so no powers and its a different type of "Hero" but this popped in my head and i just had to

Super Punny Bunny!
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No one is quite sure where Super Punny Bunny came from, but he is incapable of speaking without making a pun. It doesn't matter the subject, Super Punny Bunny has the ultimate power of making puns out of anything and everything.

Just last week, he was seen trying to push a piano down a mine shaft. When asked why he was doing such a thing, Super Punny Bunny responded with, "To see A-flat minor!" When he learned that this act was going to get him arrested, he tried to escape, but the police caught him. "I relish the fact that you mustard the strength to ketchup to me!" he said as they pushed him into the police car. As they were locking him in his cell he asked, "Do you have a taser? I knew a woman once who had a taser. Man, she was stunning. You know, lightning sometimes shocks people because it doesn't know how to conduct itself."

He was soon getting on all the prisoners nerves. The guards too. "A boiled egg in the morning sure is hard to beat," he said as they were in line to get their breakfast. During their activity time he was seen staring at his pencil. Then he said, "Pencils could be made with erasers on both ends...but what would be the point?"

He was quickly moved to an isolation room. Because he was known to have super powers though, they put him in a straight jacket just to be sure he wouldn't be able to escape. "It's like you're making me a mummy! Mummies are bound to be uptight."

They left him in isolation for a week, but then his super lawyer was able to get him out of prison. The guards reluctantly opened the door and let him out of his restraints. They told him he was free to go. "Oh good," he said. "Seven days without a pun makes one weak."

Super Punny Bunny is roaming the world free again, ruining conversations and creating his own scenarios all for the sake of making a pun.

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Superhero - Flower Man
Ability - to grow a flower on his head

Flower Man has the ability to grow a flower on his head, but unfortunately he is unable to control this ability. Thus, he is constantly embarrassed to be out in public. He wishes he could wear a hat, but if he crushed the flower under a hat it would cause him pain as it is part of him.
Poor Flower Man.

(gah I'm too sleepy to come up with anything good)

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