Have I ever told you I crack my fingers a lot?
It's not just my fingers. It's every joint I can manage. For most of my life, I was known to be able to crack my joints. I don't mind, though. Hm... How do I say this? It kind of adds to my tough reputation, you know? twisted
I learned it from my mother. One day, long, long ago, I witnessed my mother crack the joints in her neck. I thought it was so cool. Honestly, it just screamed out awesome.
Since then, I have learned to crack a bunch of points in my body. I think I can muster a total of 47 cracking noises. It was either 47 or 52, but I think it was the former.
As I started getting used to junior high, I noticed I was cracking my fingers and my neck on an hourly basis. Perhaps it was due to stress, but the sound of someone cracking their joints makes me feel oddly relieved. Perhaps it was to keep people from getting to close to me. Perhaps it was just because I was bored. Who knows? I don't.
Anyway, let's back up some.
If you read all my previous journal entries, you're guaranteed to know I was not always open to my own marriage.
Marriage, you say? Yes, marriage, I say. It seems a tad random now, but some of you may already know where I'm going with this.
I mentioned several times in the past that I will not get married. However, in my junior high years, I found some guys that made me feel... happy. I met guys that made me appreciate living. I met guys that made me look forward to coming to school, or, in some cases, going home (since instant messaging took place at home).
I came to the realization that, hey, it's nice to spend time with the person you like. 4laugh
Eventually, I started to consider getting married. I have yet to find a suitable spouse, but perhaps that's because I'm not currently looking for one. Anyway, yeah. Marriage is an option now. I made it one for me.
What happens during marriage, though? A lot, I believe. One part of a wedding is the exchange of vows and rings.
Rings, eh? Toe rings? Ha! No, of course not. Marriage rings go on your hand.
Your hand, eh? My hand, too. Anyone's hand! Well, any married or to-be-married person's hand.
I crack my fingers a lot, remember? When you crack your fingers, you're not actually cracking anything. The sound comes from the quick transfer of air through your joints.
Now wait a minute, you might be thinking, "Air through your joints?"
In simplest terms, yeah. It doesn't sound healthy, right? That's because it's not. It does cause deformities. In some extreme cases, it even leads to arthritis. I don't have arthritis. According to my own research, I'm pretty safe from it. That's why I don't worry at all when I crack my fingers.
Well, my worries are not pertained to arthritis. I am, however, concerned a tad about the deformities... because I have them.
My joints a little bigger than the joints of the average person my body type. It makes my fingers bulge a bit. Although it's not obvious at a first glance, I notice it. I can feel the enlarged bones in my hand.
Now, how does this relate to marriage?
Well, cracking fingers causes a bulge in the joints. Marriage rings go on the fingers, resting below the finger's middle joint.
Oh shoot, I thought one day. How would I fit my marriage ring on? Well, fear not, dear reader for I have already considered this calamity.
Look at my hand! I mean, look at it!
I suppose you can't really do that. Just take my word for it, then. My ring finger, on both hands, is that of a non-finger-cracker. Ohoho, clever, eh?
And that's this entry's confession! I don't crack my ring fingers solely to keep them slim enough for a marriage ring.
I intended to post this entry last month, following the two confession sessions per month notion I made for myself. As you might have noticed, last month only has one confession session. Please consider this confession session as a part of last month's entries~! I shall do another two for this month later.
Until then, try can guess the title and artist of the song which contains these lyrics:
You say you're coming home but you won't say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again
Comment your response and, assuming you'll be right, a reward shall be granted! I'll see you next entry! yum_puddi
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