wahmbulance If some one has a item called masquerade that is not using please im beging il trade it for my rare item the frost were wolf that cost if not mistaking 115,000 gold to the first one who gives me the item first wahmbulance
heart first prize -the frost werewolf to the first one to pm me with masquerade heart
second prize - the sun staff[/i] to the second and his valiant efort
third prize - lunear polar staff to the third valiant effort
PS: must send it as a gift trade is to dificult once sended the gift il send youre prize!!!!!!!
heart heart !!!!!!!!GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!! heart heart
gaia_angelleft gaia_crown gaia_angelright Ruka Miko
Ruka Miko · Wed Sep 18, 2013 @ 06:22pm · 0 Comments |