There's alot of people on here that I care about, I might not act like it but you guys are the reason I log on everyday.
Determined Sakura
Of course I'd write about you, you're one of my best friends on here of course. We have our ups and downs, but one of the people I feel the most comfortable talking to, is you. You always cheer me up when I'm down, and you're always fun to hang out with. I hope we never stop being friends, because gaia wouldn't be the same without you. ;_;
Cozplai Sensei
Did I spell your username right? Bleh whatever. Anyway.. Jamie.. <3 Where do I start? Well, first of all you're like a sister to me. I know I've acted like a dumbass in the past, I'm surprised you still even deal with me, honestly. I enjoy those skype calls we do, even though I still hardly ever talk. I'm working on that. Psh, You're just amazing. You've helped me alot.. more than you'll ever know.
Red Tomato Kushina
Now, you... You... You... You... Gah, I know we don't talk often.. but I feel like you're another one of my best friends. You're just so nice, it's incredible. x_x I just find it so easy to talk to you. It's always fun to hang out with you and your little husbando in towns~ c:
iNamikaze Minato
you're ok
Kagutsuchi Sasuke
Ahhh, Yashy~ I've known you the longest. You're a t**t at times, but you're always there for me when I need you the most. You're like a big brother to me. You're another one who's fun to hang out with in towns, although I feel like we need to talk to each other more often like before... x_x
I still remember all those times, hanging out with you and Yashy in rally. Although, I hate the fact that we don't talk much. It's mostly my fault for being so shy... Wah, I'm sorry. You're an amazing person, I just wish we talked more like we used to. </3
Kamui Obito
I haven't known you that long, but you're really cool. And also, you can be hilarious at times. Bleh, I don't know that much about you what the hell am I suppose to put in here? SDKDSLSALALCSKKSCLASKSVDKS, wait... gibberish will just make me look extremely mental. Well uh, you're an awesome friend and all that, blah, blah, you get the point right? biggrin
Naruto U Namikaze
Uhhhhhhh, would you like some ramen? Bleh idk. -pulls hair- I don't know you that well either, but you're always fun to talk to.
Anju White
(͡º ͜▲͡º)
His Asakura Kushina
Last but not least, my lovely mommy~! You're amazing, and I just well... -sniffles- I always enjoy hanging out with you. Although, I really wish we'd talk more often aswell. But, I might not look like it but like I said, I have a shy side that gets scared to talk to people sometimes. I love you~♥