Self, I do believe we ought to have a goal. Something to focus our gaia efforts into.
Naturally, self is completely correct. So, without further ado, I present my short and long term Dream avi goals!
Short Term

Total Value: 776,265 Gold
After Exclusions: 177,999 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Black Strapless Bra✔
Warm Starter Rocker Girl Capri Jeans✔
Cloud Iridescence
Erlking Ears Type Vampire
10th Anniversary B.O.O. Skin
Black Solar Flare Belly Tattoo✔
G-Rave Belt✔
Birthday Crown
X_X Blue Raving Goggles✔
Gimpi 2nd gen.✔
Trick or Treat Tote✔
Jade Peasant Gloves✔
Tower Prep Jacket✔
Black Goth Boots✔
Nicolae's Underwear✔
Long Term Dream Avi

Total Value: 5,211,450 Gold
After Exclusions: 5,040,000 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
gaia_angelleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright