Part 14; Me and Soulless School RPG
"Y..Yeah..Of course, come in.." Zexion said,moving out of the doorway so the other could enter in his home. He closed the door behind the other,wishing his nerves and his heart rate would calm down.
Adrian blushed at the teasing,and looked away slightly. He felt like his heart just skipped a beat and he couldnt stand it. Once he felt even the slightest calm,he looked back at him
(brb,picking up form,10 minutes maybe so please stay on XP,lol)
Xavier walked in, not facing Zexion, and tried to figure out just what he was going to say. Obviously, he hadn't thought this thing that far through. After about a minute of silence, he finally just muttered "to hell with it" underneath his breath and spun around quickly. He pushed Zexion against the door and kissed him.
Russel's blush had just gone away when he felt Adrian look at him. How Xavier was able to flirt endlessly without blinking an eye was unknown to him. The kid was pretty amazing if this is what he did everyday. "" Russel asked, not wanting any awkard silence to enter the car.
Zexions eyes widened extremely,his heart rate increasing to dangerous levels as well as the heat of his face. To actually have the other kissing him like this..after how he felt seeing the other naked earlier.
Adrian calmed enough to say.."Broadway musicals and soundtracks from movies tend to be my favorite music' Adrian said with a shy smile,wondering what the other preferred,
"Ah, I can sing almost any song from the animated Disney princess movies," Russel sayed. "My little sister is obsessed with those."
Xavier pulled himself closer to Zexion. He felt the others heartbeat on his chest, and would've laughed, if it weren't for the fact that his was excatly the same. After a few more seconds, he pulled away and leaned hios forehead against the other's, looking at him.
"You can too..?! I mean..You like Disney?" Adrian said,a slight blush playing across his cheeks yet again.
"No one said you can stop..' Zexion said quietly,sort of having a mental snap. "Your finally got to me. And you.." He said quietly,picking up the others chin and kissing him again.
Russel smiled and nodded. "Pretty much. It used to be annoying, but... well, when you have to listen to it as much as I do, you learn to like it."
Xavier smirked before returning the kiss. He backed away towards the couch, pulling Zexion ontop of him. "Took you long enough," he said.
Adrian laughed lightly at the others comment,his laugh like a jingle bell or a small fairy, light and airy.
Zexion smirked.."Patience is a Virtue..Xavier" He whispered into his kiss,going back to kissing him. He didnt care about their positions on the couch,making the kiss deeper.
Russel grinned and reached under his seat, pulling out a few CD's that Xavier let him stash in there. "I have a few of them for when Xavier let's me use his car to take my lil' sis places. We're almost to the theater, but I can play 'em when we get out."
Xavier felt a shiver go down his spine from the way Zexion said his name. "That may be true, but I was never good at waiting." He flipped them over so he was straddling Zexion's waist. He bent over and kissed him deeply while running his hands undeneath the others shirt.
'Awesome" Adrian smiled,looking at all of the cd's. He looked away when the other smiled,his smile and his smirk drove him wild.
Zexion got shivers down his spine as he felt the others hand on his touch,making him only want the others touch more. He kept kissing the other deeply, a light hand around the others waist above him.
Russel smiled, happy that Adrian liked the idea. They pulled into the movie theater's parking lot and Russel jumped out to get the door for Adrian.
Xavier pulled Zexion's arm tighter around him. He broke away for a momenmt to remove his own shirt before attaching his mouth to Zexion's neck, nipping lightly at the skin.
Adrian was so happy to see the movie theater,then saw the other getting out and going to his side. When he opened the door for him, he blushed shyly and looked away,getting out of the car. Russel was too sweet to him..and he only met him an hour or two ago after their xbox match.
Zexion looked down to see the other removing his shirt..The others naked chest all to himself. He felt the others lips taking light nips at his neck and he let out a quiet gasp,his neck was one of a small few spots where he was especially sensitive.
Russel lead the two up and got their tickets before heading inside. "You wnat some popcorn?" he asked.
Xavier couldn't help but smirk. "someone's sensitive," he teased. He bit and sucked on the skin, leaving a few bright red marks, then leaned back to enjoy his work. "It suits you," he said.
Zexions breathing went up a little and he said quietly to the other..'You are lucky I have a long sleeve sweater". It still felt like the other was still nipping at his skin,and his heart felt like it was in his throat.
