Hey peepz. Today was kewl i guess. In choir Allison was like a faschist and she isn't really the greatest singer. SHES JUST LOUD. And she acts like shes so much better than everyone else, just cuz she got the 2nd lead for the play. I really don't understand what Mrs. Gross sees in her. Anyway, in journalism we are having so much fun all the time. Everyone in my group are such cool peeps and we always have fun and joke around. Friday was ghetto friday in Journalism, cuz for some weird reason we were all talking in Ghetto- Speak and today was hyper monday, cause for some weird reason everyone was hyper. Except for mike, cause he's just a fun ruiner. He just seems to enjoy annoying the living daylights outta everyone. Even Emily the team captain said he was only on the team because he was a sports writer and everyone else on our team is a feature/news/editorial type. rolleyes During the middle of journalism, Dr. Hill called me over to her desk. I was worried I was in trouble because the editorial I wrote was a anti-nazi rant and I sorta personally attacked one of my teachers, even though I kept her anonymous, for calling me a nazi during a disscussion of authority, which she apparently forgot to apologize about. Anyway she asked me about my opinion on the wording of one of my peers article's and then gave me a wonderful compliment on my editorial. Although I am very worried about what Mrs. Dempsey (the nazi-calling teacher) will do to me when she reads the article. I know her class reads the school papers aloud during start class and I'm afraid what she'll do to me. But I don't care. She should have thought of the consequences before she opened her huge fat mouth and called me that. Today, just to see what my mom said and partially out of curiousity and partly to annoy her, I asked her what her and dad would say if I wanted to change religion and basically caught her way off guard. It kinda freaked her out, but it was amusing just the same.
Lexiegirl · Mon May 01, 2006 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |