as Luck would have it
She is the opposite of her father, fate, and enjoys destroying all of his plans. She wanders amoung her land of gree. Her dark green eyes wander over her people. The green of card tables, the color of green velvet, the green of money. The lady as she is called (She hates her true name and will leave all those who utter her name) lives entirly for the moment and always chooses the most unlikely people to be her patrons and to recieve her blessings. Just when you think she has forsaken you she apears out of the blue, or green, and pulls you to the top of her tower. But if you EVER dare to think you deserve her help she will shove you from the top of the tower of life and leave you with nothing. Her brown hair brushes her soft white clothing, the color of light, as she always helps those in need. Every day she wanders about, changing everything to as luck would have it. She always carries the annoying smile that she knows something more than you do, and what makes it annoying is that she most likly does. She will always apear open and friendly, but rush too quickly to her and she will take great joy in crushing you heart and your wallet.
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