Oh yeah, I got say my wierdest dream ever. So here it is, I dreamt that I was at this wierd place and I had a broom and was flying around. Then this dude was stuck on the ceiling so I rescued him.Then the faire lady from Pinoccio gives me and my friend with me a task. She turns me into one of those flying bread things from Alice in Woderland, and my friend into Clocksworth from Beauty and the Beast. We fly out of the window, my friend was yelling and complaining the entire time, we flew to a big pile of, I think, bread and ate it. We instantly turned back into ourselves, and then the faire lady comes and turns us back into bread and Clocksworth and we flew back to the place in the begging of the dream. Oh yeah, I should prombaly mention that I am a superhero-witch. Then me and my friends are playing a wierd game in my church foyer and Voldemort comes in and plays with us. He tells us that the first person to lose he'll kill, but when one of my friends losses, he just says he'll put it on his to do list. Then we all fell asleep, but Dumbledore comes in and gives me and invisbility blanket that has those wierd cut-on-the-line dots all over it so Voldemort can't kill me. We all wake up in the morning and we have to go to church. During service I get this huge urge to save the world so I get out off the pew but my mom asks me what I was doing, so I told her I was going to the bathroom, because of course I couldn't tell her I was going to save the world because that's just plain silly, but my mom says I can't go. We get into a big argument and I finally just walk off. As I go the main foyer, I meet Voldemort. Instantly we have a duel but just as I am about to attack him, I wake up. And that is the wierdest and longest dream that I can remeber.