------Yes, you can comment below "Do you even Gift Bro?" because that's so appropriate right now. But It was like that with my friends from back then too, with Digi and all. At least from what I remember, maybe I gave gifts maybe I didn't. Perhaps its just locked in my memories somewhere if I gave back and all. Its weird for me, perhaps I over think it; like what to give and what to write. I know you're probably thinking, its the thought that counts. If that's true then how come we have to gift? If the thought is all that really matters, why can't we just like write a card... Well I guess I answered that when I said:
"I find it ridiculous that words isn't enough to convey how I really feel. Probably because the lack of emotions just it reading does; the lack of body language and facial expressions. And even sometimes even those aren't enough, I guess that's where "It really means a lot to me" comes from."
------Now to think of it, maybe its just me. Maybe its because I hate expectations. Because X happened, therefore I have to make Y occur. Maybe I'm just a really horrible friend that pushes people away. Maybe I'm that kind of person who likes receiving more than giving... Its really sad too, how far greed can take us. We all want that expensive item whether its here on gaia, or real life. Sometimes its all we want but we can never get, and that creates this dissonance of disappointment. Or in my case, all I really want is a guitar but the only person who can ever give it to me, is myself only... Well s**t maybe that's why I don't expect things from people. Maybe I'm just a Grinch when it comes to gifts...
------However, I think the greatest gift that anyone can ever give to someone is time. Like memories that they can never forget, that friendship and bond you share with a person. I believe that is the strongest thing you can ever give someone out of gratitude, it's more than any trinket or any physical object that you can give them. Like my best friend, I should probably mention his name because I talk about him a lot. His birthday is on the summer and mine is always on the beginning of a school year. We forget each others birthday and we never give stuff to each other. But I'll always have really good memories and adventures with him. So maybe that's why I don't like the idea of gifts. Perhaps that's why I never give stuff to my family, because I know they're always there and I would never forget them; vice versa. Maybe that's why despite the fact I'm scared to talk to Digi because I gave nothing back to him and he gave me the best memories that I could ever have, locked into the pictures of my profile: The Tragic Adventures of Steel Commando and the Digital Knight. That's a different journal topic I suppose.
------So here's my question, yes you can comment below. I really appreciate it when I have people comment though not a lot of people do. It really means a lot to me. So yeah; what's your opinion on gifting?
Thanks for reading! This is Anikacy, Signing out!