His name is Fister Mantastic
"Oh my god, it's a French wereraccoon leather daddy
with an innuendo around his neck"
-pure poetry from Sterek-senpai
"Oh my god, it's a French wereraccoon leather daddy
with an innuendo around his neck"
-pure poetry from Sterek-senpai


"There once lived a beautiful mermaid named Torse. All the mer-folk around the world would swim to the Dark Chasm, the place she called home, just to get a glimpse of her beauty.
One day, Torse swam peacefully along the coral reefs, carefree from any worries. But only to be ambushed by an unknown attacker. A bone dagger was suddenly thrusted into her back. Torse turned around the face her attacker, and was stunned to see her best friend Tuesday had stabbed her. He had been secretly jealous of her popularity.
Although, rather than screaming and swimming away, Torse didn't move a muscle.
She muttered her final words under her breath, "b***h please, I'll still be ******** fabulous even dead".
Tuesday delt the fatal blow, straight into Torse's heart."
One day, Torse swam peacefully along the coral reefs, carefree from any worries. But only to be ambushed by an unknown attacker. A bone dagger was suddenly thrusted into her back. Torse turned around the face her attacker, and was stunned to see her best friend Tuesday had stabbed her. He had been secretly jealous of her popularity.
Although, rather than screaming and swimming away, Torse didn't move a muscle.
She muttered her final words under her breath, "b***h please, I'll still be ******** fabulous even dead".
Tuesday delt the fatal blow, straight into Torse's heart."
-the amazing Braev Dullahan