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I CUP fUnKy c0l0rZz.
Community Member
Read this toooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, here is my first (part) of my story.
It was a breezy morning. Clesita was sitting in her hammock and had just finished her lemonade. Suddenly, she sat up. She had the strangest feeling.
"Ohh I don't feel so good" she said. She gripped her stomach and it felt hot. She looked down and her hands were burning! She ran to the lake to try to stop the burning. She dipped them in, but she could still feel the heat on her skin. But she stopped. She wasn't feeling any pain. She waved her hands in the air like a little six year old trying to fly. Even though she was 14, she wasn't smart enough to know who she really was...
The next day, Clesita sat up in bed and looked down at her hands. They were no longer flaming. It was a Sunday, so no school.
She hopped out of bed and jumped on the computer. She wanted to talk to someone about her weird experience. She went on AIM and began talking to her friend Jenna.
Clessygirl: Hey, I need to talk to you.
Jennababy: Sure, what's up?
Clessygirl: Yesterday....
She stopped. Her hands had begun to feel hot again. She deleted her message and told Jenna she had to go and crawled back into her bed. "Why did it do that when I was about to tell Jenna? What's going on?" she asked herself. But how would she ever know...
Snapping out of her daze, Clesita stared down at her hands again. Seeing they were fine, she got up again, wanting to tell Jenna. The moment she got up, a huge wave of dizzyness swept over her, and she fell back into bed.
Slowly rubbing her head, Clesita sat up. "How long have I been asleep?" Looking at the clock, she gasped. "Noon?!?! Oh no, I was supposed to be at Jennas' an hour ago!"
Leaping out of bed, and forgetting all of her worries, Clesita got dressed and headed out the door. The moment her foot hit the pavement, all of the memories from the previous day swept over her. An unforgetable dread swept into her mind. What am I going to do if it happens at Jennas'? How could I tell her! Could I tell her?
All of these thoughts flooding her mind, Jamie absentmindedly wandered into the forest. Finally looking up, she saw the beautiful trees and bird songs around her. Letting the beauty of the forest overtake her, she sat under a tree at the heart of the forest, and fell into a trance.
A few hours later, Clesita woke to what sounded like a young girl singing. A blissful smile appeared on her face. Slowly, she stood and started moving toward the enchanting noise. As soon as she cleared a bend in the trail, Clesita spotted a pretty girl with sharpened features, and blue skin.
Startled, the young girl looked up. "Oh, it's just you!" she said in a tingcling inhuman voice. "I've been waiting. I summoned you here to aid me, and at the same time, to decide your destiny."....
Clesita walked toward the figure. She looked human, but not quite. She looked...darker, somehow, with dark eyes. The figure smiled at her. "My name is Vicinity, and I have been waiting for you." A chill ran down Clesita's back at the mention of the name, but she ignored it.
"To do what?" she asked. "Ha! Child! Do you not know who you are?" Clesita just blinked, and Vicinity laughed again. "You are a Mars alchemist with the gift of fire. You have a long journey ahead of you, and I am going to help you prepare for it." "But why me? Why do I have to do this? How does this aid you? I don't want to go on some dangerous mission fighting cyclops and ogres!" Clesita said, arritated. "Dear, you will not be fighting any of the such," Vicinity said with a smile. "And I have chosen you because you are a young alchemist with much hope and a good heart. You must journey a long way, to the Saturn Stone, where you must defeat the Saturn alchemist. On your way you will be meeting other Alchmesits, but not of your own kind. You will meet a Jupiter alchemist, with the power of wind, a Mercury alchemist, with the power of water, and a Venus alchemist, with the power of earth. Together you must kill the only Saturn alchemist left, because they will turn the world into sorrowful black hole with the Saturn Stone. You must stop them from getting there. I need you to do this so I can retrieve the Stone and put it in safe keeping. Can I trust you with this duty?"
Clesita stood, mouth open, eyes wide, trying to make sense of what was going on. "Y-yes," she stammered. "But how will I know how to get to the Saturn Stone?" "Here is a map, and a few other items you might need," Vicinity said has she handed Clesita a few things. "Now about your powers, you will have to practice them in order to control them. You will find items that will bestow you certain abilities, although you will gain most on your own through fighting and traveling." Vicinity looked down. "Well I suppose that's all you'll be needing from me," she said as she took off into the thick of the woods. Clesita looked down at the map. According to it, she will begin her journey in a small town called Kosoma. To get there she must cross the swamp. She shuddered at the thought, but began to walk in the direction of the giant mud hole.
