01. Phantom Anon

It was a beautiful snowy day where soft gray clouds floated overhead and snowflakes drifted down from the sky. The air was chilly, enough that you could see your breath, but there was no breeze that made the bare trees shiver or made the chill bite into your bones. Trudging through the snow with a bundle of clothes on to keep you warm, you smiled as you enjoyed your little stroll through the woody park. You could not resist walking through the pure untouched white landscape that had graced the park. Coming to a bend in the path, noise floated to your ears. Laughter and loud voices cried out to each other. Ahead, twelve kids were having a giant snow fight at the jungle gym. Still trudging along, you watched them with amusement.
The kids were all bundled up just as you were, scarves and beanies covering their small heads. Boys and girls of age ten ran through the snow and hurled snowballs at each other. Many were on top of the jungle gym using it as a giant fortress. Others had built up tall dunes of snow to act as shields and were currently ducked low behind them. The entire area was a mess of footprints across the snow, half built up snowmen, and a few snow angels. You could not help but smile as you passed by the merry and noisy visage. Continuing to gaze at the snowball fight, you spotted a girl much older than the others. Her loose hair was white like the snow and her clothes were that of ages passed; she must have been a caroler who had joined in on the fun. Seeing you watching, she stood, called out a greeting, and waved at you. Of course, the movement put her right in the open for the kids and snowballs immediately pelted her few seconds later. You heard her laugh as she ducked out of sight behind her very own snow fortress.
Just as you were beginning to chuckle at this, a snowball exploded against your shoulder and sent a flurry of white snow debris across your face. Surprised, you looked nearby and spotted your attacker. A mischievous grin across his face, a boy with rosy cheeks and ruffled brown hair threw another snowball at you. It hit your chest with a splat. A grin spread across your own face as you quickly bent over and formed a snowball in order to retaliate. Cupping it into a roundish shape, you stood up, and lifted your arm to throw it.
Silence filled the air around you. The only thing you could hear in the snowy wonderland was your own breath coming in and out. No laughter or any children shouting out in joy. No sounds of small running footsteps across the snow or the smack of a snowball hitting someone. Your arm fell to your side and the snowball slipped from your grasp. The jungle gym was empty of children. You looked for them, but there was not a single person here. You were alone. The snow fortresses, the snowmen, and even the little child sized footsteps in the snow were gone. The laughter you had heard earlier echoed in your memory and the sight you had seen haunted your mind&��s eye.
You walked closer to the jungle gym, searching for something: anything. Anything that would prove the existence of the snowball fight and the children that had just been there seconds ago. There was nothing. Closer to the jungle gym, you spotted a small stone pillar that rose up three feet. As if in a daze, you walked to it and brushed the snow from the top to reveal a bronze plaque. You read the words engraved in it and felt your breath catch from surprise. It was a memoriam. The bronze plaque and jungle gym had been made in memory for twelve children who had lost their lives in a tragedy in the park many years ago.
--- Phantom Anon
The kids were all bundled up just as you were, scarves and beanies covering their small heads. Boys and girls of age ten ran through the snow and hurled snowballs at each other. Many were on top of the jungle gym using it as a giant fortress. Others had built up tall dunes of snow to act as shields and were currently ducked low behind them. The entire area was a mess of footprints across the snow, half built up snowmen, and a few snow angels. You could not help but smile as you passed by the merry and noisy visage. Continuing to gaze at the snowball fight, you spotted a girl much older than the others. Her loose hair was white like the snow and her clothes were that of ages passed; she must have been a caroler who had joined in on the fun. Seeing you watching, she stood, called out a greeting, and waved at you. Of course, the movement put her right in the open for the kids and snowballs immediately pelted her few seconds later. You heard her laugh as she ducked out of sight behind her very own snow fortress.
Just as you were beginning to chuckle at this, a snowball exploded against your shoulder and sent a flurry of white snow debris across your face. Surprised, you looked nearby and spotted your attacker. A mischievous grin across his face, a boy with rosy cheeks and ruffled brown hair threw another snowball at you. It hit your chest with a splat. A grin spread across your own face as you quickly bent over and formed a snowball in order to retaliate. Cupping it into a roundish shape, you stood up, and lifted your arm to throw it.
Silence filled the air around you. The only thing you could hear in the snowy wonderland was your own breath coming in and out. No laughter or any children shouting out in joy. No sounds of small running footsteps across the snow or the smack of a snowball hitting someone. Your arm fell to your side and the snowball slipped from your grasp. The jungle gym was empty of children. You looked for them, but there was not a single person here. You were alone. The snow fortresses, the snowmen, and even the little child sized footsteps in the snow were gone. The laughter you had heard earlier echoed in your memory and the sight you had seen haunted your mind&��s eye.
You walked closer to the jungle gym, searching for something: anything. Anything that would prove the existence of the snowball fight and the children that had just been there seconds ago. There was nothing. Closer to the jungle gym, you spotted a small stone pillar that rose up three feet. As if in a daze, you walked to it and brushed the snow from the top to reveal a bronze plaque. You read the words engraved in it and felt your breath catch from surprise. It was a memoriam. The bronze plaque and jungle gym had been made in memory for twelve children who had lost their lives in a tragedy in the park many years ago.
--- Phantom Anon
02. Mistress Kationie

03. 'Anonymous Benefactor'

04. 'Anonymous Benefactor'

05. Kitty of Christmas Cheer (anon)

06, 07, & 08. Secret Santa

Thanks to everyone who sent me a gift! emotion_bigheart