Its not very often that i do quests but i couldn't resist with this one because
they are so fudging CUTE!!! *squeals*
Currently i am questing the "Red's hood" and "Hatter" items
also as you can see i have been collecting them,
So ANY help to get them would be GREATLY appreciated!
Thanks for your time!

Hoods Obtained:
Red's Hood
Ivory's Hood
Denim's Hood
Ebony's Hood
Red's Cobalt Hood
Red's Vintage Hood
Indigo's Hood
Rose's Hood (x2)
Royal's Hood
Sable's Hood
Hazel's Hood
Amaranthine's Hood
Red's Grey Hood
Noisy Fighter
Bruised Fighter
Fighter of the Wild Things (x3)
Hatters Obtained:
The Mad Hatter (x2)
The Loony Hatter (x2)
The Fool's Hatter (x2)
The Scouring Hatter
The Ludicrous Hatter
The Nonsensical Hatter
The Berserk Hatter
The Absurd Hatter
The Deranged Hatter
The Unhinged Hatter
The Imprudent Hatter
Also I am willing to trade what doubles i have for ones i dont have.
What i still need!!


No Longer Available In The MP:
Foolhardy Hatter
- - - -
Red Hood's Murky Revenge
Extra Hoods I Like: