Stats: Strength: ▌▌▌Intelligence: ▌▌▌▌ English Speaking Skills: Non-ExistentHopping Skills: ∞Weapon of choice: ShovelWish: To take over Mexico and Cuba. Doom's EndingJust barely surviving, he slowly walked over to the chest that held the Mysterious Man's most prized possession. After opening it, he realized there was an envelope inside with the words "Keeper of Mi Corazon" written on the front of it. He opened it and began reading the letter inside.Irvin - DOOM BEW! Okay, before I start talking about Doom, let me just tell everyone that he was the first person I ever called bew. Okay, moving on. I had known about Doom for quite a while, but never really got to know him. I remember going on Blatancy, my Axel account, and approaching him. He was all, TWINS! Since he was an Axel cosplayer at the time. He was praising me, and I was all, oh stawp it, you! After that, we didn't really talk. The next time I had spoken to him was when I was following him and his small group of friends on my bloody account. I would hide behind a tree, then let half of my avatar show, and they'd be all, WHAT THE ********!!! I stopped doing that after a while because it got boring, but yeah. Like Momo, I was introduced to Doom by Charles, since those two were always around each other. Let me just say that Doom bew is the light of my life and the fire of my loins. Oh s**t, I just thought of what your shout out song could be! Okay, so let me tell you what I like about Doom. The number one thing is that he's really funny, and knows how to take a joke. He'll be all, shut the ******** up Jordy, dumb puta. Then Momo will be all, yo, shut the ******** up Mexico, and Doom is okay with that. Yas. Another thing I like about Doom is that he sticks up for his friends. If someone is messing with them, he'll be the first person getting on a mule to attack. ILY BEW! ~Inserts kissie face~ And the last thing I like about Doom bew is that he's always online to talk to. It's like, I'll go to bed at four in the morning, wake up at twelve, and he'll still be on. It's like he never sleeps.!!!! Also, he's my favorite Mexican. Just make sure you don't tell Mary that, okay bew? ~Inserts 69 kissie faces here~Theme Song
Lana Del Rai · Fri Aug 23, 2013 @ 11:12am · 0 Comments |