Adrian smiled when he walked in with the other,forgetting for a moment where he was until the other mentioned popcorn. 'Yes please" He smiled a happy smile at the mention of it.
Xavier chuckled... Smirking and chuckling; he seemed to be doing a lot of that lately... "You'll need more than just a sweater when I'm done with you," he promised. He leaned back down and stripped off Zexion's shirt, working his way down his teacher's neck and chest with his teeth and tongue.
(Meow~! XD)
His body started to tense up as he looked up,watching the others kisses work their way down his body and to his chest after his shirt was removed. He never felt so vulnerable and exposed to anyone before this.
Adrian happily took a piece of popcorn once they got it and went into the movie theatre with the other. He found a seat in the furthest row in back,the best seats,sitting at the end of the aisle.
(I know! And sorry! I thought I'd replied as Russel, but I forgot about him! Poor Russel)
Xavier noticed their wasn't much of a response form Zexion and he quickly looked up, worried. He gave a reassuring yet shaky smile. Showing that he was just as nervous.
Russel sat down next to him and took a few pieces off the top of the popcorn bag that was in Adrian's lap.
Zexion looked down at him for a moment then said..'You are glad you will have a shirt to cover yourself.." He said with a smirk. He put his lips down to the others chest,lightly sucking his chest.
Adrian smiled happily as he reached for more popcorn,feeling the others hand while grabbing a piece. He blushed softly again..
The lights in the theater dimmed and soon enough the opening credits were rolling for the horror film. Russel felt Adrian's hand next to his and let their hands brush next to eachother almost everytime he reached for popcorn.
Xavier took a shaky breath as he felt Zexion's lips on his chest. He rested his head against Zexion's, watching the other go to work. "We should take this somewhere... more comfortable."
Zexion smirked softly,easily lifting the other and carrying him to his room upstairs to his room. He set him down on a soft bed,and got back on top of him again.
Adrian after awhile didnt want popcorn but it was an excuse to touch the others soft,smooth,silky warm hand. He watched the opening credits with a smile..
Xavier raised an eyebrow as he was lifted and set on the bed. "Are you trying to say that I'm the woman in this relationship?"
The movie began to show scenes of murder and gore, causing quite a few people to scream loudly. Russel let his hand rest in the popcorn bag, lying warmly next to Adrian's.
(Wahoo! I didn't mean to get off as early as I did, but my Internet was being lame. So sorry!)
"Then try being the man.." Zexion whispered in the others ear,nibblign lightly at it. He waited to see what the other would do,wondering the same thing..who was the man and who was the woman of the relationship?
Adrian tried not to laugh at the deaths, He foudn the ways they were killed quite hilarious. Then he felt the others hand lying near his,moving it closer so they were touching more.
"I don't have to try to be something that I already am," the other whispered back. He flipped Zexiononto his back and seated himself between the other's legs, reaching down and unbuckling his pants. A hungry look rested on his face.
Russel smiled as he heard Adrian holding back laughter. He had to admit, this was not the best horror movie he'd seen. He felt a hand being pressed firmly into his and he grabbed it tightly.
Zexion was a bit surprised at the others answer and felt himself being flipped over. He saw his pants being undone and the hungry look in his eyes,making his face slightly red but only wanted him more..
Adrian blushed slightly,holding onto the others hand. He now barely paid attention to the movie and more to the warmth of the hand..
Xavier saw the blush and smirked. "You look really cute like that," he commented. Quickly, the pants were removed and then soon after the boxers. Xavier licked the skin around it teasingly.
Russel removed his hand and placed the popcorn on the floor, then wrapped his arm around Adrian's shoulders.
(Ever heard of google docs? In there, we dont have to worry about censors,lol XD)
Zexion gasped as he was licked,forgetting the whole man-woman comment. God..the pleasure..
Adrian blushed even more when he felt the arm around his shoulder. Yet,he smiled lightly,leaning into the arm that surrounded him.
(I have in fact heard of it! But I don't quite get how it works, so you'll have to help me. Or we can just do emails.)
Xavier smiled. Apparently he wasn't doing that badly. He nibbled closer towards it and sucked at the base.
Russel blushed and grinned, leaning sideways even further to rest against Adrian, his head on top of the others.
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