Convenient List:
The items can be looked up by day and hour. Links to the mp for each item.
Downside is you can't search by item name since it uses the thumbnail images.
Well-rounded List
There are Turkey-day items too this year. Game and such.
As to the Black Friday deals.... In past years, the bundled items get so cheap that you can easily grab the individual items for a hugely discounted price.
This year, there's no incentive to buy the bundles. There's no 30% off deal. No BOGO deal. They're just always 999c. And there are no recolors in the bundles. No incentive for people to buy it. And it shows. The bundled items barely drop in price.
So far, each day gets a different bundle. I expect all bundles to go up for sale on Monday.
The Ciel items are usually good investments. So I told myself not to miss that opportunity again. Rosamund's Passion is a pink recolor that was supposed to go up for sale for only four hours. I expected it to appear in the shop here and there. The other items keep popping back up for an hour or two.
What I did not expect was for it to be the only item that is not following the schedule. It went up about an hour late, so it stayed up all night. WTF. It was supposed to be up for 2-6pm PST 11/28. It's now 9am PST 11/29 and it's STILL THERE.
I used cash that I'd been saving up for years. @ .@; Three years. I'm not sure if I'd be less upset if I'd used real money. XD; It didn't cost me anything but hours of collecting cash, 10gc per day. D; .....And I think I'd be less upset if I actually liked the item. I don't. I don't own any of the rosamund items. > <; They're good items; the poses just don't fit my outfits. And now I'm stuck with a cotton candy version of it because it's selling for much much less than 3000gc is worth right now. DDD:
u .u; That's six REIs that I could be using.
Blah. It's just so disappointing to finally spend and have made such a stupid decision. XD ....And it really doesn't help that it's been in the cash shop for hourrrrrrsssssss. Done.
Anyway, as to the other sale items.... They're either not my style or cost too much cash. XD (Cash I would've had if I didn't waste it on rosamund's passion. <.<; ) Not much to say about them.
I like the marionette's bangs. Great item. Love bang items. I'm surprised that the bangs aren't the same colors as the existing marionette's though. If I were a marionette owner, I'd be disappointed. Mostly because bangs don't exist in the pink and blue colors and such. Or am I being forgetful? I know the marionette items don't have bang poses (aside from that one item... ashen maybe). For myself, not being a marionette owner, I like the color palette chosen. Someone pointed out that the bangs lack mint. XD It's surprising.
As to these tekteks, I'd gone through and made a potential list of items I wanted. I knew I'd only be able to afford a few of them, but it's nice to have more for future reference. (And now I won't be able to afford any of them. XDD Oh well. And that's how I spent some of my free time this week. Free time over. sdrawkcaB out.)
edit. Uh I don't know why the images aren't showing up. So now adding the lists.
blue items

Human C Potion
Rosamund's Devotion (Innocent Temptation 3)
Froufrou France (Stockings)
Cafe Miam (Bonnet)
Keiko's Cake (Shortcake Skirt)
Pale Triplet
Little Law (Dress)
Melodious Cantata (Hair)
The Celestial Queen of Solair (Stocking Shoes)
Cassiopeia Cutie (Shoes)
Flowing Lucid Dreams
Aria Dannata (Encore: Playwright's Downfall)
Dulce Principe (Cape)
Cupcake Darling (Sweet Boots)
brown items

Human C Potion
Beyond Brown (Coat)
Wood Sea (Stockings and Shoes)
Casual Autumn (Sweater)
Cafe Miam (Work Shirt)
Pandaista (Beanie)
Workshop Flora (Hair)
Wandering Maestro (Traveling Cape)
Herbalist Aisha (Legs)
Workshop Flora (Dress)
Doufu Hua (Glasses)
Marooned Lass (Tattered Dress)
random avi - not great. just wanted to use the color scheme.

Pale Triplet
Cupcake Darling (Sweet Boots)
Cassiopeia Cutie
Keiko's Cake (Ruffled Pinafore)
Xiaolong Bao Bao (Shorts)
Volant Reverie (Bangs and Tails (with SC Agape))
Red Basic Headband
Classic Marcella (Socks)
Pastel Sweetie (Cotton Candy Locks (with SC Agape))
Sainte Ciel: Storge (Ciel's Loving Gaze)
10th Anniversary B.O.O. Skin