- ☒Male, Human, 23 years old, born on Halloween
☒ He has bright red eyes and purple hair that is cut fairly close to his head in the back and on his bangs, his right side is longer than his left bangs are.The right side of his bangs also have a slight wave to them. He is five foot eight. His body build is fairly average, if not a little on the small side, but he does have muscle, which includes a small six pack. On his tongue, there is a birthmark shaped like this, the swirl being on the main part of his tongue and the straight part trails all the way down in the back of his throat.
☒ Likes
- Food, especially fruits
The color purple (not the movie)
Helping people, especially kids
☒ Dislikes
- Being in a small room
Sharing emotions
Watching TV
☒ References
In winter clothes by xXMatierXx ((Full version of picture at side))
Petting Espeon by Lucky Tangelo
Trying to catch random person by Muzikyin
In Normal clothes by Renixis
Ready for battle by xZillar
Normal clothes chibi by Mitji
Stick Figure by phaniee
PokeSprite by Tofugasmic ((with blonde hair instead of purple))
☒ Basic Personality (kind of sort of)
- Doesn't talk a lot
Doesn't show a lot of emotion usually
☒ Clothing
(Due to being lazy, these are just links to pictures.)
Winter Clothes For those snowy times.
Contest Attire Cause you need to look sexy for those.
Normal Outfit If he takes off the jacket, it's just a simple white tank-top.
- ☒Extra Stuff
He is a Pokemon trainer. His favorite type is psychic. His Espeon is almost always out and at his side. The legendary he would love to have the most or at least see is Suicune.
He caries around a purple messenger bag (decorated with various flower pins) that contains his laptop, cell phone (both of which he uses for music things), various Pokeballs, pokedex, a swimsuit, a deck of cards, at least one book usually, a small box for various doo-dads (such as his Pokebadges/Pokeribbons), and various food for both his Pokemon and himself.
His Pokemon:
These first three are always with him
Name: Fluffy the Espeon
Personality: Much like myself, she doesn't talk a whole lot and keeps to herself. Though when we are alone, she never seems to shut up, going on and on. She works hard and doesn't give up easily.
How you captured it: Fluffy had started out as an Eevee, and that Eevee/Espeon has just always been there with me.
Name: Rose the Gardevoir (or Ralts or Kirlia)
Personality: She is very submissive and will do just about anything someone tells or asks her to do. Rose has always been once to decorate things and be graceful in the things she does.
How you captured it: I had been laying in a flower garden staring up at the sky for several hours until the sun had started to set. On my way home, I didn't realize it, but I was leaving a trail of flower petals behind me. About halfway home, I heard a small noise and there was a Ralts standing there. I tried to shake it off but it just kept following me all the way home. Getting slightly irritated that she had followed me for so long, I threw a Pokeball at her to scare her away, but she ended up letting herself get captured.
Name: Marik the Houndoom
Personality: He has always been the troublemaker in my family. He loves to cause chaos and play tricks. Very prideful and thinks he can do everything by himself.
How you captured it: When he was a little pup, he was terrorizing a group of young trainers and their Pokemon. I challenged him to distract him away from the youngsters and ended up catching him since I liked his fighting spirit.
Then these are other Pokemon of his that he'll either rotate around or are sitting in his PC.
Name: Gil the Horsea
Personality: Very playful little guy and extremely talkative. Enjoys playing more than working.
How you captured it: I was swimming in the ocean, just relaxing for the day. I had dived down to see how far I could go in one breath and ended up getting caught in some seaweed. Gil showed up suddenly and helped me out and we became partners.
Name: Chocolate the Lopunny
Personality: Chocolate is pretty fickle and emotional. One moment she might be jumping all around then the next, she could be punching holes in the wall because she didn't land her on her feet the way she wanted to.
How you captured it: I was just walking around in the fields when I saw a Buneary sitting on a rock. It looked so cute and innocent, I just had to have it.
Name: Belle the Chimeco
Personality: She loves music and reading. Very quiet and keeps to herself often. Deep thinker.
How you captured it: I was lost in a cave one day and was having the hardest time seeing as well as making my way out. I heard a windchime like noise and kept following it until it finally lead me out of the cave where I met Belle. After she helped me out of the cave, we fought and she ended up joining my team in the end.
Name: Mary the Mareep
Personality: Curious about just about everything and willing to try most everything once.
How Was Met: Ravina was enjoying a walk in a rather large grassy field when he came upon this Mareep, slightly injured after what appeared to be an attack by other wild Pokemon. He had taken it to a PokeCenter and taken care of it for a few days, only to become rather attached to it. A few days later, he brought her into his family.
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