When she came to the edge of the sludgy banks, she thought of how she would get acrossed. She looked around, without the slightest idea of what she could use. Suddenly, she heard a noise, like something flying through the air. She probably shouldn't have gone to look, but her curiosity took advantage of her. She walked around some tall cat-tails and saw a girl sitting and waving her hands around like a penguin trying to fly. The girl looked up suddenly, and Clesita looked into the blue eyes, remembering something that she couldn't put her finger on. "Hi," she said, to break the awkwardness. "Hello, my name is Aerita. I don't suppose you are the Mars alchemist?" the girl said with an airy voice. "Yes, my name is Clesita, how'd you know?" Clesita asked, a little shocked. "I could tell by your eyes and the way you spoke." Aerita said with the same airy voice. "Then...I don't suppose you are the Jupiter alchemist?" Clesita wondered, with a hint of excitement. "Yes, I am. A girl named Vicinity sent me here." "Yea, me too. I suppose we will be journying together. I have a map. To get to the first town, we have to get across the swamp, but I don't know how we'll ever do that." Clesita said. "I do." Aerita said as a smile grew on her face. With that, she closed her eyes and her hands began to glow with air as she lifted off the ground.
"Take my hand!" she yelled, and Clesita jumped to grab the glowing palm. She watched as they floated over the swamp. She felt a sudden decrease in their elevation. Startled, she looked up. "Your slipping!" Aerita called as Clesita dropped a little more. Clesita grabbed Aerita's wrist even tighter and tried not to look down into the gurgling swamps. She felt Aerita's wrist slipping from her grasp, and she soon felt nothing at all except the whirl of wind as she descended toward the swamps. She closed her eyes and curled into a ball, awaiting to feel the gush of the swamps around her any second. But that second did not come, and when she opened her eyes, she couldn't tell what was going on. It was all a blur. She looked around trying to find Aerita but could not. She wondered if she was dead, but she quickly pushed the thought aside. "I can't be thinking these crazy things. I have a job to do, and I won't doubt myself." she told herself. She saw a faint blur of color whiz by her, and when she turned around she saw Aerita, hands still glowing, moving her arms in circular motions. Clesita tried to call to her, but she knew it wouldn't work, the whir of air drained her voice. She felt herself being pulled by an invisble force, and the next thing she knew she was alighting on soft grass at the other side of the swamp. Aerita landed next to her, with the biggest smile one could ever see.
"What happened?" Clesita asked, astonished that she was actually alive. "Just a little power I learned," she said, still smiling. "I need to practice my powers. Well, anyway, let's be off. We've got a long way to go and little time to get there." Clesita said affirmatively.
They continued on, and soon came to a dusted road. They followed the path to a seemingly small town, set between two mountains. "This would be Kosoma," Clesita said, looking at the map. "That one," she pointed to the mountain on the left, "That one is Mt. Kosoma, and that one on the right is Mt. Portimo, the town we will be going to next." "Well, let's not waste any more time studying geography. Using my powers like that totally drained me, and I need some food." As they walked closer to the town, they saw a humongous gate, and it was closed. There would be no way in. "Looks like we'll be roughing it tonight," Clesita said with a groan. "Let's head into the woods so we aren't as noticable. You never know who might be roaming these streets."
They walked to the tall oaks and found a small grove in the trees. They sat down, and Clesita opened her pack which she had been carrying. She brought out a few apples and some crackers. "Not a five-star meal, but it will have to do," she said. They ate in silence, and gathered some leaves for make-shift pillows. They used their coats as blankets. Sleep was hard to come by that night, but they finally began to dose off, and night went by as quickly as it came.
They awoke early, just as the sun was coming up. Clesita gathered up her bag, and they got up to stretch their legs. "I sure do hope that gate is open. I don't want to spend anymore time out here in these scary woods." Aerita said with a shudder. They walked out to the edge of the trees and looked towards the town. "I think the gate is open," Clesita said, squinting.
They ran to it, excited at the thought, and weren't disappointed. The gates were wide open and inside of them was a small little town with brick houses and a giant statue in the middle. They slowly walked in, and heard many whispers, things such as "They've come..." and "Are those the ones..." and other things like that along the side of the roads. They walked to the back edge of the town, and came to a high castle. They kept walking, in a kind of a trance, both compelled to keep going into the giant doors, down the corridoor, to a small door at the end of the hall, into the room....
They heard a sharp noise from outside. The spell broke for a moment, and they turned. They saw a little girl running away from a dog. The room called to them once more, but the girl's shrill cries prevented Aerita and Clesita from turning back to the room.

