Homestar is a crazy man who lives in free town USA. He dates the only girl Marzipan. He is a skilled marital artist even tough he lost to Wagon fulla pancakes. He is an expert distance runner and this may be the only reason he surived the battle of Strongbadia, where his squadren was completly whipped out, only he and two others made it out of there alive. His best friend is pompom who is a floating basket ball. His second best friend is Strong Bad who has repeatedly tried to kill him.
Strong bad is a short boxer guy who can type with boxing gloves on. His best friend is the Cheat who I can only descibe as being a peice of cheese fused with an anvil and a duck. He has two brothers, Strongmad, and strong sad. Strongmad is a big dude who has the IQ of an apple and no neck. Strong sad is a moraly depressed white elephant footed man.
Strong bad is also the ruler of Strongbadia an independent country locked in the middle of Free country USA. It has a population of Tire. Yeah. He is also the principle of Crazy-Go-Nuts university, it is a small country located on the boarder of Strongbadia and the USA.
The Cheat is as I said earlier is a small yellow anvil that is like a duck. He is an expert thief and arsonist. He dispises Homestar, but when theres noone to hang out with he'll hang around with him. His best friend is Strong Bad who has repeatly thrown him in the dryer. He was once tapped to Pom Pom. He is also a skilled space piolt and has flown serveral missions into the dead black. He is also a skilled Dj.
Then there is Coach Z who is the gym coach. He's not very good at his job. He has repeatly tried to go out with Marzipan but has been shot down each time. Hes very creepy and not someone you'd like to be locked in a room with. His best friend is Bubs.
Bubs is a jolly fat man who owns "Bubs conces5ion stand". He is constantly trying to buy America. He likes to dance, and has also tried to go out with Marzipan. He gets along good with the Cheat.
Marzipan is Homestar's girlfriend. She is pretty much a hippy and is very politicly active. She lead the protest against the Chuwawa's and eating rabbits on Decemberween. During Homestar's service in StrongBadia she changed,she has never been the same sence then.
The King of Town a self proclaimed dictator of Free country USA. His second in command is the Poopsmith. His acts towards the people of Free country USA were so unforgivable that Strong bad lead a revault and failed Coup against him.
Trogdor a Loyal knight of the king of town, but he fell in bad spirts with the a powerful wizard and was transformed into a one armed dragon,with increably small wings. Now he burns peseants hopeing to find a way to remove this curse on his soul. Strong Bad attempted to contact him by possessing a pensant through his computer, but he couldn't get past the kerrek.
Homsar little is know about this strange little man. His ways are at best random and unpredictable. On Halloween of 04 he impersonated Blade in a sorry attempt to lure the team into a false sence of security.He too served in the battle of Strongbadia and was one of the lucky survior. It is belived by some that he is a spy for the King of Town. What does this strang being hold in store for the future?
Thats the story so far to find out more go to and God's speed to you