User Comments: [8]
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comment Commented on: Mon May 01, 2006 @ 12:38am

comment Commented on: Mon May 01, 2006 @ 10:37pm
uve got till tomorra to make another part pplz

I CUP fUnKy c0l0rZz.
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue May 02, 2006 @ 12:01am
(Just an idea!) Snapping out of her daze, Jamie stared down at her hands again. Seeing they were fine, she got up again, wanting to tell Jenna. The moment she got up, a huge wave of dizzyness swept over her, and she fell back into bed.
Slowly rubbing her head, Jamie sat up. "How long have I been asleep?" Looking at the clock, Jamie gasped. "Noon?!?! Oh no, I was supposed to be at Jennas' an hour ago!"
Leaping out of bed, and forgetting all of her worries, Jamie got dressed and headed out the door. The moment her foot hit the pavement, all of the memories from the previous day swept over her. An unforgetable dread swept into her mind. What am I going to do if it happens at Jennas'? How could I tell her! Could I tell her?
All of these thoughts flooding her mind, Jamie absentmindedly wandered into the forest. Finally looking up, she saw the beautiful trees and bird songs around her. Letting the beauty of the forest overtake her, she sat under a tree at the heart of the forest, and fell into a trance.
A few hours later, Jamie woke to what sounded like a young girl singing. A blissful smile appeared on Jamies' face. Slowly, she stood and started moving toward the enchanting noise. As soon as she cleared a bend in the trail, Jamie spotted a pretty girl with sharpened features, and blue skin.
Startled, the young girl looked up. "Oh, it's just you!" she said in a tingcling inhuman voice. "I've been waiting. I summoned you here to aid me, and at the same time, to decide your destiny."....

comment Commented on: Tue May 02, 2006 @ 09:54pm

I CUP fUnKy c0l0rZz.
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Wed May 10, 2006 @ 02:00am
You like it?!?! eek

comment Commented on: Fri May 12, 2006 @ 09:38pm

I CUP fUnKy c0l0rZz.
Community Member
Community Member
comment Commented on: Mon May 15, 2006 @ 10:25pm
how bout this?... they finally reached the door but soon found it to be locked. they learned, to get in, they must face three perils... the ultimate tests all in their own way. the first test would be the test of knowledge. the next, the test of speed. the final test would be the test of power. neither of the girls knew what to expect but were sure they were about to find out. at that moment... a giant wave (a tsunami as some of the witnesses might have said; had there been any witnesses) came up and swept the two girls away. it brang them into a different room, a parlor with many doors. suddenly all the doors began to lock! as the girls tried to get to the doors before they locked, they began to realize that this was their first test! not only that, but the water from the wave began to increase which would cause the girls to drown if they did not think fast. Clesita soon realized... her powers were of no use in the water so no matter what, in that room she was powerless. Aerita on the other hand soon learned that there was one ultimate lock powered by water (and trust me... this was a HUGE lock) but could only be unlocked at the top of the parlor, where it actually was. while Clesita searched for something to fill with water so as to help out in some way, Aerita managed to gather small amounts of water in whirs of air. finally, Clesita found multiple large basins in which could hold massive amounts of water. the problem was, the basins were at the bottom of the parlor and the water was halfway up the walls as it was. both girls thought there had to be another way. Clesita soon saw that there was another door they had been unable to reach until this point. she figured, if they opened the door, it would lead to a way out. they were wrong but it lead to another closed room that, if the water poured into, could save them some time. it did, but there was still the problem of the basins being at the bottom. Aerita decided to try something, it was risky but Clesita decided it was the right thing to do. Aerita made an air bubble surrounding Clesita as she swam down to lift the basins to the top. surprisingly, both had the strength to do so. the basins helped out a lot. they unlocked the lock, all the water flowed out and lead the girls into the next room. the water drained out of the room but, checking around, the girls saw that this was locked too. thinking this was another dead end, the girls almost lost hope. but soon enough, a voice came over a loudspeaker telling them they had passed their first test. this is where they would be staying the night and two beds and a table full of delicious food popped up. after being fed and reasured that this was a safe room to stay in for the night, a room with no tricks, Aerita fell asleep. unfortunately, Clesita could not for she was still dwelling on today's events and the danger of what might come tomorrow...

comment Commented on: Mon May 22, 2006 @ 12:11am
please dont use my name... say it was from a random person you know that does not want their name on the net or something???!!! but please... i dont want my name on here.

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